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6th Edition HERO Sidekick?


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Are there any plans to release a 6th Edition HERO Sidekick?


My players and I had mulitiple copies of the big books but we also enjoyed the speed and ease of use that Sidekick gave us...both for character creation and rules questions.


:D I know its kind of early to be asking about a Sidekick release...

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Re: 6th Edition HERO Sidekick?


The Basic Rule book will be the "sidekick" of 6th edition


Shame, really: I liked the name Sidekick. But as I understand it, people got confused by the name and thought it was a book about playing Sidekicks rather than Heroes. Which I would totally buy.

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Re: 6th Edition HERO Sidekick?


The really sad part is that people complained about being confused when the back of the book, the online store, and the review of it on this very site, all explain exactly what it is. I think most of the people who complained did so out of disappointment, not because they bought it under a misconception, and if they did buy it thinking it was a genre book about sidekicks, well, dang, “do some product research before you buy people”. Any mistakes in regards to Sidekick boils down to "user error" on the consumer end...

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Re: 6th Edition HERO Sidekick?


The really sad part is that people complained about being confused when the back of the book' date=' the online store, and the review of it on this very site, all explain exactly what it is. I think most of the people who complained did so out of disappointment, not because they bought it under a misconception, and if they did buy it thinking it was a genre book about sidekicks, well, dang, “do some product research [i']before[/i] you buy people”. Any mistakes in regards to Sidekick boils down to "user error" on the consumer end...


Actually, I believe that some distributors and stores were not picking it up because, "Who wants a book about playing Sidekicks?" Which is both bad research and reminds me of the Fry's buyer that didn't stock enough of the Sims because he thought it was stupid, rather than figuring out what the customers were likely to buy.

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Re: 6th Edition HERO Sidekick?


The really sad part is that people complained about being confused when the back of the book' date=' the online store, and the review of it on this very site, all explain exactly what it is. I think most of the people who complained did so out of disappointment, not because they bought it under a misconception, and if they did buy it thinking it was a genre book about sidekicks, well, dang, “do some product research [i']before[/i] you buy people”. Any mistakes in regards to Sidekick boils down to "user error" on the consumer end...


Actually' date=' I believe that some distributors and stores were not picking it up because, "Who wants a book about playing Sidekicks?" Which is both bad research and reminds me of the Fry's buyer that didn't stock enough of the Sims because [i']he[/i] thought it was stupid, rather than figuring out what the customers were likely to buy.
The stupidity of people is just mind boggling.



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Re: 6th Edition HERO Sidekick?


Sidekick complaint #2: besides missing some/many of the changes from 4th edition or rules in general;

Totally missing AP caps or other 'campaign limits'. Is there a limit to my DEX, SPD, AP, Defenses or Skill Rolls?

I'm sorry, but with no info on this, it's hard to build many super-heroes who have to be the 'best' at what they do.

Of course, a GM is to provide these limits, but what is recommended?

from page 14, character ability guidelines table, character type Superheroic:

Char 10-40 average range, no limits.

SPD 3-10 are these limits?

CV 7-13 as if DEX 20-40; are these limits?

DC 6-14 as if AP 30-70(!)?

Active Points (AP) 40-80 points now? so is the AP cap 60, 70 or 80 pts.?

Skill Points 25-80 tells me most are not Skill-Oriented as per p.15, which begins with "The Hero System doesn't establish any restrictions on what you can spend Character Points on."

Skill Roll 11-15- average range, no limits.

Def/rDef 20/10 average range, no limits.


Sidekick lacks many 'basic' rules as well as any 'campaign limits', not to mention the improved pushing rules; I'm sure FRED answers these questions somewhat better, as it should. It's like FRED is required to play 5th edition Hero, and this is an 128 excerpt from the rules missing only one or two key points.

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Re: 6th Edition HERO Sidekick?


Err, it lacks 'campaign limits'? It's not a campaign book. The fact that the full rules has more specific suggestions is part of why it cost $50 instead of the $12 you paid for Sidekick! You complain about not being given limits, but you are being given ranges. If those ranges aren't enough for you, maybe you should buy the full rules (and possibly some genre books as well) if you are planning on running a campaign. If you aren't running the game, then why complain? Your GM no doubt will have campaign specific limits for you to go by when you build your character. If you are GMing, then why did you buy the version that says:

Sidekick boils the HERO System down to its essential elements so you can easily teach yourself the game, bring new players into your campaign quickly, or refresh your memory on a crucial rule. And when you're ready to move up to the complete HERO System, learning it will be a snap because Sidekick's already taught you the basics!

Instead of the full rule book?


Your complaint about Sidekick not having the changes from 4th to 5th illustrated has already been rebutted on the other thread you complained in. Showing those changes was not the point of the book and if you had asked anyone here on the site (or even read the back of the book, really) you would have known that. Why bring it up again, and why bring up your “second complaint” (I seem to remember more than one complaint in the first thread, but whatever) in a completely different thread? Guess what, your second complaint is almost as easily refuted as your first by simple reading the back of the book.


EDIT: Just to warn you so you don't get confused. If yuo want a list of differences between 4th and 6th or 5th and 6th don't buy the Basic Rule Book, buy the full rules. Or just ask around, since it's being discussed everywhere on the boards.

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Re: 6th Edition HERO Sidekick?


Ask your GM. If you aren't in a game and are just building one for practice, then is it a Teen Super or a Starting Hero or are you planning on playing in High Power campaigns?


For an "average" Superheroic campaign I'd say an AP of 60 or 75 and a DC cap of around 12. Some people use "soft caps" some only use DC caps some only use AP. It's all campaign specific.

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Re: 6th Edition HERO Sidekick?


sorry, wolfe, but to refute me, you have to prove me in error;

not just point out some things I may or may not have assumed.

Of course it's not a campaign book, did I say it was?

Of course it's not the full rules, did I say it was?

Sorry I started with "Sidekick complaint #2", besides making me sound whiny, it also implies this a continuation from another thread; such was not my intent. I was ignoring you in the other thread because you implied I purchased Sidekick without reading a review. Such implications are insulting. Ergo, you don't deserve a polite answer.

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Re: 6th Edition HERO Sidekick?


but to be polite, thank you pointing out that AP and DC caps are separate things, and they do exist! As for a plethora of complaints, I use the word in this thread to show this is my opinion. Your welcome to try and change my opinion, if you can.

IMO, it's a little harder to 'refute' an opinion. usually, to do so, you'll require the "stfu" defense, obviously!

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Re: 6th Edition HERO Sidekick?


EDIT: I posted a very long response. I erased it because this is not the appropriate place for this conversation in the first place. This thread was about whether or not there would be a Sidekick book or its equivalent in 6E, so I’m not sure why you are discussing the 5E book here. I’ll suffice to say that all of your complaints seem to come, not from the book lacking something it should obviously have, but from it lacking things you expected it to have for no reason. If you want to continue this conversation I’d suggest using the original thread since this one was specifically about the 6E Basic Rule Book.

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Re: 6th Edition HERO Sidekick?


So why did you bring up the other thread, repeat yourself, and brand me 'refuted'

when you could have simply reminded me of what this thread is about?

IMO, if and when 'Sidekick' or similar book is released, it may include a word or two more certain things that are good to know about when 'designing' a character, so that I (this person) might have more 'quiet enjoyment' of said product.

You needn't read me the back cover, because I'd rather hear an objective criticism on what I purchase, good and/or bad, and everything in-between. I'd much rather hear your thoughts on the manner.

IMO, Sidekick is lacking something it should obviously have, not lacking things I expected it to have for no reason.

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Re: 6th Edition HERO Sidekick?


So why did you bring up the other thread, repeat yourself, and brand me 'refuted'

when you could have simply reminded me of what this thread is about?

Because I thought better of derailing this thread further than it already was, which is equally my fault. I even suggested moving the conversation back there...

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