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Re-introducing COM to 6th Edition


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Re: Re-introducing COM to 6th Edition


Proposition: as stated in the intent of this thread, the function of COM can be expanded. Likewise, the function of Striking Appearance can be expanded. As several posters have expressed, many define and/or use COM more broadly than it is actually defined in the 4E and 5ER rules. Nothing in and of itself prohibits the use of both COM and Striking Appearance.



Methodology of COM uses (obviously simplistically categorized):



Method 1: COM value as an indicator for attractiveness/value for physical attractiveness.

This is the official version, since 5ER p38, states: “Comeliness reflects the character's beauty or handsomeness. This may effect the use of some Skills or Presence Attacks.”



Example: 5ER Definition.




Method 2: COM value as the basis for a COM Roll to determine if another character/NPC find them attractive/interesting/charming. This may also include using the COM value itself as a direct indicator of “positive impression” attributes encompassing a broader definition than the official definition of physical attractiveness.



Examples: Innumerable; so many good ones it would be presumptuous of me to list just one (several posts on this thread and others have suggestions for this; perhaps some these numerous suggestions could be compiled?)





Method 3: COM value as game mechanic in itself; i.e. COM Attacks, modifiers to PRE Attacks, modifiers to Interaction Skills. This may also include extensions to existing Skills and other game mechanics concerning Interaction, as well as special Skills based on COM.



Example: “Based On COM” by Bob Greenwade (see his link in Post 11 in this thread).





Method 6E: Striking Appearance Mechanics, usable in and of itself and/or in combination with any other method.



Example: Striking Appearance with RSR. The RSR is one of the Everyman Power Skill "Appearance", as Chris Goodwin suggested.

This Power:"Appearance" Skill represents the value of noteworthiness (as in a COM value); it also represents the character's chance of being noticed and remembered by a random witness.

It must be defined as Attractive or Ugly, similarly to Striking Appearance, and is subject to the "Eye of the Beholder" effect - a higher value means either more Attractive or more Ugly, as defined. A low value indicates blandness and lack of distinguishing attributes.

This Skill also acts as the RSR for Striking Appearance to take effect (at the level purchased by the character - if any).

At the GM's discretion, Power: “Appearance” Skill may be purchased twice, to represent a character that is perceived as Attractive by some and Ugly by some, or both.

“Attractive” in this context is defined as a character possessing attributes that would give a positive impression on the target, while “Ugly” is a character possessing negative impression attributes. The exact attributes should be defined both for purposes of this Skill as well as for Striking Appearance (if any).





Method 456 (FrankenHero): COMbinations of 4E/5ER/6E Rules.


Example: This would constitute a synthesis of several different edition rules as well as requiring some tweaking (if I'm not misunderstanding, I think nexus has argued repeatedly for this?).





I've given some effort here to list credit for ideas, but I may (probably) have missed several contributors – I know some of these suggestions were given more than a year ago during the Great Debates.



Hope we can move this forward into anything usable that doesn't already exist. I'm pretty sure several of you also have some house rules that others may want to incorporate into their games.

Feel free to mangle these ideas into a total lack of recognizability!

Let the Wars Begin! … no, I meant... not. :)

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Re: Re-introducing COM to 6th Edition


I may be going out on a limb here, but I think there are several different intents where reintroducing/keeping/expanding COM is concerned:


1: Some like to use the COM value as an indicator for attractiveness/value for physical attractiveness.


2: Some like to use the COM value as the basis for a COM Roll to determine if another character/NPC find them attractive/interesting/charming.


3: Some like to use the COM value as game mechanic in itself; i.e. COM Attacks, modifiers to PRE Attacks, modifiers to Interaction Skills.


4: Some want several of the above.



Suggestion: Striking Appearance with RSR.

The RSR is one of the Everyman Power Skill "Appearance", as Chris suggested.


This Power:"Appearance" Skill represents the value of noteworthiness (as in a COM value); it also represents the character's chance of being noticed and remembered by a random witness.

It must be defined as Attractive or Ugly, similarly to Striking Appearance, and is subject to the "Eye of the Beholder" effect - a higher value means either more Attractive or more Ugly, as defined. A low value indicates blandness and unremarkability.

This Skill also acts as the RSR for Striking Appearance to take effect (at the level purchased by the character - if any).


What'cha think?


Doesn't work unless the character actually has purchased Interaction skills, since the extra PRE represented by Striking Appearance doesn't influence 8- familiarity rolls.

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Re: Re-introducing COM to 6th Edition


No, really, I'm serious. I would consider doing some compiling if there is enough interest. I don't think I personally will use COM under 6E, but I have used it previously, and something like the Power Skill/RSR (OK, it's now RaR) is what I might use.


Since there has been much written on the subject already, I just thought it might be structured out and compiled together. I haven't yet looked through what might be under other threads like schir1964's compilations or other similar, but I had to start somewhere, and I know there is much material both on recent threads and under the 6th Edition Discussion (aside from the arguments in either direction).


I think Bob Greenwade's initiative Based on COM in this direction is a good example of how that could work.


Any comments? If noone has any, I will just drop the subject as gracefully as I am able. :)

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