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Ultimate Initiative


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Hey guys, just wanted some help from the great minds that frequent these forums.

I am planning to do a campaign which is set in the Ultimate Marvel universe, or about 4 years later. In this world, most mutants or other super powered people must sign up to the Initative If they are 18 or over, and must go through a training period before joining one of the many sub groups of the Ultimates (Ultimates Class A, Class B etc) which go out to stop trouble around the country.


They would receive training by many of the original members of the Ultimates (most of who are retired unless I deem otherwise) as well from the X-men.


The X-men have become more of a political group and don't engage in fighting crime. Nor are they persecuted by the US government, they go out to spread the message to other countries, but some have joined the Initiative to train the new recruits (but aren't forced to).


The initiative, after an incident where a mutant who didn't want to join the Ultimates and fight crime exploded (literally) they now make new laws that only those who try to fight crime must join, all others with powers that are deemed dangerous but don't want to fight crime must go through a period of training in how to control their powers and then are free to go.


What I'm looking is for the insight of some of the people here who have read Ultimate Marvel and have ideas on how to run the campaign, and stuff like what has happened to the super heroes and villains we know and love in the 4 years, and who should be included in the initiative.


For example, to submit what happened to an existing character:

Peter Parker was found by Nick Fury when he was only 16. And he wasn't kidding when he said Peter would work for him when he turned 18. Peter however was quite enthusiastic about it, as he admired Nick Fury. With his years of combat training and respect he was the top student in the initial recruits and quickly went on to join the initiative.

He takes a special collage course sponsored by the Ultimates that allows him to get his degree in Biochemistry and now he works for the Ultimates A team full time. He is still dating Mary Jane, who is also dealing with her new powers as the Demo-Goblin (Peter has succesfully hid this from his superiors).

Aunt May remains blissfully unaware of her nephew's identity or the fact he works for the Ultimates, but she seems more accpeting of Spider-man now that he is part of the Ultimates. However her health seems to be failing her, and Peter worries she might have a heart attack if she knew his secret. She thinks Peter is a scientist for the government just like his father.


Fills some of the blanks, and lots of plot ideas.


Also would anyone be interested in such a game if it ran?

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Re: Ultimate Initiative


Well I can easily see Hank Pym locked in a lab somewhere. No seriously, locked up for his safety and for the sake of everyone else. He's become deranged and and a potential national security risk. He is however making astounding breakthroughs in shampoos because that's all hes permitted to work on.


Jan is still wishing Steve would give her the time of day. Steve has finally figured out that he should have stayed on ice and is seriously considering running for public office, otherwise he's afraid that the Initiative and America is doomed. Wolverine isn't going to give up on the idea of fighting and is one of the better and better loved combat instructors. Stark was cloned and is enjoying killing his new liver and contracting every STD he can wrap his hands around while supplying tech to the team and a new suit wearer.


The FF are officially designated as the teams front line weirdness testers. They test tech and random experiments and make sure they're as safe as can be before anyone gets to see it. Thor wigged out and is off living like a hippy in some commune occasionally screaming about "It's coming!"


Doom just wants it all with Reed watching him turn Sue into his favorite toy.


Hows all that for a quick rattle off the top of my head? And yeah I'd be interested in something like this.

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Re: Ultimate Initiative


Good ideas. Must wonder though, if Hank Pym is locked up, what happened to Bruce Banner...A new villain perhaps?


Remember That johnny Storm once said he wanted to join the Ultimates when he was old enough and 'ditch the nerds' or something to that extent? Well with one of his best friends joining the Ultimates (Peter Parker) It would make sense for him to join as well. The question remains: Would Bobby Drake and Liz Allen join to make Spider-man and his Amazing friends? Or will they remain as the peaceful-ish X-men.


Anyone wonder what happened to Magneto? Anyone want to help with that? Or anything really.

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Re: Ultimate Initiative


Bruce could be cured, or doped enough that he can't change. However, a platoon of green skinned soldiers with behavioral problems could be fun to train. I really haven't read the Ultimates in about 4 or 5 years so I don't know where things stand.


However if there's anything more I could do to help look me up on Yahoo IM and I'll be happy to do what I can.

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Re: Ultimate Initiative


I'm interested, although I too am a bit behind on the Ultimates. I moved away from my favorite comic shop about a year ago and haven't had time to catch up since. That is to say, I'd love to run a character but am not sure how much use I'll be in world-building. ;)



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Re: Ultimate Initiative


Best at what they do or, you know dead.


What do you mean when you said Tony Stark was cloned Hawksmoor? Why would he clone himself?


I've been thinking...what happened to Dr Doom? Latveria was the 9th most technology advanced country in the world. And then it hit me like a ton of bricks.


He's been making super humans. Villains which have diplomatic immunity in the United States.


So the question remains. Which villains would he make/recruit? I need suggestions. You can use cannon characters that haven't appeared in Ultimate Marvel yet (So you have a lot of control over), or even a brand new character (Less of those, prefer the cannon at the moment, but will be appreciated).

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Re: Ultimate Initiative


Has Mordo made an appearance in the Ultimate universe? He and Doom would make a pretty potent team, neither one knowing who really has the upper hand.


Are you thinking of having Doom modify existing superhumans (ala 616 Apocalypse)?



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Re: Ultimate Initiative


Almost any origin is fine, as long as Doom has some control over the villain, either by being the source of his/her powers or due to his special mind controlling Dragon tatoos.


Mordo has't appeared (To my knowledge). And alliance might be an idea actually, but more likely or not Mordo will eventually strike out to be the villainous mastermind he was destined to be.


Dr Strange hasn't seen much action so that might be why.

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