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Teen Champs partial bio-armor girl


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First time poster, long-time Hero player (circa 2nd edition). I'm starting in a Teen Champions solo game, alternating playing and GMing with another person, 250 points, standard low power level.


The concept is someone with organic powered armor, an alien spacesuit given to her to save her life when she got in the middle of a fight between two aliens... the good one gave her its suit and sacrificed itself to the Earth's atmosphere because it was his fault she was mortally wounded. The bioloical armor's powers are greatly enhanced by being linked to a human. It rapidly healed her wound and rebuilt her better than before... and stayed as part of her.


When she woke up with the suit all over her, it scared the hell out of her, so she hasn't been able to bring it all up at once ever since, both from fear and because it's complex to control.


She can summon parts of it up, gaining different powers with different sections... legs for leg strength, arm blaster, thrusters on the torso and life support and gravity control with the head. Since it does cover a good chunk of her body no matter what, there's always some armor, and it has vibration blades all over as well, claws, talons, encased hair, etc. It's all Only in Hero ID... may take a Distinctive Features, as a normal person with big, buggy arms or legs will stand out a lot.


The concept is inspired by the Guyver, and I may use "Griselda" as a hero name, from a female character from later in the manga, and possibly her look too.


I'm at 205 points before skills and I have pretty much everything to make the concept work... Suggestions? I'm thinking of other modes for the arms and legs, such as bio-missiles (RKA? AE? Autofire?) or improved, extending blades. It seems like if one has the arms up, changing between one "arm" slot and another would be faster than retracting the arms and bringing up the legs, but that would raise the cost of the multipower.


Str 10 -

Dex 23 39

Con 18 16

Body 10 -

Int 13 3

Ego 11 2

Pre 15 5

Com 14 2

PD 4 2

ED 4 -

Spd 5 17

Rec 6 -

End 36 -

Stun 24 -


CHA total 86 points




40 Bio-suit multipower (60 points) Only in Hero ID, full phase to change slots, -1/4

3u Legs +40 Str (legs only), +5” running

4U Arms- 10D6 Energy Blast (bio-laser) Holo-imager - 1 hex Sight Images

4U Head- Gravity Control 30 Str TK, LS: Self-contained breathing, IR Vision

4U Torso- Thrusters 21” Flight Chest protection +6 PD +6 ED armor


12 Vibration Blades - 1/2D6 HKA Penetrating, 1D6 w Str.

8 Regenerating metabolism 1 Body Regeneration

24 Bio-armor - +10 PD +10 ED armor, Only in Hero ID

20 Organic batteries - END reserve 100 End 10 Rec

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Re: Teen Champs partial bio-armor girl


Possibly an "Anchor" power (not in the Multipower), where she uses her blades to anchor to a wall or the ground. Clinging, OIHID should do it. Could be useful when you want to use a slot other than flight while still staying above the ground, or to resist knockback.


It seems like if one has the arms up, changing between one "arm" slot and another would be faster than retracting the arms and bringing up the legs, but that would raise the cost of the multipower.

As far as this, I'd say it's worth it. The full-phase change is only saving you 8 points, and is a significant hindrance - so really the only reason to keep it is for concept.

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Re: Teen Champs partial bio-armor girl


Maybe split the leg section into two multi slots- one for leg strength and the other for increased running?


I wanted flight to be the better movement option than running, so I didn't go with too much.


have some rep wheeljack




You might consider' date=' if your basing this on the Guyver, making your IR Vision N-ray so you can see through the walls.[/quote']


Only 5 points available for vision in that slot... I do have some extra points though, I could buy N-Ray on its own and link it to the head slot... to the TK, for gravity sensors ala a thermograph.


Possibly an "Anchor" power (not in the Multipower), where she uses her blades to anchor to a wall or the ground. Clinging, OIHID should do it. Could be useful when you want to use a slot other than flight while still staying above the ground, or to resist knockback.



As far as this, I'd say it's worth it. The full-phase change is only saving you 8 points, and is a significant hindrance - so really the only reason to keep it is for concept.


The full-phase change is an important part of the concept, yes. She has more powers than average for a young hero, but can't switch through them easily. I'm thinking of taking a "Buy off One-Phase to Change Slots" with x10 Endurance (personal, not reserve) and some Body-damage Side Effects to show she can change fast in a pinch, but it hurts a great deal.


I've come up with two more arm configurations.


4U Rocket Anchors (arm)- 8D6 Energy Blast (physical, bio-missile) Autofire 3, 16 charges, 10" swinging


Rocket pitons that trail a resin cable to hold her in place or draw her back to a surface... when fired without the cable, they're dangerous.


4u Extending Blades (arm) +30 points Penetrating HKA (2D6 total), 5" Stretching, Extra Limbs (6 extending blades)


Shamelessly swiped from Gigantic Dark's vibration blades, 6 talon-like blades on the forearm that can extend, flex and move in any direction, and have an opposable thumb.

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Re: Teen Champs partial bio-armor girl


First time poster, long-time Hero player (circa 2nd edition). I'm starting in a Teen Champions solo game, alternating playing and GMing with another person, 250 points, standard low power level.....


First, nice build. I too am a fan of "lower powered characters" (tho' I recall when 250pts was not considered low power....:ugly:)


Secondly, you might want to take a gander at:




The character is built on 250pts (tho' I believe its using 4th Edition) and might be worth scanning for some build ideas.


I look forward to you potentially posting a final version..... :D



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