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How do you take a mental power and make it so that it operates Based on normal CV not ECV. I cant find an advantage or limitation for that.


I'm taking Mind Scan and making it NND (so mental defense doesn't apply) but I also don't want the power to be based on EGO. CV doesn't have a good feel either but I would still like an answer to the above question for curiosity reasons.



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Re: Bocv


Here's one way to do it.


30 Non-Mental Mind Locater: Mind Scan 3d6, No Range Modifier (+1/2), Cumulative (36 points; +3/4), Variable Advantage (+1/2 Advantages; Limited Group of Advantages; AOE 1 Hex Accurate, MegaScale, Reduced END; +3/4), No Normal Defense ([standard]; +1) (60 Active Points); Based on CON (Defense: PD; -1) 6

Notes: Based on CON: (Hero System Fifth Edition Rule Book, page 82; Revised, page 120) A Power with this Limitation becomes a normal attack with a range of 5" x Active Points, is subject to the Range Modifier, and requires an Attack Roll to hit its target. The target's Energy Defense or Physical Defense, not Mental Defense, apply against the attack.

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Re: Bocv


There's a problem with requiring a good Line of Sight as well, unless you're using a massive AoE or something along those lines. If you tell us exactly what you want, we might be able to come up with something.


BOCON might do what you want, but it might not, due to all of ITS pesky limitations. What you might do, if you want the range/lack of cover modifiers, is to purchase something along the lines of this:


Telekinetic Targeting: Mind Scan 2d6 (Human class of minds), Invisible Power Effects (Fully Invisible; +1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Penetrating (+1/2), One Way Link (+1), Cumulative (96 points; +1 1/4) (47 Active Points); Mandatory Effect EGO +30 or Greater (Must Always Achieve Max Level; -1): 23 Real Cost

+4 ECV with Mind Scan: 8 Real Cost

+4 ECV with Mind Scan to make up difference between Higher ECV and lower DCV: 4 Real Cost


The first ECV skill should be fine-tuned to make up the difference between the PC's normal 'hit' and his mental 'hit'. The second ECV skill would require GM permission, but is meant to indicate that if they've got an ECV up to 4 points (or whatever) higher than their DCV, you can still attack them at their 'DCV' level. If they've got a lower ECV than DCV, these levels don't apply.


The power as a whole is TK-based -- TK fingers reaching lightly out to find and confirm the identity of the person you want to grab. This requires a few things, of course. IPF/X is used to indicate that people will almost never notice it. 'Penetrating' means that even if they have 'Mental Defense', you'll still be able to build up points with your TK touch. Cumulative is necessary because you have such a sucky low level of dice; Penetrating, however, means that even if they have Mental Defense, you'll still slowly get a telekinetic hold on them. Speaking of which, you HAVE to get the 'EGO + 30' level -- because at that point you've got a full TK grab, and you can start whacking them around the place. Painful, ain't it? :)

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Re: Bocv


There's a problem with requiring a good Line of Sight as well' date=' unless you're using a massive AoE or something along those lines. If you tell us [i']exactly[/i] what you want, we might be able to come up with something.


BOCON might do what you want, but it might not, due to all of ITS pesky limitations. What you might do, if you want the range/lack of cover modifiers, is to purchase something along the lines of this:


Telekinetic Targeting: Mind Scan 2d6 (Human class of minds), Invisible Power Effects (Fully Invisible; +1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Penetrating (+1/2), One Way Link (+1), Cumulative (96 points; +1 1/4) (47 Active Points); Mandatory Effect EGO +30 or Greater (Must Always Achieve Max Level; -1): 23 Real Cost

+4 ECV with Mind Scan: 8 Real Cost

+4 ECV with Mind Scan to make up difference between Higher ECV and lower DCV: 4 Real Cost


The first ECV skill should be fine-tuned to make up the difference between the PC's normal 'hit' and his mental 'hit'. The second ECV skill would require GM permission, but is meant to indicate that if they've got an ECV up to 4 points (or whatever) higher than their DCV, you can still attack them at their 'DCV' level. If they've got a lower ECV than DCV, these levels don't apply.


The power as a whole is TK-based -- TK fingers reaching lightly out to find and confirm the identity of the person you want to grab. This requires a few things, of course. IPF/X is used to indicate that people will almost never notice it. 'Penetrating' means that even if they have 'Mental Defense', you'll still be able to build up points with your TK touch. Cumulative is necessary because you have such a sucky low level of dice; Penetrating, however, means that even if they have Mental Defense, you'll still slowly get a telekinetic hold on them. Speaking of which, you HAVE to get the 'EGO + 30' level -- because at that point you've got a full TK grab, and you can start whacking them around the place. Painful, ain't it? :)


Based on Con turned out to not be what I wanted. Your build looks interesting though. A little complex, but its more like what I was thinking. :)





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