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Widows & Orphans (PDF Download)


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The Widows & Orphans (PDF Download) page in the store does not have a description of what is in the book (PDF). All it says is a Dark Chanmpions Sourcebook.


What is Windows and Orphans?


It sounds like a group of characters, is that what it is?


How many pages?


How many characters?



Thanks for the help.





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Re: Widows & Orphans (PDF Download)


Widows & Orphans is a Dark Champions suppliment. The book is a split between two groups. Both are based in Fell's Point, a darker section of town than Hudson City. The first group is ladies of the night out to show their superiority. The second (and my favorite) is a group of support thugs for a mastermind (in this case The Idiot King) with a group focus of being clowns. The girl group is more based for Dark Dark Champions as its focus is dark fantasies.


I used the clowns with Punchinello in my world, and never tried to use the women due to the subject matter, but now with the more gritty Hudson City setting, I might be able to use them and not be afraid of the consequenses.


Worth the money spent, only a little readjusting to fifth edition needed.

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Re: Widows & Orphans (PDF Download)


Widows & Orphans is a Dark Champions suppliment. The book is a split between two groups. Both are based in Fell's Point, a darker section of town than Hudson City. The first group is ladies of the night out to show their superiority. The second (and my favorite) is a group of support thugs for a mastermind (in this case The Idiot King) with a group focus of being clowns. The girl group is more based for Dark Dark Champions as its focus is dark fantasies.



If I understand you right. It is two new "settings" with plot seeds. One based on a group of ladies of the night and the second a group of thugs.


Hmmm.. might have to buy it.




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Re: Widows & Orphans (PDF Download)


Not so much settings, but if I remember right, descriptions and stats for both groups with some background on history, setting and hideouts/vehicles. Also a little bit about Fell's Point with a hint of a suppliment that never came around (although Fell's Point was mentioned in Hudson City fifth edition)


didn't mean to confuse with my prior post.

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  • 4 months later...

Re: Widows & Orphans (PDF Download)


It is said that Fell’s Point is a city of widows and orphans.


One night of chaos changed them from statistics to forces to be reckoned with. When night fell in 1990, the Fell’s Point lost and dispossessed brutally carved out their territory in the city streets.


Years later, their stories are finally being told. They have opened their gates to allow you passage.


If loneliness is your soul companion, come to Widow’s Peak, where the women of Fell’s Point have established their kingdom and guard it against all who would try and deprive them of their livelihood. In the shadows of the widows’ influence, attempt to solve a bizarre murder that even the authorities fear to investigate.


Or if it is a fight you desire, seek out the orphans of Fell’s Point, Clown Alley, who have lost their families, their mad king, and their way.


Both groups have their tales to tell. And they want you to be a part of them.







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