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Dodge Motivational Poster

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Re: Dodge Motivational Poster


Block is better than dodge, mathematically, against single attacks. An attack that is being blocked has 2 chances to be rendered ineffective, rather than just one. First, the target has to fail to block, and second the attacker has to hit. The chance to succeed in blocking * the chance of the attack missing is better than the chance of the attack missing the higher DCV provided by dodge. Especially if your have relatively cheap OCV levels instead of relatively expensive DCV ones.


If you want the math use the following table :


The first column is the target roll. The second column is the number of times in 216 that a block with that target roll will fail. The third column is the number of times in 216 that an attack with that target number will hit. Multiplying the number in the second column by that in the third column and dividing by 46,656 (216*216) gives you the odds that you will be hit by a given attack that you're trying to block. If you're not trying to block (because you're dodging) then use 216 as your second column number.


Roll : Block : Attack

No : 216 : ___

_3 : 215 : __1

_4 : 212 : __4

_5 : 206 : _10

_6 : 196 : _20

_7 : 181 : _35

_8 : 160 : _56

_9 : 135 : _81

10 : 108 : 108

11 : _81 : 135

12 : _56 : 160

13 : _35 : 181

14 : _20 : 196

15 : _10 : 206

16 : __4 : 212

17 : __1 : 215

18 : __0 : 216


Example :


You're OCV 10 and DCV 8, and are being attacked by an OCV 12 opponent. If you opt to Block (Martial : +2 OCV, +2 DCV), then your Effective OCV is 12 for the block attempt, giving you an 11- to succeed, while your effective DCV should the block attempt fail is 10, giving him a 13- to hit.


11- * 13- = 81*181 = 14,661/46,656 = .314 = a 31.4% chance of being hit overall.


If you Dodge (martial : +5 DCV) then you make no block attempt, and your effective DCV is 13, giving him a 10- to hit.


No * 10- = 216*108 = 23,328/46,656 = .500 = a 50% chance of being hit overall.


Working the odds for different values, it is pretty much always better to block than to dodge.





Dodge works at its full effectiveness on all incoming attacks. Block takes a culumative -2 penalty on each roll if the blocker tries to block more than one attack. So the first attack is blocked at full OCV, the second at OCV-2, the third at OCV -4, etc.


Extending the above example when you're getting shot at 3 times :


Martial Blocking :

Second Shot : 9- * 13- = 135*181 = 24,435/46,656 = 52.4% to be hit

Third Shot : 7-* 13- = 181*181 = 32,761/46,656 = 70.2% to be hit


Martial Dodging

Second Shot : No * 10- = 216*108 = 23,328/46,656 = .500 = a 50% to be hit.

Third Shot : No * 10- = 216*108 = 23,328/46,656 = .500 = a 50% to be hit.


So, if you're fighting a single opponent who doesnt make multiple attacks in one of your phases (ie he's not faster than you), or who only makes multuple attacks that also degrade in OCV (like autofire) then you are better off blocking. If, however, you're fighting multiple opponents, or one who -is- faster than you or otherwise makes multiple non-OCV degrading attacks, then dodge is your friend.

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Re: Dodge Motivational Poster


Er...assuming an equal OCV and DCV then block is not better than dodge, but it depends on the chance to hit - against very competent opponents (those who have a +2 CV advantage over you) you are better off dodging (although they are also the ones that you will get the 'bonus' first attack against on a successful block).


Obviously there are lots of factors here, but dodge is generally a far more useful defence IMO.

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Re: Dodge Motivational Poster


In my previous example I assumed a higher OCV than DCV since, in my experience, OCV is usually easier to come by, with it often being built into focuses (swords, shields DCV bonus is used as OCV bonus when blocking, many people take 2 or 3 point levels with preferred weapons, etc)


But, if your OCV and DCV are the same AND you're at a -2 CV or greater disadvantage, I stand corrected. In that circumstance, Dodge is better than Block against a even a single attack.


Block : +0 OCV, +0 DCV (or +2/+2 if martial)

Dodge : +3 DCV (or +5 if martial)


In either case, Dodge gives 3 DCV more than Block :



CV =Defenders DCV/OCV advantage/disadvantage

B = Chance to Block

HwB = Chance to be hit while Blocking if Block fails

HwD = Change to be hit while Dodging

B Math = Chance of Block missing* Chance of attack hitting in 216ths while defender is Blocking

D Math = Chance of attack hitting in 216ths while defender is Dodging

BTotal = B Math multiplied out

DTotal = D Math multipled out

As Percentage = (Btotal/46656)*100 vs (Dtotal/46656)*100, rounded to nearest 1/10th of 1%




CV : B : HwB : HwD : B Math : D Math__ : Btotal : DTotal : As Percentage

-5 : 6- : 16- : 13- : 196*212 : 216*181 : 41552 : 39096 : 89.1% vs 83.8%

-4 : 7- : 15- : 12- : 181*206 : 216*160 : 37286 : 34560 : 79.9% vs 74.1%

-3 : 8- : 14- : 11- : 160*196 : 216*135 : 31360 : 29160 : 67.2% vs 62.5%

-2 : 9- : 13- : 10- : 135*181 : 216*108 : 24435 : 23328 : 52.4% vs 50%

-1 : 10- : 12- : 9- : 108*160 : 216*_81 : 17280 : 17496 : 37.0% vs 37.5%

+0 : 11- : 11- : 8- : _81*135 : 216*_56 : 10935 : 12096 : 23.4% vs 25.9%

+1 : 12- : 10- : 7- : _56*108 : 216*_35 : _6048 : _7560 : 13.0% vs 16.2%

+2 : 13- : 9- : 6- : __35*_81 : 216*_20 : _2835 : _4320 : _6.1% vs _9.3%

+3 : 14- : 8- : 5- : __20*_56 : 216*_10 : _1120 : _2160 : _2.4% vs _4.6%

+4 : 15- : 7- : 4- : __10*_35 : 216*__4 : __350 : __864 : _0.8% vs _1.9%

+5 : 16- : 6- : 3- : ___4*_20 : 216*__1 : ___80 : __216 : _0.2% vs _0.5%

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