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Riddick's Eyeshine


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While I am not building Riddick, I am stealing his eyes. The actual power is easy to build, what I am having trouble with is the disadvantage he suffers from bright light. Immediately I thought of vulnerability to flash sight groups, susceptibility to brightly lit areas, and/or physical limitation: suffers penalties in well lit areas, but how do I factor in that with the dark goggles he doesn't appear to suffer from any of those affects?


Thanks in advance for your input.

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Re: Riddick's Eyeshine


The easiest way, if the disadvantage allows, is simply to reduce the points you get for it on the basis that the attack type is less common (no additional effect when wearing goggles). A 'Physical Limitation' - it gives much more effect to the actual disadvantages Riddick suffered - I might be inclined to not bother with the vulnerability or susceptibility at all - matter for you though.


Building flash def goggles will rarely turn out right on the numbers.

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Re: Riddick's Eyeshine


Vulnerable to Flash vs Sight.


The goggles are just Flash Defense Sight in a focus.



Alternately...something like


Eyeshine: Nightvision (5 Active Points); Variable Limitations (requires -1/2 worth of Limitations; OIF, or Side Effect: Vulnerability x 1.5 vs Sight Flash)

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Re: Riddick's Eyeshine


A lot of flashes are not build with the sfx: bright light. There is no particular reason why Riddick's eyes should be more vulnerable to any form of sight flash than that particular sfx. For example MA Flashes are based on poking someone in the eye.


Given that the idea is that it is only bright light that affects the eyes and then only when not wearing goggles, assuming that a sight flash is a common attack at most (which it might be in some games, although we rarely use it in practice), the frequency is reduced to uncommon, I'd suggest, by only being a sub-set of sight flashes, and pretty much falls off the bottom of the charts if you factor the goggles in too.


You may feel otherwise, of course, but expect to spend quite extended periods not being able to see, especially if you do take multiple disadvantages.

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Re: Riddick's Eyeshine


Physical Limitation: Eyeshine Side Effect (????, ????)

Notes: When in normal light conditions, suffers penalties to OCV, DCV, and PER when not wearing custom shades. Suffers penalties to OCV, DCV, and PER in bright light conditions with shades, blindness without.




Vulnerability: x2 Effect for Light Based SFX Sight Group Flash (Uncommon)


Not sure what I would set the penalties to, though it would be different depending on what type of campaign, so I should probably run it by my GM.


Also, what do you think would be right for the physical limit? Frequently, Slightly Impairing?

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Re: Riddick's Eyeshine


Physical Limitation: -3 Sight PER Penalty in bright lights (Infrequently, Greatly)


Infrequently: the source character usually has goggles or is in low-light so it doesn't affect him that often

Greatly: When it does affect him, it is no small matter; I chose -3 Sight PER Penalty, you could go as high as -5, or if it fits more;


some other ideas:

-5 Sight PER Penalty

PER Penalty cut in half (12- PER becomes 6-)

Total Blindness (for this I suggest increasing the PhysLim to "Infrequently,Fully")


I also suggest forcing the character to make a PER Roll to use Sight as a Targeting Sense in bright light for every Phase he has an action and uses that Sense.

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Re: Riddick's Eyeshine


A lot of flashes are not build with the sfx: bright light. There is no particular reason why Riddick's eyes should be more vulnerable to any form of sight flash than that particular sfx. For example MA Flashes are based on poking someone in the eye.


Given that the idea is that it is only bright light that affects the eyes and then only when not wearing goggles, assuming that a sight flash is a common attack at most (which it might be in some games, although we rarely use it in practice), the frequency is reduced to uncommon, I'd suggest, by only being a sub-set of sight flashes, and pretty much falls off the bottom of the charts if you factor the goggles in too.


You may feel otherwise, of course, but expect to spend quite extended periods not being able to see, especially if you do take multiple disadvantages.


I don't know this Riddick guy from Adam, but if they are, in fact, goggles, they would also protect him against being poked in the eye because, well, he's wearing goggles. A flash like a paint-ball to the face would probably be built NND, with the defense being solid eye covering (since he could easily wipe the paint off the lenses).




So, I'm thinking a vulnerability to light-based flashes would be uncommon (it's rare that there isn't a Flash thrown at least once a fight in just about every game I've been in), and a Phys Lim that hoses his sight perception rolls in brightly lit areas, if he's sans goggles, would be uncommon (I'm assuming he rarely, if ever, takes the darn things off). Unless he can be knocked unconscious by enough exposure to bright lights, though, I'd skip the Susceptibility.

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Re: Riddick's Eyeshine


Riddick is a main character in the sci-fi horror Pitch Black, and The main character in Chronicles Of Riddick.


He is the Bad-A that rocketed Vin Diesel to super stardom (it was not his first tough guy roll, but it is one of his better).


the character is an ex-convict in the distant future. The typical Penal Colony Planet is usually an underground hell-hole so Riddick had his eyes replaced with something that would work in near (if not total) pitch black. The side effect is normal daylight essentially blinds him, and may cause things like headaches - it's not really gone into that deeply.


In Pitch Black is was the schtick that allowed the space-ship crash survivors turn to the one guy they didn't want to turn to for help - as the planet was in stuck in a total eclipse and the surface over run by nocturnal monsters that used echo-location. Riddick, naturally, could see just fine.


In Chronicles Of Riddick it was mostly a character schtick to make him look cool.

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Re: Riddick's Eyeshine


Physical Limitation: -3 Sight PER Penalty in bright lights (Infrequently, Greatly)


Infrequently: the source character usually has goggles or is in low-light so it doesn't affect him that often

Greatly: When it does affect him, it is no small matter; I chose -3 Sight PER


I also suggest forcing the character to make a PER Roll to use Sight as a Targeting Sense in bright light for every Phase he has an action and uses that Sense.


I like your idea here, I didn't want it to be just a PER penalty because it would have little to no combat effect and that just made no sense to me, but the second part takes care of that issue nicely.

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Re: Riddick's Eyeshine


I don't know this Riddick guy from Adam, but if they are, in fact, goggles, they would also protect him against being poked in the eye because, well, he's wearing goggles. A flash like a paint-ball to the face would probably be built NND, with the defense being solid eye covering (since he could easily wipe the paint off the lenses).




So, I'm thinking a vulnerability to light-based flashes would be uncommon (it's rare that there isn't a Flash thrown at least once a fight in just about every game I've been in), and a Phys Lim that hoses his sight perception rolls in brightly lit areas, if he's sans goggles, would be uncommon (I'm assuming he rarely, if ever, takes the darn things off). Unless he can be knocked unconscious by enough exposure to bright lights, though, I'd skip the Susceptibility.


What I mean is that there is no good reason that he should take additional effect from a poke in the eye whether or not he is wearing the goggles.


Even if flashes are common in your games, and once per combat is common, I'd suggest, if it is a villain throwing the flash, not a PC (obviously if a PC has 'Flash' he's going to use it plenty but the real test is how often do GM characters use it?), that 'light based only' reduces the frequency (we certainly don't use that sfx more than half the time when we use sight flash, but your group might), which makes it uncommon, and being able to negate the effect with goggles that you have and wear most of the time would make actually being affected by your own vulnerability so rare that it si not worth a disadvantage - Riddick (and any sensible player) would only take off the goggles when he needed to i.e. when it was dark. in fact most PCs would never take off the goggles unless there was some negative connotation to not doing so: flash defence (OAF, goggles - if indeed they are not OIF) LOCKOUT Darkvision, for example.


A straightforward phys lim seems much more appropriate (along the lines of ghost-angel's excellent suggestion), imo, but I may be a deluded no-nothing fule.


What am I talking about 'may be'?



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Re: Riddick's Eyeshine


Riddick (and any sensible player) would only take off the goggles when he needed to i.e. when it was dark. in fact most PCs would never take off the goggles unless there was some negative connotation to not doing so: flash defence (OAF, goggles - if indeed they are not OIF) LOCKOUT Darkvision, for example.


I like this idea as well, and will apply it to the goggles. I think a lockout limitation against the nightvision makes perfect sense.

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Re: Riddick's Eyeshine


Don't forget to put 'visible' on the power ' date=' however you buy it (or distinctive feature, maybe) - his eyes are quite unusual in appearance because of the alterations made...[/quote']


Distinctive Features: Eyeshine (Easily Concealed; Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses) I figure that should cover it, though not sure about the causes major reaction, can only go with what my reaction to seeing that would be.

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