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To all GMs about a power combo


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Hello everyone, many of you who are probably reading this are aware of the character concept I had regarding Earth benders. If you need a refresher just follow this link (http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?p=1672828#post1672828).


My question concerns a power I recently came up with.


It is a HTH-A power that builds off of another "armor" power. The armour power is:


Earthen Armour: Armor (19PD/19 ED), Hardened (+1/4) (71 Active Points); Restrainable (-1/2), Costs Endurance, each phase(-1/2)


It is part of an EC framework. I was thinking about the lack of attack powers the character had but I could not think up any unique new powers to dish out some damage. Then it came to me; while my character is encased in this armour his fists and feet should be more lethal of a weapon then they where before using the power. So here is my concept linked power


Granite Limbs: Hand-To-Hand Attack +8d6, Does x1 1/2 Knockback (+1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (80 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2), Lockout (Can not use "restrainable" powers or powers that require gestures.; (-1/2), Required Hands and Feet: Two Hands, Two Feet (-1/2), Conditional Power Power only works as long as Earthen Armour is maintained (Similar to linked power, however, power requires a skill roll to gain benefits.; (-1/2), Requires Knowledge Skill: Earth Bending roll.; (-1/2)


So, to all the GMs out there, would you allow this ability? I haven't shared the idea with my GM yet, but he and I are both new players so if it doesn't make sense to a seasoned GM then I don't want to bother him with it.


I hope this post is coherent enough to understand. Thanks for the input in advance. I have the HDC of my hero listed below for a better look.

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Re: To all GMs about a power combo


If I could just say, it's a good start but first thing. Get rid of Required Hands and Feet: Two Hands, Two Feet (-1/2), It is a hand to hand attack, they all require limbs.


Here is a simpler version of the attack, that I adapted from a supplement, the Until Superhero Database.



Rock Gauntlets

Description: Similar to rock Armor (see below), but

more limited, this power allows the character to

form a “gauntlet” of rock around his fists. Much like

using a pair of brass knuckles, this packs more

power into his punch.

Rock Gauntlet: Hand-To-Hand Attack +8d6 (40 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2), Linked (Rock Armour; -1/4)


There is no real reason to add the other limitations, since I think Aang could still do bending in crystal form and the Dai Li could bend with gauntlets.


But it is still up to you.

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Re: To all GMs about a power combo


Ok, somethign I'm trying to understand


--Earthen Armour:Restrainable


--Granite Limbs: Lockout (Can not use "restrainable" powers or powers that require gestures.; (-1/2), Conditional Power Power only works as long as Earthen Armour is maintained


Ok, so you can only use the limbs while the Earthern armor is maintained..but as the Earthen Armor is restrainable, it can't be used with Granite Limbs.


the two hands/two feet requirement isn't a half limiataion IMO.


It seems these abilkities, if they are mutually exclusive, would be better off in a multipower rather than an elemental control.

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Re: To all GMs about a power combo


good idea, I keep forgeting to check those suppliment books.


I feel like I get a little over-zealous with the limitations when it comes to making a power. Although I wanted the HTH-A power to reflect a bonus to the armour power but having to require some sort of other roll to possibly allow it to fail.


But, again, I am probably just complicating things.


To incrdbil: I think I might need to change "restrainable" to "gestures" in order to active the power, once it is active I no longer need to make the gestures, just spend EDU each phase I want it active. The limitation I added to the HTH power is so that I couldn't use things like TK/Force Wall/EB etc... Though I think this power is just cropping up more problems then I imagined.


Thanks for the input.

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