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Possible Online Campaign


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Well, having finally gotten some of these ideas out of my head and onto the screen for a possible online Champions game, I thought that I would post the beginning of the campaign outline to see if there would be any interest in playing in my world. So here we go- please feel free to comment or question and I will do my best to respond. Thanks in advance.


Campaign world ideas/thoughts:

(All notes are as of Februaury 24th, 2005- the Campaign start date)


Israel and Palestine- Back when the UN created resolution GA 181 in 1947, the chances of there being lasting peace in the partitioned area was low. However, with the assistance of a group of UN supported Metacapables from around the world that had taken part in WWII, they were able to create a lasting peace for the first 2 decades of the states. This "cooling down" period allowed simmering tensions to get worked out and for the two peoples to come to terms with one another as neighbors, and later as friends. The two states have managed to work together since the late 60s for their mutual economic and defense benefit and still maintain the GA 181 borders with only slight variation and for the last 20 years (as of 2005), they have had free immigration policies to allow for back and forth migration of people between the two states.


The United Nations- UNTIL, ISTs and the Edicts of 1985:

Using knowledge gained through UN-funded and maintained scientific study of the metacapable known as Flare and his powers, the United Nations was able to discover the secret of Fusion power and the first Fusion Reactor went online in 1984. Soon after, with many of its member states in disarray after this development and with UN-sympathetic representatives from its Security Council nations, the UN was able to pass the following resolutions:

*No member nation may create, test, or possess nuclear weapons and all current weapons are to be summarily dismantled.

*The UN shall form and maintain an a metacapable force for international peacekeeping, limited military intervention, and humanitarian/disaster relief. This force will be known as the International Super Teams and there will be at least one team in each UN member nation. To deal with non metacapable (but outside normal military threshold) threats, the UN also declares the formation of the United Nations Tribunal on International Law (UNTIL), a peacekeeping and relief agency also tasked with military intervention under certain, limited, parameters.

*The UN has also determined that the single vote veto enjoyed in the Security Council currrently is a system that does not function and has led to situations that would have been greatly improved by UN intervention but wher such intervention was blocked by a member nation of the Security Council. Therefore, it has been determined that there needs to be at least 3 Security Council members in agreement to veto a UN resolution.

*To insure that the horrors of metacapable warfare seen during the Second World War are never repeated, no member nation may maintain a governmental force of metacapables, whether for policing their own people or for military action.


Note: Even in the spirit of cooperation and with a lot of secretive wrangling, the UN was not able to get this last reolsution passed in the 85 Edicts (as they are commonly known). Pretty much every nation that can afford one maintains a metacapable force in some capacity but the UN countered by creating the following classification of certain powerful metahuman beings: Metacapable Being of Mass Destruction (MBMD).


UNTIL- Conventional forces that are highly trained in dealing with threats beyond the usual military scope, such as Alien Invasions, rampaging Daikaiju, cybernetic hordes, zombies, etc. They make use of specialized weaponry/equipment and a vast array of knowledge to level the playing field against threats that lesser forces would have no chance against.


ISTs- Each Member nation as a minimum of one team with additional ones added to certain countries based either on size or special considerations (Canada, while not populous enough to merit a second IST, has IST Vancouver due to its location as a gateway to the Pacific region). Each team has a complement of 6-8 members and all operatives have a limited form of Diplomatic Immunity that frees them from most laws but does not allow them to kill or take away the rights of a target. All members must spend a minimum of 2 years posted in a country other than the one they are from before requesting transfer to an IST in their home nation. All the ISTs are under the command of the metacapable known as Argurous Astraph, the Silverbolt, who has commanded the teams since their inception in 1985.


MBMDs: These are metacapables whose power is sufficient to level large areas of land or to kill large numbers of people with minimal difficulty. The exact guidelines for the classification were left purposely vague to allow for previously unseen metacapables and metacapabilities. The use by any UN member nation of one of these beings in a military capacity is considered a Crime against Humanity and will incur immediate IST and UNTIL intervention, followed by World Court charges against the offending nation.


The Sentinels of America Initiative- Spearheaded by the veteran government team the Sentinels of Liberty and Justice, this program seeks to recruit and gtrain enough American metacapables to place a seperate team into each American state, like the IST on a smaller geographic scale. Other than the SLJ team, which is tasked with representing Washington, DC, the program currently has 6 "pilot" teams, in the following states: Washington, California, New York, Florida, Texas, and Kansas, with the plan to move forward on the acctivation of 4 mores teams by the start of 2006 based on the performance of the current teams. These groups are only supposed to operate within the United States but there have been rumors of a "Shadow Sentinels" team that has executed operations on foreign soil, though no proof has ever been provided for such allegations.


PRIMUS: The Paranormal Research and Investigation Mission for the United States is the law enforcement wing of the DoJ that is tasked with delaing with "Paranormal" (indicating all manner of enhanced beings, not just metacapables) threats within the boundaries of the United States. This agency was created as a direct response to a number of incidents that required the US government invite UNTIL/IST intervention to assist with situations in the US. Loathe to be beholden to the UN and its agencies and believing that an "in-house response" to such situations. PRIMUS employs a number of different types of standard investigative and combat troops as well as their specialty agents:


*The Avengers- Silver Avengers and the Golden Avenger are the product of the Cyberline Enhancement, which uses a specific response artificial metacapability gene to create superhuman agents. There are currently 30 active duty Silver Avengers as well as 4 rogue SA agents that have managed disappear off the radar. There is also one current Golden Avenger, who was advanced to his position when the previous GA died under mysterious circumstances.


*The Iron Guard- PRIMUS agents specially trained to pilot and fight within special-issue Iron Guard robots. Each one of these units is a powerful one-man tank equipped with awesome firepower and armor/systems that allow it to go head to head with many higher power metacapables. The agency currently has 30 pilots trained with 20 suits of functional IG robots. While they wait for the compeletion of the other 10 suits, the remaining IG agents make use of personal power armor suits that, while less powerful than the robots, still make them a threat to most metacapables, especially using teamwork in teams of 3-5 agents. These agents are selected due to their minor response to Cyberline Enhancement, leaving them with faster reflexes and a natural bond to neural network systems that allows them increased abilities to pilot and fight within both their PA and Robot systems.


*Standard Agents- These are agents that were either not responsive to Cyberline at all or had only minor reponse (It is only effective on 5% of the population and even then most are granted only minor enhancements- IG or SA level of response occurs in only 10% of those responsive, or one in every 200 people). These agents fulfill investigative, intelligence gathering, R&D, and combate functions, among others. The combat operatives are issued technology to help them face Paranormal threats, with the gear being adjusted to the perceived forces that they are being sent out against on a case by case basis.


*Whisper Divison- A special group of PRIMUS espers that work to insure that the government remains free of outside mental control and also tasked with the investigation of suspected Psionic Crimes and the apprehension of psionic criminals. Many are talented though specialized psionic beings while the remainder are highly trained and talented normal operatives.


*Shadow Division- Another special group, this one tasked with magical crimes and the detention/aprrehension of magically gifted individuals or magical beings. This division incorporates both specialized regular agents and those agents actually trained in the mystic arts or possessing innate magical abilities.


Also, thanks to all posting on the About PRIMUS thread as it gave me a few ideas for that agency, some of which appear here- if you haven't checked the thread out, please do so.

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Re: Possible Online Campaign


Still more parts to come as I go- dealing with major background groups- had a few different ideas for campaign, or possibly multiple campaigns, ideas include:

*Players are members of an IST team located somewhere in North America

*Players could play members of new Sentinels of America Initiative team, either one of the 6 teams or they start independent and make a name for themselves and then get recruited for one of the 2006 expansion teams.

*Players are members of an Independent team not beholden to any large governmental group.


I haven't really figured out which I would go with yet- been brewing the game idea for a while now and still have let everything full percolate yet.

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