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"My Name is Legion"


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Working on sme fanfic involving David Charles Haller Xavier, aka Legion. He's the love child of Charles Xavier, and a telepath/telekinetic with multiple personalities. Each personality seems to control one power.


David, ID teleport. In this reality he has grown from a needy child to a responsable young man. Practices Reform Judism, extremely Reform.


Jemail Karami, telepathy. A Sunni Muslem with an almost Buddhist disposition (because it is an interesting challenge to try to write a sympathetic Muslem character right now), Jemail has, by the grace of Allah, experienced two miracles. He survived (in a manner of speaking) a suicide bombing, and he was allowed to walk in the metaphorical sandals of his enemy.


Jack Wayne, telekinesis. Action Hero. Equal parst Duke and Arnold, with some Indiana Jones. Not given to introspection.


Cindi, pyrokenisis. Pyromaniac. Cindi aspires to be a total sociopathic nillist, caring for no one and nothing except watching things burn. But the facade sometimes cracks.


Irene Adler, precognition. The mutant known as Destiny jumped from her own body to David's (with Jemail's help) at the moment of her death. Well aware that her life experience exceeds that of all the other personalities added together, she tries to remain quiet and only give advice when it is asked, but will warn of impending danger. A Lesbian trapped in a man's body. For some reason, when Irene becomes the controling persona, David suffers from hysterical blindness.


For some reason I'm blocked. Can't decide what other personalities Legion should have within him. Powers I want include cyberkinesis, mind control, transformations (of the Phoenix-level tree-to-solid-gold type), and someone who mind links all the personalities together.


Any suggestions for who could take those jobs?


Any suggestions for other powers?


Thanks in advance to everyone.

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Real world multiple personalities tend to be the products of extraordinary systematic abuse. You'll need to decide if you want to have that as part of the character. That said, some ideas;


Tanaka Tetsuo, Japanese cyberkinetic. Believes that his mind was sucked out of the net into the "host body," dreams of escape, fears that his "real body" is long dead and blames the host. Speaks only limited English, native speaker of Japanese. Attempts various acts of self mutilation while in control of host, usually involving metal and piercings.


The Quiet One. Shy, childlike healer. Rarely speaks more than two or three words. Left to herself, will heal first Legion's body, then any nearby injured persons (friend or foe), then tends to sit silently or look for toys to play with. Terrified in combat.


The Beast. Electrokinetic with low-level superhuman strength and a force-field. Raging animalistic personality, seeks food, pleasure, and the pain of anyone who attempts to interfere with his primary goals. A "protector" personality Legion slips into when frustrated or frightened.

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Thanks for the ideas. Definitely like Tanaka Tetsuo, does the name mean anything?


David's multiple personalities came from childhood trama, he and his mother survived a suicide bombing. Jemail was the bomber.


Like Rogue, David has a head filled with memories that aren't his. Jemail has wondered if he "really" jumped, or is just a copy created by David's telepathy. He has decided that ultimately it doesn't matter. The shattering of his psyche was a reaction to the memories and a prolonged psychic battle between Jemail and David.

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Tanaka is a common family name. Tetsuo is a fairly common male name that includes the character for "metal" or "iron." Fictional characters named Tetsuo tend to be written as strong willed, very emotional, and subject to fits of depression. Seemed appropriate to a cyberkinetic ghost trapped in someone's psyche. :)

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Thank you again. This is helping.


Now realize that one personality (not Cindi) needs to serve as David's anima.


Jack serves as protector personality (and animus).


I had though of a healer, several ways to go on that. Empath (re: Gem from ST:TOS) Takes wounds onto self and heals them. Or if healing David only, maybe a Saberblood type of personality (In my world, Sabertooth, Wolverine, Callisto, Ferral, Wild Child and Marrow are all part of the same disfunctional family. Imagine someone with the personality and healing factor of Wolverine, with no offenses to back it up.)

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Don't forget the Morlock called Healer.


A Wolverine type healing factor isn't really a psychic ability. I'd rationalise it as a very specific set of Telekinesis and Transform effects which have the effect of healing someone.


Should the personality not be capable of external healing, as an expression of a mothering instinct? The empathy route could work well.


How about Sarah, who worked at a hospital where David went once? She's a doctor/speech or physiotherapist/ nurse and wants to help David and others overcome their pain and afflictions. Lots of conflict with the Jack Wayne personality.


Maybe she was stalked by Stanley, one of the porters, who harrassed her and eventually kidnapped and/or killed her. His is the Mind Control personality. He likes to play mind games and thinks of people as puppets to be manipulated psychologically, through fear, emotional blackmail etc, even if he doesn't use his actual power. He's a good actor and liar and may pretend to be one of the other personalities. He is a control freak, though, and reacts negatively to anyone who deprives him of freedom or autonomy.




Sarah and Stanley were chosen as alliterative names. Stanley, "We were meant to be together. Sarah and Stanley, Stanley and Sarah. S S S S yes, yes, yes, yes."

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Originally posted by Crimson Arrow

A Wolverine type healing factor isn't really a psychic ability


If I went that way, SX would be TK turned inward to repair tissue damage, but only the Loganesque personality could do it.


For that matter, one of the personalites might be a lightweight Brick, no range TK augmenting his STR and reenforcing the body against incoming damage.


Just because Jack has the "classical" TK doesn't mean others can't use it in other ways.

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