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Urban Fantasy 'white event' idea

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Re: Urban Fantasy 'white event' idea


De gustibus non est disputandum and all' date=' but I've been Mythos'ed-out for a while now due to overexposure - it seems like everybody wants to "add Mythos". Me, I've never been that big of a fan of it to start with.[/quote']


I agree. However, I think most are tired of boring ole Chthulu. I don't think it is nearly so canned when you re-image the whole affair into modern sensibilities. Narlythotep as a hypercognition weapon who destroys colors, musical notes, and the concept of tannok.


The campaign isn't planned as a CoC romp in the future but its own campaign -- the White Event, the origin of the "Urban Fantasy" comes from the re-image of the Mythos. I'm tired of same ole', same ol' Hidden Worlds of UF where scads of Vampires and Werewolves continue to elude mankind's notice (and have for centuries) because of some game convention. My goal was to allow rapid proliferation of supernatural without resorting to "gee, I guess they were hidden for the last 3,000 years." The sudden intrusion of the Mythos into our reality solves my delima but I've considered many other solutions.


Other concepts that solve the same problem like a reawakening of magic or a portal to another realm opening with some arcane conjunction just don't seem as elegant to me (they might seem Jim Dandy to you and that is fair.)


Sorry Maniac - I subscribe to a few Delta Green mailing lists where we all know exactly what is being referenced. Mythos with the capitol M = Chthulu Mythos even if I've never mastered the spelling of the various creatures.

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Re: Urban Fantasy 'white event' idea


What really happened in the white event in my world is a Secret that I eventually intend to reveal to the player. They currently have hints of what has happened. One of them might know WHAT happened, but not many of them know WHY.


I can say that it is definately NOT a case of a portal or a bunch of portals coming online all at once.


Now there is a "secret" history of Vampires and Werewolves. With Vampires evaporating on exposure to sunlight, and Werewolves changing back to human form when killed. Not much evidence existed to back up claims of their existance. That changed after the Fae came back to our world. Vampires bankrolled the whole movement to get Supernaturals human rights (for their own reasons), and Werewolves came out seeing that the time was right.


I don't really care for the 'Mythos' much, so my world doesn't have any of it's trappings.


So since at least 2 of my players do occasionally read these boards, I have to keep the secrets of my campaign secret from all of you. Though both players are good enough to keep RL knowledge from their characters, I enjoy seeing their reactions when they put together the pieces of a mystery themselves.



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