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Character Idea - Jousting Knight


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So, the dangerous has happened again. I got an other idea for a character. A jousting knight like character. I'd like some ideas on what to do with him power wise. But, most importantly, how would I go about making his mechanical horse? Vehicle maybe? He'll use it in combat.

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Re: Character Idea - Jousting Knight


I have a rough draft written up. I went for a vehicle. I think I'm going to go for a combination of magic and technology. The horse I built can run and fly. It also has a psychic bond with the knigh character.


I'll post up my character sheets when I'm home.

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Re: Character Idea - Jousting Knight






Val Char Cost

40 STR 30

26 DEX 48

28 CON 36

15 BODY 10

13 INT 3

10 EGO 0

25 PRE 15

12 COM 1


28/33 PD 2

28 ED 4

5 SPD 14

15 REC 2

70 END 7

70 STUN 21


8" RUN 4

2" SWIM 0

2" LEAP -6

Characteristics Cost: 191


Cost Power

20 Lance of Justice: Multipower, 45-point reserve, (45 Active Points); OAF (-1), Real Weapon (-1/4)

1u 1) Strike: HA +7d6 (35 Active Points); OAF (-1), Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2)

2u 2) Charge!: HA +3d6, Trigger (Activating the Trigger is an Action that takes no time, Trigger requires a Half Phase Action to reset, Trigger can expire (1 Segment); +1/4), Area Of Effect (16" Any Area; +1 3/4) (45 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2), Limited Power Must Pass Through/By Effected Hexes on Horse/Riding Animal/Vehicle (-1/2)

5 Lance's Reach: Stretching 1", Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2), Uncontrolled (+1/2) (12 Active Points); Limited Power Only with Lance (-1/2), no Noncombat Stretching (-1/4), No Velocity Damage (-1/4), Always Direct (-1/4)

18 Sword of Judgement: Multipower, 40-point reserve, (40 Active Points); OAF (-1), Real Weapon (-1/4)

3u 1) Hack: HKA 2d6 (4d6 w/STR), +1 Increased STUN Multiplier (+1/4) (37 Active Points); No Knockback (-1/4)

1u 2) Slash: HA +2d6, Armor Piercing (+1/2) (15 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2)

2u 3) Purge Darkness: Dispel Darkness 9d6, Cumulative (+1/2) (40 Active Points); Activation Roll 13- (-3/4), No Range (-1/2)

2u 4) Blinding Judgement: Sight Group Flash 3d6, Area Of Effect (One Hex; +1/2) (22 Active Points)

4 Helm of Immortality: LS (Longevity: Immortal), Cannot Be Removed Against Will (+0) (5 Active Points); Visible (-1/4)

31 Armor of Glory: Armor (18 PD/18 ED) (54 Active Points); OIF (-1/2), Real Armor (-1/4)

Armor Qualities

16 1) Knockback Resistance -10" (20 Active Points); Linked (Armor of Glory; Lesser Instant Power can be used in any Phase in which greater Constant Power is in use; -1/4)

4 2) LS (Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat)

13 Shield of Defending: Multipower, 30-point reserve, (30 Active Points); OAF (-1), Real Armor (-1/4)

1u 1) Missile Deflection (Any Ranged Attack), Persistent (+1/2) (30 Active Points); Activation Roll 11- (-1)

1u 2) +5 PD (5 Active Points)

1u 3) +1 with DCV (5 Active Points)

1u 4) Sight Group Flash Defense (10 points) (10 Active Points)

1u 5) Power Defense (10 points) (10 Active Points)

Powers Cost: 127



Cost Skill

3 Acting 14-

3 High Society 14-

3 Mechanics 12-

3 Oratory 14-

3 Paramedics 12-

3 Riding 14-

3 Survival 12-

3 Tactics 12-

3 Teamwork 14-

2 TF: Riding Animals

2 Weaponsmith (Muscle-Powered HTH) 12-

10 Defense Maneuver I-IV


Everyman Skills

0 1) Acting 8-

0 2) AK: Europe 8-

0 3) Climbing 8-

0 4) Concealment 8-

0 5) Conversation 8-

0 6) Deduction 8-

0 7) Language: English (Idiomatic; literate) (5 Active Points)

0 8) Paramedics 8-

0 9) Persuasion 8-

0 10) PS: Knight 11-

0 11) Shadowing 8-

0 12) Stealth 8-

0 13) TF: Common Motorized Ground Vehicles, Small Motorized Ground Vehicles

0 14) KS: Legends and Lore 8-

0 15) KS: Royality 11-

Skills Cost: 41


Cost Perk

30 Vehicle

Perks Cost: 30



Total Character Cost: 389


Pts. Disadvantage

15 Psychological Limitation: Code of Chivalry (Common, Strong)

20 Overconfident: (Very Common, Strong)

20 Loyal to the Cause: (Very Common, Strong)

20 Cannot Turn Down A Challenge: (Common, Total)

25 Psychological Limitation: Won't Take Off His Helmet (Very Common, Total)

15 Psychological Limitation: A Jester at Heart (Common, Strong)

15 Social Limitation: Public Identity Frequently (11-), Major

20 Hunted: PRIMUS 11- (Mo Pow, NCI, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Watching)

Disadvantage Points: 150

Base Points: 200

Experience Required: 39

Total Experience Available: 50

Experience Unspent: 11

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Re: Character Idea - Jousting Knight


One tweak - Slash is currently HA +2d6, AP. As an advantaged HA, it would only go up to 4d6 with Strength - pretty puny even for an AP attack. Since you have room in the MP, I'd increase it to HA +5d6 or +6d6 AP - more on the level of Hack.

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Re: Character Idea - Jousting Knight


One tweak - Slash is currently HA +2d6' date=' AP. As an advantaged HA, it would only go up to 4d6 with Strength - pretty puny even for an AP attack. Since you have room in the MP, I'd increase it to HA +5d6 or +6d6 AP - more on the level of Hack.[/quote']


Thanks. I was actually trying to get it to 10d6

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Re: Character Idea - Jousting Knight


His mount is same speed and dex. It can run 18" and fly 14". Also has a psychic bond to Champion.


This might seem like a bit of of cheese, but if the mount will not act independently of him (In otherwords, only function as a type of movement)


You could build it as follows on the character sheet itself


28 Mount 42 Point Multipower OIF

3u Flight 14" 0 END

3u Running +12" 0 END


34 points. Add either Bulky or make it restrainable, or OAF (all appropriate for the idea) and the real cost drops to 25 points

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