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In the Shadow of the Dragon


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Re: In the Shadow of the Dragon


The slow part Solron made reference to was due to me spending about an hour answering questions and explaining, rolepaying, the Hero system, and maptools to our newest player. Jims better half has joined us. She is a novice player, but has a great imagination.


We also have been joined by Ragdoll from these boards. He too is an excellent rolepayer. As you will see once I get around to posting the game logs.


Just a quick summary of the actual game...


Our heroes had not met previous to this. They were all in the free city of Norek to attend a grand festival. As part of the festivities, they were in the audience watching a stage magician do tricks. When the magician asked for a volunteer from the audience Talon was quick to raise his hand. Talon played a trick of his own and cast invisibility on himself once he was inside the magicians closet. When the magicians assistant went to get him out of the closet through the hidden trap door, Talon slipped aside, causing her some confusion. Matilda was distracted by his stunt and did not see the man in black approach from behind. The man grabbed the girl who let out a scream. Talon rushed forward but was unable to reach him before he vanished in a swirls of mist.


Hearing the scream the magician rushes backstage to find Talon explaining about the girls disappearance. The magician exclaims that Talon must get the girl back quickly. Talon wants to know why he should get involved. The magician explains that since Talon was the last to see her it might go better if he were to recover the girl, before he had to explain how the daughter of the leader of the city council was missing, Talon did not like the veiled threat.


Mean while the other players hearing the commotion backstage come running to investigate, and find the entertainer arguing with the warrior/mage. The entire group and the magician decide it might be best to go and see the councilman and explain out his daughter, before decding what to do.


After explainations are made to Musmoy the city council leader, he exhorts the players to please find his daughter. They discover that she is only the most recent in a string of kidnappings. Ssam, the elven mage reveals that earlier she had seen a couple of cloaked individuals acting suspicious heading towards the woods and thre river to the west of the city.


The group gathers their equipment and heads out attempting to track the suspiscious men. In a small clearing near the river surrounded by a circle of boulders, they hear chanting. Andris, climbs to the top of a boulder and sees two men and two women standing in the center of the clearing holding hands. The men are chanting and the women are swaying in time to the chant, they seem to be in a trance of some sort. The whole scene is surrounded by a swirling wall of crackling energy, that is slowly increasing in intensity.


The group rushes forward and with a couple of arrows, and a few sword swings cut down the men. The energy however does not dissipate and the scene begins to flicker and fade. As talon tries to grab one of th women, his hand passes through her. The he notices that his hand is kind of transparent too.


Caught up in the swirling energy, Andris tries to jump backwards out of the affected area, and he stumbles backwards over a log and into a pond that wasn't there moments before.... The group begins to look around at their strange surroundings... as I ended the session.




My thanks to Nolgroth for his great tutelage on the art of the cliffhanger.

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Re: In the Shadow of the Dragon


Gang, I need to postpone tonights game till next week. This week is my Mom's 70th birthday and Terrie and I have a chance to fly to Phoenix for the event, but I have to leave tonight. I'll see you all next Friday.

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Re: In the Shadow of the Dragon


Hey there, guys.


How's everything is?


Hi yourself, I thought you had fallen off the end of the earth. So you have your computer up and running I see. We're running a new game (fanasty hero) on kulthea. You remember Solron Darkhealer's world. We sure could use one more player if you're interested. We normally play on Friday nights 7-11 mst. That'd be 6 - 10 your time. We have 4 players total at the moment and only started our first session last friday.:D

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Re: In the Shadow of the Dragon


I'd love too. I would need help with character creation.. the druid/healer idea is still my top. Also we are moving into a house and changing ISPs. If it's hooked up by this Friday I will be available.


Oh, some other news.. I will be getting a phone call this week to schedule my surgery. It will probably still be a month away.. but after I have it is what I'm worried about. Either I will have to devise a way to set the computer near the bed. (Which is not probable) or get a laptop (which is impossible).


Tell Aunt Patti I said hi and love you. Sorry.. we just haven't really made an effort to tell anyone yet. Just got my surgery news yesterday.

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Re: In the Shadow of the Dragon


I'd love too. I would need help with character creation.. the druid/healer idea is still my top.


Ok I can help with the character creation. First go to entry #3 pick a race (humanor elf), Second pick a tribe. Then I can put together a basic package for you. Then between Starwolf, you and myself we can fine tune it for you. Glad to hear you are finally getting your back fixed. Oh yeah we ar using Maptools 1.3b.56 the nexest and greatest version yet.

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Re: In the Shadow of the Dragon


Hey Starwolf , If the Mavsfan wants to still play I have one of his druid character still in my files. I send it to you . Then you can survey it and make any adjustments to it . Then send it to Mavsfan and he'll have a pre -made character. What do you think and maybe he'll see this message and respond to it with his thoughts.

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Re: In the Shadow of the Dragon


Darnit. I wish I would have seen this earlier. The MapTool server went down, so trying to connect through it has been a problem. Directly connecting to the IP Address/Port has been the only way I know of to fix the problem. Even "Test Connection" hangs and then ultimately fails.

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Re: In the Shadow of the Dragon


Sheesh!!! My wireless router but the big one. I finally got my setup going again but I had to hardwire all of computers. No wireless for a few weeks. But I got everything working again. I will be prepared for this next week


As Nol mentioned the Maptools main server that we all link through has had hosting problems. Everything is working again, but be aware that if you want to launch a server, DO NOT click the test connection button. It causes the server to hang anf you have to shutdown and restart Maptools to re-start the server. If you are hosting just start your server and test by having someone connect to it. They are working on getting this resolved. For players, if you can see the server in the connect to server list, it is working.

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Re: In the Shadow of the Dragon


Question' date=' Are we going to finish this Campagin someday?[/quote']Well that's up to Starwolf really. I have nothing to do with the Shadow of the Dragon campaign. Much to my own sadness I might add.


In regards to Gemini, I want to. I really do. It's just that whenever I think my schedule is going to stabilize, something else pops up. Last week I worked day shift watching over an office with labor disputes. The week before I was working swing shift as a field supervisor. The week before that, graveyard shift at another labor dispute. This week alone I already have three different roles on three different shifts. Makes for a bumpy ride when scheduling game stuff. Worse, I honestly don't see my schedule becoming less turbulent in the days to come. My new boss suddenly realized what a decade of experience in the job is worth to his agenda and now I am his "poster boy" (his words - I shuddered when they passed his teeth). Still, it is a job and that is better than unemployment. The labor disputes tend to pay particularly well.


As always, if and when my schedule allows, I will plot out the remainder of the campaign. If anybody still remembers it, maybe we can pick up and move on. God only knows when that is going to be. Maybe even sometime this year. :)

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Re: In the Shadow of the Dragon


Ok, the good news is I have my hardware/router and software/server issues fixed. The bad news... My parents are here from out of state. I am going to have to postpone the game for a couple of weeks. Life seems to keep getting in the way. Tonight it's my parents and next week we have been invited to a 4th of July celebration/fireworks show the evening of the 3rd. I hope nothing else comes up to derail ourt game after that for at least a couple of sessions :D

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