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The great supervillain market


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These are ideas for supervillains that stem from the kids of my track & field club. In one of the training sessions I challenged them to invent supervillains, and this is what they came up with.


1. Pretty Flamingo : a flamenco dancing flamingo that creates mighty whirlwinds (it actually won our little competition, but more out of pure stubborness of its inventor, she strictly refused that anything would withstand its power)


2. The Clapper : by clapping his hand he creates shockwaves (much like those often seen by The Hulk; filed under brick tricks; possibly a strong character)


3. The Earth-Quaker : a massive villain who can jump high and upon landing he creates earth-quakes (again something like a brick-trick; superleap and density increase; maybe stomping would also work; scale of the earth-quakes was not mentioned)


4. The Hyperventilator : when he inhales into his mighty chest, he sucks all oxygen from his surroundings and people around fall into unconsciousness


5. The Transporter : he is strong and superfast, other villains often employ him to transport their loot to their secret hideout (he'll have a nasty move-through)


6. The Pendulum : he can move his upper body that fast to the left and to the right, he can even dodge bullets (a homage to Neo from Matrix)


7. The One-Armed Bandit : a pickpocket who can stretch, squeeze and deform his right arm limitlessly


8. Mr. Nuke : has the ability to create a thermonuclear explosion - once !!! (this character was created before we knew anything about Ted Sprague from Heroes)


9. Gobi : a guy consisting of myriads of grains of sand; since eons he lies sleeping in China and Mongolia, but beware of the day that he awakes


10. Lady Skunk : she controls her scent glands to a degree that she can either create pheromones or disgusting gases that will render all living beings unconscious


11. Screaming Alice : her scream shatters glass, and those fragments will fly towards all men in proximity at sonic speed. Her goal is to free the planet from all men.


12. The Sizzler : he can touch very hot things


More to come up in the future!:D


And always remember: Have fun with your games!

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Re: The great supervillain market


Interesting what kids come up with. These are far more imaginative than some of the villains others (even in mainstream comics) came up with- I may actually use a few myself!


Mr. Nuke should also have an extremely high PRE (call it Mutually Assured Destruction- MAD- or Deterrent Effect, or what have you). He should have the ability to literally terrify any normal human without some psych lims, and cause some pause to any hero who is not immune to nuclear weapons.


Gobi could have powers similar to the Sandman, but could also have a powerful Armor-Piercing PD ranged EB, extra time, area effect - Sandstorm! He could also combine cold attacks with his sand attacks- it gets darn cold in the Gobi.

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Re: The great supervillain market


Interesting what kids come up with. These are far more imaginative than some of the villains others (even in mainstream comics) came up with- I may actually use a few myself!


Mr. Nuke should also have an extremely high PRE (call it Mutually Assured Destruction- MAD- or Deterrent Effect, or what have you). He should have the ability to literally terrify any normal human without some psych lims, and cause some pause to any hero who is not immune to nuclear weapons.


Gobi could have powers similar to the Sandman, but could also have a powerful Armor-Piercing PD ranged EB, extra time, area effect - Sandstorm! He could also combine cold attacks with his sand attacks- it gets darn cold in the Gobi.


Mr. Nuke was supposed to be quite the ordinary guy, except for his one ability.


Gobi is not from the desert, he/she/it is the desert. He is damn fraggin' big.


But go ahead and use them as you like.

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Re: The great supervillain market


Pretty Flamingo


Val Char Cost Roll Notes

09 STR -1 11- Lift 87kg; 1 1/2d6 [1]

17 DEX 21 12- OCV: 6/DCV: 6

15 CON 10 12-

10 BODY 0 11-

12 INT 2 11- PER Roll 11-

20 EGO 20 13- ECV: 7

20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6

16 COM 3 12-


4 PD 2 Total: 4 PD

8 ED 5 Total: 8 ED

4 SPD 13 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12

8 REC 6

40 END 5

25 STUN 5 Total Characteristic Cost: 101



Running: 6"/12"


Leaping: 2"/4"

Swimming: 2"/4"



Cost Powers END

80 Wind Manipulating Powers: Multipower, 120-point reserve;

requires gestures (Flamenco dance) –1/2

3u 1) Take me away: Flight 20"; Reduced END cost: 0 (+1/2);

requires constant gestures (–1);

(Total: 60 Active Cost, 30 Real Cost); END:0

3u 2) Shield me: Force wall: 10PD/10ED +5’’ length; Reduced END cost: half (+1/4);

requires constant gestures (-1)

(Total: 75 Active Points, 32 Real Cost); END:3

8u 3) Whirl it around: 8d6 Energy Blast; Reduced END cost: half (+1/4)

Area of Effect: Cone (+1); Double Knockback (+3/4)

requires gestures (-1/2);

(Total: 120 Active Points, 80 Real Cost); END:5

8u 4) Blast away: 8d6 Energy Blast; Reduced END cost: half (+1/4)

Area of Effect: Line (+1); Double Knockback (+3/4)

requires gestures (-1/2);

(Total: 120 Active Points, 80 Real Cost); END:5


Total Powers Cost: 102


Skills & Perks

3 Conversation 11-

2 AK: Chile 11-

3 CK: Santiago de Chile 12-

2 CK: Baltimore 11-

2 CK: Sevilla 11-

2 KS: Flamenco 11-

2 KS: Dances 11-

2 PS: Dancer 11-

7 Languages: Idiomatic English (Spanish is native), accented French

2 Money: Well Off ($15.000/month)


Total Skill Cost: 27



Total Powers & Skill Cost: 129

Total Cost: 230




200+ Disadvantages

05 Distinctive Features: registers as a mutant

10 Psychological Limitation: Obsessed with colour pink (Common, Moderate)

15 Social Limitation: Secret Identity (Frequently, Major)



Total Disadvantage Points: 230



Background/History: Ricarda Mercedes Drummond Reyes is the daughter of US businessman Matthew Drummond and his wife Paola Conchita Reyes. She was raised in Santiago de Chile and possesses dual citizenship (USA & Chile). From an early age her only intersest was dancing, mainly Flamenco. After a year as an exchange student in Sevilla, Spain at the age of fifteen it became much more than that. She wanted to do it professionally. After finishing school she planned to go to Spain to attend Flamenco courses and to prepare for a professional dancing career.

Two weeks ago everything went down the gutter. Criminals broke into their home and were surprised by her parents. The burglars did not hesitate to shoot them. Ricarda was shocked. Her parents lay in a coma. She was destitute. So she went to the dance studio and danced away the pain. That was when her mutant powers kicked in. Suddenly a whirlwind took her to the ceiling of the room.

Ricarda used her new found powers to take revenge on the burglars.


Personality/Motivation: Ricarda is energetic and wild. Her parents never succeeded in restraining her. To her it seems as she could always do what she wanted. So she became a rich spoiled girl, knowing no limits. Her father gave her a monthly budget of $15.000.

Ricarda always dresses in pink. That is her second obsession apart from dancing. If she sees something pink, it will grab her attention and she’ll most likely want to have it.

Quote: Is that a pink cell phone? How lovely! Give it to me, bastard!



Appearance: Pink miniskirt and shirt. A mask and a hood! Pink high-heeled boots.

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Re: The great supervillain market


The One-Armed Bandit


Val Char Cost Roll Notes

13 STR 3 12- Lift: 174kg; 2 ½ d6 [1/5]

14 DEX 12 12- OCV: 5 DCV: 5

18 CON 16 13-

10 BODY 0 11-

12 INT 2 11- PER Roll: 11-

14 EGO 8 12- ECV: 5

14 PRE 4 12- PRE Attack: 2 ½ d6

10 COM 0 11-

12 PD 9

12 ED 8

4 SPD 16 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12

9 REC 4

44 END 4

36 STUN 10


Total Characteristics cost: 96




17 Stretching: 5’’ (25 active points); right arm only (-1/4); no noncombat stretching (-1/4)

13 Desolidification (40 active points); right arm only (-1);

only to simulate effects of extreme stretching (-1) Note: this last limitations means the

right arm is still affected by energy attacks and physical killing attacks while “desolid”


Total Powers cost: 30





9 Ambidexterity: no penalty for the use of “wrong” hand

4 Double Jointed

3 Lightsleep

5 Resistance: 5 points vs. Interrogation


Total Talents cost: 21





3 Streetwise 12-

5 Stealth 13-

3 Lockpicking 11-

5 Concealment 12-

9 Contortionist 15-

3 Disguise 11-

5 Security Systems 12-

5 Shadowing 12-

11 Sleight Of Hand 16-

3 CK: Bukarest 12-

2 CK: London 11-

3 AK: Romania 12-

4 Languages: Fluent conversational English and German

3 KS: Romanian underworld 12-

32 +4 combat skill levels


Total Skills cost: 96





35 Followers: 30 thugs (50+ points)



Total Perks cost: 35





9 Knife: 1d6 HKA; can be thrown (+1/4); OAF (-1)

16 Pistol 9mm: 1d6+1 RKA; OAF (-1); 12 charges (-1/4)

12 Nanotech Underwear: Armor 3rPD, 7rED; IIF (-1/4)

2 Nanotech Underwear: Life Support: Safe Environment: Intense Cold; IIF (-1/4)


Total Equipment cost: 39



Total Cost: 317


Disadvantages 200+

15 Secret ID: Luan Mitrescu

5 Distinctive Features: right arm is 10 inches longer than the left

15 DNPC: sister Anjela Trotts (normal) 11-

20 Dependence: needs injection of “rubber” liquid into right arm one per day (uncommon &

diffcult to obtain); suffers 1d6; affects powers: Activation Roll 11-; Incompetence: -1

to Skill Rolls per day

20 Hunted: Romanian Security Service (more powerful, NCI, mildly) 11-

20 Hunted: Interpol (more powerful, NCI, mildly) 11-

10 Psychological Limitation: Very Greedy (common, moderate)

10 Psychological Limitation: Fear of Wide Open Spaces (common, moderate)

2 Experience


Total Disadvantage Points: 317



Background/History: Luan Mitrescu was born in Bukarest, Romania. After school he joined the ranks of the infamous Securitate, the State Security department. In the mid-80s the regime of Nicolae Chauchescu held a firm grip on its people and the Securitate agents were his loyal enforcers. Luan was chosen to be the guinea pig of a secret project. Somehow the Securitate had obtained a secret formula from the West, which could give their agents superpowers. It was injected into Luan’s right arm. But much to their disappointment nothing spectacular happened. In the following years Luan developed no special powers. Then the communism was overthrown and many members of the Securitate went into other businesses. Luan used his contacts and established a criminal organization in Bukarest. In 1997 he contracted cancer. During the months of treatment his organization was taken over by his right hand man. Cured from cancer, but still a weak man, Luan went to London to stay with his sister who had married an English seaman. Slowly Luan realized that something was quite right with his body. His right arm was longer than the left one. Had he always failed to notice or had it grown in the last few weeks? Then he discovered that he could stretch his arm several metres. Since that discovery Luan has build a new criminal gang in London. He command 30 thugs of East European descent. They mostly do burglaries and Luan stays behind and later sells the loot


Peronality/Motivation: Luan is greedy and unscrupulous. His biggest quirk is probably his fear of wide open spaces. He actually needs the feeling of anonymity in a large crowd. He never travels to the countryside. He stays in city and plunges into the crowded places. He is also a skilled pickpocket. If he sees something of considerable value, he’ll try to steal it. Basically he is just an ordinary criminal, leading a small gang.


Quote: “I have never been there. I swear it, Officer!”


Appearance: Luan is a man in his late 40s. He is dark haired and sports a thin moustache. He is tall (6’1’’, 185 cm) and skinny. He usually wears dark pants, a black sweater and a black leather jacket. He carries a sharp knivem made from some experimental material and wears experimental protective underwear, which he stole from the testing grounds of the British military. Sometimes he takes a 9mm pistol on his missions.

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Re: The great supervillain market


Clapper (aka Applause)

Val Char Cost Roll Notes

38 STR 28 17- Lift: 4850kg; 7 ½ d6 [1/5]

20 DEX 30 13- OCV: 7 DCV: 7

23 CON 26 14-

14 BODY 8 12-

11 INT 1 11- PER Roll: 11-

13 EGO 6 12- ECV: 4

15 PRE 0 11- PRE Attack: 3 d6

10 COM 0 11-

20 PD 12

20 ED 15

5 SPD 20 Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12

15 REC 4

56 END 5

45 STUN 0

Total Characteristics cost: 150



60 Energy Blast 8d6; Area of Effect – Cone (+1); Double Knockback (+3/4);

Reduced END : half (+1/4); No Range (-1/2); Gestures: both hands (-1/2)

(Active Points: 120, Real cost: 60); END: 6

32 Flash 8d6 vs Hearing; Area of Effect – Explosion (+1/2); Reduced END: 0 (+1/2);

No Range (-1/2); Gestures: both hands (-1/2); linked to EB (-1/2)

(Active Points: 80, Real cost: 32); END: 0

10 Flash Defense: 10 points vs. Hearing

6 Running +3’’= 9’’

3 Swimming +3’’= 5’’

Total Powers cost: 111





5 Streetwise 13-

3 Mechanics 11-

7 Paramedic 13-

5 Shadowing 12-

3 Riding 13-

3 Persuasion 12-

3 Interrogation 12-

3 CK: Los Angeles 12-

3 AK: California 12-

3 KS: Los Angeles Club Scene 12-

2 PS: Bouncer 11-

8 +4 combat skill levels only usable with his EB

Total Skills cost: 48




7 Bullet-proof vest: Armor 5 rPD, 5rED; OIF (-1/2); acts 12- (-3/4)

6 Hearing device: +4 to Hearing PER rolls; OIF (-1/2)

Total Equipment cost: 13


Total Cost: 322

Disadvantages 200+

15 Secret ID: Ken Roberts

8 Physical Limitation: bad sense of hearing; -4 to PER rolls

20 Hunted: Dr. Megaton, 8- (more powerful, NCI, harshly)

20 Hunted: Nevada State Police, 11- (more powerful, NCI, harshly, limited geographical area)

15 Psychological Limitation: Overconfident (very common, moderate)

20 Psychological Limitation: Honorable (common, total)

10 Vulnerability 2x STUN from Sonic attacks

10 Unluck 2d6

4 Experience

Total Disadvantage Points: 322

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: The great supervillain market


The Clapper


Background/History: Ken Roberts was a bouncer in Los Angeles. He loved his job and he loved his lifestyle. All the rich and famous were around him. But the downside was, Ken was not rich and famous. So eventually he moved to Nevada to work as a warden in a research facility in the desert. The whole facility was full of strange people. The leading scientist was even glowing in the dark and looked more like a pro footballer.

ken got curious and one night he opened to door to one of the laboratories. He stumbled into an accident of supernuclear reaction. Ken was saved by the doctor, but the damage to the facility led to a discontinuation of the project. In hospital Ken recovered slowly. He lay there for weeks. His muscles and especially his hands were numb. After six weeks he got better. When he clapped his hands to give a sign for the nurse he created a schockwave that destroyed a wall and nearly killed another person.

Totally shocked he fled to LA and hid there, working as a bouncer again, just under a different name. From time to time he uses his powers to make some extra money, robbing an ATM etc. But the crime bosses have been alerted, and he will be contacted in due time. Maybe then he will be directed on a path of crime were there is no turning back.


Personality/Motivation: Ken is not really evil. He just thinks he has no other alternative. He is a wanted man in Nevada and Dr. Megaton is looking for him. So it's better for him to keep a low profile and wait. He is honorable in a fight and would not attack someone from behind nor would he endanger innocent bystanders.


Appearance: Ken is 6'1'' and weighs 260 lbs. He has the athletic built of a powerlifter, massive muscles but not as defined as a bodybuilder. When disguising as the Clapper, which he very seldom does, he wears blue pants, a black sweater, a black armored vest and a black mask covering the lower half of his head including the whole face. His hair is long and dark blonde.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: The great supervillain market


Mr. Nuke (aka Exploding Man)


Val CHA Cost

10 STR 0

11 DEX 3

10 CON 0

10 BODY 0

15 INT 5

15 EGO 10

15 PRE 5

14 COM 2

10 PD 8

15 ED 13

03 SPD 9

08 REC 8

28 END 4

20 STUN 0


Total CHA cost: 67




Nuclear Explosion

- Radiation Blast: 5d6 RKA; AE Radius (+1); Megascale (1''=1km)(+1/4); NND (Life Support: Safe in High Radiation)(+1); Does Body (+1); No STUN (-3/4); No Knockback (-1/4); 1 Continuous Charge lasting 1 hour (-1/4); No Range (-1/2); Only vs living creatures (-1/2): 319 Active Points; Real Cost 98 Points

- Fireball: 15d6 RKA; AE Explosion (+1/2); Megascale (1''=1km)(+1/4); No Range (-1/2); 1 Charge (-2): 394 Active Points; Real Cost 112 Points

- EMP: 5d6 RKA; AE Radius (+1); Megascale (1''=1km)(+1/4); No Knockback (-1/4); No Range (-1/2); 1 Charge (-2); Only affects electrical circuitry (-1): 169 Active Points; Real Cost 36 Points

- Schockwave: 5d6 RKA; AE Explosion (+1/2); Megascale (1''=1km)(+1/4); No Range (-1/2); 1 Charge (-2): 131 Active Points; Real Cost 37 Points

- Pressure Wave: 12d6 RKA; AE Radius (+1); Megascale (1''=1km)(+1/4); Double Knockback (+3/4); Extra Time: Next Segment (-1/2); No Range (-1/2); 1 Charge (-2): 540 Active Points; Real Cost 135 Points

- Negative Pressure Wave: 10d6 EB; AE Radius (+1); Megascale (1''=1km)(+1/4); Double Knockback (+3/4); Extra Time: One Turn (-1 1/4); No Range (-1/2); 1 Charge (-2): 150 Active Points; Real Cost: 32 Points


26 Difficult To Control: Mental Defense +20 (=23); Hardened (+1/4)

2 Radiation is harmless: Life Support: Safe Environment: High Radiation

9 Altered Body: Damage Resistance: 4 rPD, 14 rED


Total Powers Cost: 487



3 Scientist

4 SS: Nuclear Physics 14-

1 SS: Supernuclear Physics 11-

1 SS: Subatomic Structures 11-

2 SS: Nuclear Fusion 12-

1 SS: Astronomy 11-

2 PS: University Professor 11-

12 Languages: French, Spanish, Italian, Latin (all at 3 point level)

5 Computer Programming 13-

3 Conversation 12-

3 Oratory 12-

2 CK: Phoenix 11-

2 AK: South-western U.S. 11-

2 KS: Square Dance 11-


Total Skills Cost: 42



3 Lightning Calculator

4 Speed Reading (10x as fast)

5 Eidetic Memory


Total Talents cost: 12


Total Cost: 67+487+42+12= 608


Disadvantages : 200+

10 Public Identity : Dr. Carl Isaac Neville

5 Reputation: self-proclaimed living bomb, 8- (extreme, only known to authorities)

25 Hunted by the FBI 14- (more pow, NCI)

20 Hunted by VIPER 11- (more pow, NCI)

15 Hunted by DR. Megaton 14- (more pow, only watching)

15 Psychological Limitation: Claustrophobia

15 Psychological Limitation: Hates Society

15 Psychological Limitation: Fear of own powers

276 Nuclear Bonus Points

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Re: The great supervillain market


For Pretty Flamingo I think I'll get rid of the animal theme and stick to the colour. :winkgrin:

It will then be a villainess with wind powers (disadvantage: must dance).

Here's a first character picture. :love:

nice but i just remembered somthing, isnt the term FLEMENCO dancing?"flamingo"dancing is just a malaprop reference to it

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  • 3 months later...

Re: The great supervillain market


Celebrating my 800th post, I present to you


Cloud Rider



CHA Value (Cost) Roll Notes

STR 35 (25) 16- 7d6 HTH damage; lift 3200 kg

DEX 26 (48) 14-

CON 20 (20) 13-

BODY 14 (8) 12-

INT 14 (4) 12-

EGO 14 (8) 12-

PRE 15 (5) 12-

COM 14 (2) 12-

PD 24 (17)

ED 20 (16)

SPD 6 (24) phases: 2,4,6,8,10,12

REC 14 (6)

END 60 (10)

STUN 50 (8)


Total CHA cost : 201 points


Running: 10“ / 20“

Swimming: 4“ / 8“

Leaping: 15“

Flight: 10“ / 320“



6 Toughness: Life Support: Safe Environments: Intense Heat & Intense Cold and Extended Breathing : 1 END per minute

34 Standing on a flying cloud: 10“ Flight; x32 NCM; Reduced Endurance: 0 END (+1/2) (60 AP); Incantations (must call his cloud down from the sky, -1/4); Extra Time: Full Phase (-1/2)

10 Fast enough to catch an arrow in flight: Missile Deflection vs. thrown objects, arrows and projectiles

6 Perfect Body: Lack of Weakness: 3 points for PD and ED each

8 Fast Runner: Running +4“

2 Good Swimmer: Swimming +2“

8 Amazing Leaping Ability: Leaping +8“



10 Reinforced Costume: Armor 5rPD, 5 rED, OIF (-1/2) (15 AP)


Total Powers and Equipment cost: 74 points



23 Martial Arts: Wolf Eye Kung Fu

Block +2 OCV +2 DCV Block; Abort

Dodge +0 OCV +5 DCV Dodge all attacks; Abort

Kick -2 OCV +1 DCV 11d6 strike

Punch +0 OCV +2 DCV 9d6 strike

Throw +0 OCV +1 DCV 7d6 + v/5 ; Target falls

Joint Lock –1 OCV –1 DCV Grab two limbs; 45 STR


10 Combat Skill Levels: +2 in HTH combat

3 Acrobatics 14-

3 Breakfall 14-

4 KS: Kung Fu 13-

2 PS: Martial Arts Instructor 11-

2 KS: Training Methods 11-

2 KS. The Martial Arts World 11-

2 KS: Anatomy 11-

3 Paramedics 12-

3 Contortionist 14-

2 CK: Lübeck

2 CK: Hamburg

4 Languages: Conversational English and basic Chinese (Kantonese), German is native


Total Skills cost: 65 points


Total Cost: 201+74+65= 350 points


200+ Disadvantages

15 Hunted by Starling 11- (as powerful, harshly punish)

10 Hunted by Wonder Warrior 8- (as powerful, mildly)

10 Rivalry with half-brother (as powerful, romantic and professional)

10 Reputation: former world champion 11-

15 Social Limitation: Public Identity

15 DNPC: sister (normal) 11-

15 DNPC: love interest (normal) 11-

10 DNPC: business partner (normal) 8-

10 Style Disadvantage of Martial Arts

20 Psychological Limitation: Code of Chivalry (common, total)

15 Psychological Limitation: immensely competitive in a fight (common, strong)

5 Physical Limitation: Heavy sleeper (-3 penalty to perceive intruders and wake up)


Total Disadvantages: 350 points

Background / History: Thomas “Tom” J. Hansen is the second sonof an alien adventurer called Julian, who came to Earth to study humanity. During a short three month liaison with a German girl a baby boy was conceived. The father left on friendly terms with Tom’s month shortly thereafter. Tom grew up to be a strong and healthy boy. From the age of 12 he started to train in martial arts. And he excelled in it as if he had a natural abiliy to pick up those moves. At the age of 18 he won the Junior World Championship, which was televised live and in full length. For a short while he was something like a celebrity, but Tom did not like this attention. He went to China to train with a Chinese mentor, who had invited him after he won the championship. Two years later he came back to Germany, stronger faster and well educated in martial arts. To everybody’s surprise he had also acquired some supernatural abilities, foremost the ability so stand on a small cloud and fly arround at amazing speeds. Back in his home town of Lübeck, Germany, he opened up a small dojo to train kids in martial arts.

And he started his activities as a superhero, fighting villains all over northern Germany. The newspapers named him Cloud Rider.

Now, almost three years later, he heard of the opportunity to rise further in the ranks of the superhero community and he travelled to ondon to apply for membership in the newly formed team of the London Knights.


Personality / Motivation: Cloud Rider is the ultimate competitor. He cannot turn down a challenge. He wants to prove to the world that he is a superclass fighter. On the other hand he is not arrogant or overconfident. He respects his opponents and accepts defeats, because he believes these will only make him stronger. His involvement with the superheroic business is due to the fact that he thinks he must prove his skills against the most famous and skilled fighters out there.


Quote: “I will fight you again. And one day I might even win.”


Powers / Tactics: Cloud Rider will usually fly in on his cloud, but not use his flight during combat, rather relying on his running and leaping.


Appearance: Tom is of average height and weight. He is athletic and well uilt with great abs and strong arms. He has long black hair and green eyes. As Cloud Rider he wears a reinforced costume of orange colour and grey boots with blue lining.


Notes: This character is a homage to the cast of Dragonball and DragonballZ, resembling a toned down Son Goku or Son Gohan.

Character by Legatus April 14th, 2009

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Re: The great supervillain market




Val Char Cost Roll Notes

25 STR 15 14- Lift: 800 kg; 5 d6 HTH

20 DEX 30 13- OCV: 7 DCV: 7

20 CON 20 13-

12 BODY 4 11-

13 INT 3 12- PER Roll: 12-

15 EGO 10 12-

15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3 d6

16 COM 3 12-

5 PD 0

5 ED 1

5 SPD 20 Phases: 3, 6, 8,10, 12

12 REC 6

70 END 15

45 STUN 10

Total Characteristics cost: 142




“He controls the light.”

25 Elemental Control: Light Powers (25 point base)

25 a) Fly on the beams light: Flight 15”, x8 NCM; Reduced Endurance: ½ END (+1/4)

25 B) Protected by the light: Force Field 20 rPD, 20 rED; Reduced Endurance: ½ END (+1/4)

35 c) Emits a burning light: Energy Blast 8d6; Penetrating (+1/2)

25 d) Emits a blinding light: Flash 8d6 vs sight; Reduced Endurance: ½ END (+1/4)

“Legacy of the Vanayhans”

30 Altered Physology: Life Support: Immortal; doesn’t need to eat or sleep; self-contained breathing; Safe Environments: low pressure /vacuum, high pressure, high radiation, intense cold, intense heat

5 Protected Eyes: Flash Defense : 5 points vs sight

5 Immense Brain Capacity: Eidetic Memory

Total Powers cost: 175




3 Conversation 12-

3 Lipreading 12-

3 Deduction 12-

2 KS: Astronomy 11-

2 KS: TV shows 11-

3 KS: Vanayhan History 12-

4 Languages: idiomatic English (Vanayhan is native)

12 +4 with Energy Blast


Total Skills cost: 32




Total Cost : 142+175+32= 349

Disadvantages 200+

15 Distinctive Features: slight glow (concealable, major reaction)

20 Watched: The Royal Scientific Society 14- (more powerful, NCI, only watching)

15 Hunted: The Anti-Alien-League of Europe 11- (as powerful, NCI, harshly)

10 Hunted: Starling 11- (as powerful, harshly)

10 Psychological Limitation: Unfamiliar with Earth (common, moderate)

15 Psychological Limitation: Overconfidence (very common, moderate)

10 Psychological Limitation: Aloof (common, moderate)

15 Psychological Limitation: Code vs Killing (common, strong)

20 Social Limitation: Public Identity

15 DNPC: Dr Nathaniel Darrows (normal, 11-)

5 DNPC: Major Travis Morgan (normal, useful position, 8-)


Total Disadvantage Points: 350




When the last world ship of the fugitive Vanayhan space fleet entered the solar system, Captain Cavol was the only one still alive. 184153 Vanayhans had died from an incurable virus before the scientists had found a cure and before the ship had found a new home, a new hope. This was probably even more lethal than the virus itself. His people had lost all hope and this hopelessness was too much to bear for them any longer. For the last 43 years the Vanayhans had travelled through space in 340 world ships, each one as large as this, to find a new planet. But all they did find was rejection and hatred. Wars had destroyed the other ships and damaged this one heavily.

And today only one was left of the entire race, Captain Cavol himself. In this system there was a planet. A perfect planet for the Venayhans. Full of life, but no civilizations or intelligent life. It was too late. Yet one spark of hope remained. The legacy of the Vanayhans could be preserved. Hopefully. If everything went its way, the Vanayhans would be reborn. Captain Cavol sent the cocoon towards the planet, then he altered the course of the ship and steered it into the sun.


Major Travis Morgan led the expedition in the Antarctic for the Royal Scientific Society. The geologist were studying the mountain ranges. His knowledge of the continent was essential for the success of this mission. That was why the army had sent him. One day the geologists found a strange object in the ice. It was a sarcophagus or a cocoon made of stone and it glowed from within. It was brought to the British station and later transferred to a research facility near Birmingham. Only there it was completely freed from the surrounding ice. The object proved fascinatingly resilient versus every kind of treatment. Nothing could breach its hull, not x-rays nor laser. Major Morgan had his last day at the research center, he had been ordered to return to his unit, when the situation changed. It was almost a month since the object had been brought to England. At first only small chunks of the outer material fell off, later even very heavy parts broke off. The thing was falling apart. Every scientist was present when the astonishing happened. Something inside the cocoon moved. A hand! It was a hand that was visible inside it. A few moments later a tall naked man surrounded by a glowing golden aura stood before them. Major Morgan and Dr. Darrows welcomed him and spoke to him. For minutes the alien just looked at them with its golden eyes and did not move an inch. Then he spoke with a soft deep voice, but nobody understood him.


Now almost a year later everybody knows that his name Adam Vanayhan. He chose the name for himself, because he believes he is the new Adam to his race of Venayhans. He learned the language fast and has since lived in the rearch facility. He was tested in almost every respect. He developed his first light-control powers after six months and was learning new tricks fast. Time has come for him to move on. The Society decided that it would be great for him if he joined the new UNTIL team, the London Knights. Adam agreed. It would provide him with the opportunity to develop his powers and to socialise with human and superhuman peers. Adam, Travis Morgan and Dr. Darrows sat together and tried to think of a proper codename for the new superhero. Finally they agreed on Sunstorm. If that name lasts, remains to be seen.



Peronality/Motivation: Adam still he does not show much feelings. He is a very unemotional person and does not completely understand humanity. He observes and tries to feel or perceive the emotions of the people around him. But it does not work. Not yet! He has not given up on it. He wants to feel everything that these humans feel, they are so alive. Additionally his understanding of Earth culture mostly comes from viewing too much TV shows. So he gets confused by real life quite often.

His knowledge about the Vanayhan language and history was implanted by the scientists who created him. He is an artificial being imbued with energy, but he believes to be a pure Vanayhan. That is the only point were his memories are false.


Quote: “What do you mean?”


Appearance: Sunstorm is 6’1’’ tall and has long white hair. His eyes are golden, but he can turn them into any colour he wants. He usually wears a yellow and white uniform with white boots. Sunstorm is usually surrounded by a slight golden glow, even more so if he turns on his force field.


picture: http://www.herogames.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1821203&postcount=2838

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Re: The great supervillain market


Gonna revive my old thread for my latest creations. Don't sue me for thread necromancy, It's my own thread after all.


Sick of the supervillain business? Searching for a regular job?

We are now hiring. Please send your resumee.

*Bouncers Inc.*


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