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independent power supply?

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How would you model a device that normally draws it's power from a generator, but can run off an internal battery for a short time if the generator is unavailable?


I'm modeling the generator with an end reserve, and I know the battery can be modeled as a continuing charge, but how do you model the failover aspect? (charge is not big enough to be an advantage)

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Re: independent power supply?


I'm always a little wary of END Reserve because, if you are not actually out to abuse it, but rather to model a concept, it often makes a power more expensive, whilst clearly limiting it, so I wouldn't necessarily buy a second one, but you could buy your END reserve, and limit the REC thus:


If disconnected from generator, can only recover X points before REC stops working (-1/4)


Alternatively you could buy the power to zero END and limit the advantage (only works for X phases of use if disconnected from generator).

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Re: independent power supply?


to me this sounds specifically like an END Reserve with a limited REC.

There are plenty of examples... something like:


However, it could be costly... but there are advantages to the END Reserve... such as it doesn't lose END when the character goes unconscious, and powers don't turn off that are being drawn from it when the character is Stunned/Knocked Out.


Perhaps we are talking about an Exo-Skeleton that is designed to run while plugged in. For safety reasons, it has been given a reserve that allows it to run for a little while without being plugged in (as the occupant may be in a dangerous situation?).


So, when plugged in, it can keep the battery recharged, but when not plugged in, it just draws on the reserve. Let's assume the suit draws 30 END on a typical turn, and we want 1 minute of reserve:


Exoskeleton Power Systems:

10: Battery: END Reserve: 150 Endurance (OIF, -1/2).

10: Power Coupling: End Reserve 30 REC,

Only while connected (-2),

OIF Bulky (-1) (bulky because of the wires, etc)



This does cost 20rp, for what may be considered a limitation to some. However, since the powers that are drawn on this do not come from the user's personal END, I do see that it would be an advantage.

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Re: independent power supply?


This could be an END Reserve. However, as the power supply itself is a seperate component, I would actually apply Charges to the device with the stipulation that some (n charges)/time are recovered ONLY when the device is hooked to its power supply.

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