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Stingray is Up


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Re: Stingray is Up


In the PnP game there didn't seem to be much conflict between Atlantis and Lemuria in the modern CU. Their rival empires during the Atlantean Age are long gone, and the remnants of their respective civilizations are practically on opposite sides of the globe. It appeared that the Empyreans were once again the focus of Lemurian ire. But Cryptic does seem to be tying the underwater plotlines together. With the Lemurian civil war looking to be a major development in the MMO, it may be that Stingray will ally herself with one faction or the other in exchange for help conquering Atlantis.


I was struck by how closely CO's backstory for Stingray matches that published in Champions Universe; although Cryptic giving her a "neglected childhood" seems calculated to make her more sympathetic, and possibly redeemable.

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Re: Stingray is Up


In the PnP game there didn't seem to be much conflict between Atlantis and Lemuria in the modern CU. Their rival empires during the Atlantean Age are long gone, and the remnants of their respective civilizations are practically on opposite sides of the globe. It appeared that the Empyreans were once again the focus of Lemurian ire. But Cryptic does seem to be tying the underwater plotlines together. With the Lemurian civil war looking to be a major development in the MMO, it may be that Stingray will ally herself with one faction or the other in exchange for help conquering Atlantis.


I was struck by how closely CO's backstory for Stingray matches that published in Champions Universe; although Cryptic giving her a "neglected childhood" seems calculated to make her more sympathetic, and possibly redeemable.


Direct conflict, no. Not much.


But conquering Atlantis has long been a background motivation for Lemuria. Almost a driving force.

I like that it's being brought more to the front.


Remember, Lemuria didn't last through the cataclysm and make it out the other side, they transported through time. They haven't had 10,000 years to forget about Atlantis, for them the conflict is much much closer.

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