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Unnatural Order


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So this idea just won't leave me alone. I jotted it down and would like some feedback if ya don't mind.

In nature there is an order. This order demands a classification of all things. This order specifies that all things are either predator, parasite, or prey. This order allows the natural world to play by a specific set of rules.


Our world is anything but natural, yet the rules…well, they’re the same.


We first got word of the trouble when the news stations released a report that scientists discovered several objects entering our solar system. No one worried about it, we’d heard this before and the objects were usually destroyed by the outlying planets or our own near orbit perimeter defenses.


Should have known something was wrong when every reporter told us; “Everything is fine. Do not panic.” And I mean EVERY reporter saying those EXACT words. Some point back to that as proof of a government conspiracy or that all the reporters were part of the “alien invasion” sleeper cells. I don’t know or care I was a kid back then.


The next word we got was when the governments started launching their naval reserves and any Metagenic that could handle space. Hell, I even saw a bunch of Badgen’s being shuffled onto a cruiser and launched out there as well. I probably would have been hauled onto a ship myself, but I was still a child and not even at Alpha stage to boot. You could feel the panic and fear rising through the populace, though, as it slowly dawned on them that we were in trouble.


After that it was quiet for about a month, some even began to go about their daily routines. Then the light show began, first you could only see it at night, but the closer it got, the brighter it got. I look back on it now and I remember thinking that the world was going to end and that it was an oddly beautiful sight.


The rain started about a week after the fireworks display. Thousands of meteorites came tearing through the atmosphere and smashed into the planet, like someone was unleashing the shotgun of the gods at us. Damn near wiped out the entire world just in the first wave.


When the dust cleared, the meteorites turned out to be cybergenic warmachines and their landing was only the first stage. The ‘Spiders’ as we started calling them crawled over the planet killing anything and everything they came across. What little defenses we had left fought as best as they could. What few Metagenics were left did what they could; someone even released the Badgen’s just to be sure we used every weapon we had…that wasn’t such a good idea.


The Badgen’s either left the planet or started in with the raping and killing they were originally locked away for. It didn’t take long for them to realize that this was a losing battle and those with the means and powers hightailed it out of here, leaving the rest of us to exist as best we could.


Several weeks later a new batch of meteorites came crashing down. I remember there were a lot of suicides that day. I thought about it myself for about a second before I just got mad. It turns out the new batch of cybergenics were builders and they set to building the Hive. It’s a kind of factory and home to these things. We also found out that it was the fortress for a creature calling herself Mother. Where she came from or how she got here, no one knows, but she is definitely the brains behind this.


So she sends out her creatures and starts harvesting Metagens. Some go willingly, others leave as parts. Soon after she releases her own Hunter squads of Metagens. I hate those more than I hate Mother.


We Metagens that survived and didn’t join Mother have been doing what we can to trash her creatures and save the Normals. There are some rumors that there is an underwater mobile base that managed to survive the attack and is cruising the oceans looking for survivors. Some also talk of a country across the ocean that survived the attack and people can live safely there.


Personally, I don’t buy it. But it gives the Norm’s hope and gives me something to do. There are teams of Metagen’s like mine that rescue these people and take them to a coastline or release them into the wild; some even get recruited into our strike teams. Either way, our ticket to freedom is all based on breaking the rules.


I really hate the rules.



Unnatural Order is a Post Apocalyptic Supers setting. The players will take on the role of a group of rebels that are trying to bring some semblance of humanity to a world overrun with alien invaders, traitors, opportunists and madmen.


The overall morality is heavily grey, though the PC’s must abide by some form of Code of Ethics that dictates their behavior. This code can be serious enough to warrant a Psych Lim or it can just be a part of the characters game play. Either way, the PC’s cannot be socio- or psychopaths. They are the heroes in a dark and deadly world; they will be expected to the right thing when the chips are down.


PC’s can be “Normals” or “Metagens”, the former are non-augmented humans that have good training and equipment; they must select the “Normal Characteristic Maxima” disadvantage. It is also recommended that they acquire any of the packages from the Dark Champions source book. These characters will get all of their equipment from a Gadget Pool that they purchase with their points.


The latter are enhanced humans who have been bio-engineered with “upgrades”. These upgrades are essentially biological equivalents of cybernetics. The packages come in pre-determined “packages” that mirror the Primary Power Sets on pages 85-89. Each Metagen must select one and only one of the following Power Sets:


• Brute Strength

• Density Set

• Grasshopper Set

• Growth Set

• Knight Set

• Mega-Blast Set

• Modulated Blast Set

• Sniper Blast Set

• Strength Projector Set

• Super-Warrior Set

• Telekinetic Set


The special effects of the powers are completely up to the players and the attacks can be changed to Killing Attacks of the same point value.


All characters will be 200 point characters; Metagens will be 100 + 100 and Normals will be 150 + 50.


Killing attacks will be the norm. This is a dangerous world after all. Point value limitations will mirror those set for Low-Powered Heroes in the Champions book, page 126. Except that Speed will not be allowed to exceed 5. If the powers granted by one of the Power Sets listed above exceeds these limits, that is acceptable, but you will not be able to increase them beyond the starting amount until the GM states otherwise.


Unlike most Supers campaigns, skills will be on the same crunchiness level as most Heroic games and will have the same importance. In addition, the “Normal Skill Maxima” rule will be in effect.


All Metagens will have been enhanced for one of any number of organizations; secret or otherwise. It is a very expensive procedure and only the most elite and dedicated people are chosen. The exact nature of the organization can be left up to the player with GM approval. It is recommended that the characters skill set reflects the objectives of this organization; again I refer the players to the packages contained in Dark Champions.


All of the characters will be members of the same team. They will all get along and there will be no angst-ridden loners. It is possible for the PC’s to have established a base prior to the start of the game. The points for this base must be supplied by all characters on the team and the overall design must be approved by the GM.


The game world is heavily influenced by the Wildstorm universe which contains such comics as The Authority, WildC.A.T.s, and Stormwatch. In particular the recent World’s End storyline which they are using to reset their universe and place it in a post apoc type setting.

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Re: Unnatural Order


I can't think of a single reason why the aliens would be vulnerable to climate/terrain type, so the survivors need to be tough and tricksy.


As for space assets, it is presumed that all were destroyed in the big battle before the meteorite rain. But, like any good comic, that can change at a whim.

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