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Dr. Destroyer Missions On Thursday, September 17

Steve Long

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Hey folx!


I'm trying to put together a five-man team to tackle the two Dr. Destroyer quests in Millennium City. A couple people have already expressed interest, so I said I'd post here, see if we could drum up a full 5 people who can all show up at the same time. ;)


Now, I don't really know beans about setting up a tactically effective 5-man in CO yet (and I suspect not too many people do), so I'm not going to worry too much about trying to custom-tailor the group. We'll just get who we can and give it a shot (literally, in my case, being Munitions and all ;)).


Post here if you're interested, what level and spec you are, and when you can make it!


I am: Level 27, Munitions; available pretty much anytime after 5:00 PM Eastern until about 9:00 PM Eastern, barring emergencies.

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Re: Dr. Destroyer Missions On Thursday, September 17


I have to miss them. Main computer died last night' date=' with CO trapped in the DVD player so I can't even install to my laptop.[/quote']


You can log in to the CO site and download the game client, can't you?


Also, does your DVD drive have a pin hole to pop the drive open?


Edit: Yes, the game client can be downloaded direct from here at the Cryptic site.

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Re: Dr. Destroyer Missions On Thursday, September 17


Thanks to all for the team adventure!


"Every loss teaches us something" -- attr. to some old wise dead person.


I used to be a kind of a hardcore raider - top 500 raid groups worldwide for pushing content, known by name on my server and a couple others, blah blah, that and $3.75 gets me a latte at Starbucks - and it makes me analytical of losses in these situations. I hope everyone else who went feels okay chiming in with anything I miss!


What getting our butts handed to us by Dr. Destroyer taught us, in no particular order:



  • Dr. Destroyer is tough. Like, really really tough. This is NOT your 'oh yeah I can probably solo this with mines' 5-man mission. (It looks like it's actually a Doombot - apologies to the authors, I forget the name of Destroyer's decoys - and it's still tough.) The mission is rated as level 27. I personally feel like it's 29 or even 30. We brought two lower levels and sidekicked them (though both performed admirably without sidekicking!) and it was still not enough.
  • It's a crime to make us save Foxbat. Oh, wait, no - I learned that lesson years ago at the hands of a GM who was a Foxbat fan. Foxbat needs a sitter through the escort part of the mission and let me tell you, that boy goes down like a new intern at the White House during the Clinton era. If we have a healer, healer is on Foxbat heal duty.
  • It is good to set an actual time for these missions to start, that way if there are enough sign ups we can even do multiple groups. (I'm not sure the best way to coordinate this. Suggestions?)
  • Assigning roles is a good idea, if there are people who are comfortably able to fill those roles. Usually, whoever is the tank ("Protector") is responsible for calling out plans and such in Ventrilo. ( We do have Ventrilo, please see http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=75357 for the info. I reiterate, it is okay for people NOT in Legion of Heroes or in Wayfarers to use this vent server. People can ask me or Celt for specific channels and so on.
  • The final boss resets if there is a team wipe. It's a good idea to hang out in front of the final door to regroup before charging in.
  • Some things about the mission are game design issues and we cannot help them, such as the multiple "Press Z to enter" mini-zones that are encountered every time someone has got to run back. I'm putting in a ticket about them, asking for additional spawn points if they cannot find a way to remove the zoning issue.

At some point, I'll post a newbie guide to grouping/raiding, chock full of all those things I wish someone would have told me before I signed up.

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Re: Dr. Destroyer Missions On Thursday, September 17


How did aggro management go? Kara is built to do tank or melee dps, but her presence is low. If I dropped STR/CON for PRE items, would I be able to hold aggro? The boards show that the aggro system is not working right, meaning a DPSer/Healer with high PRE to reduce aggro still get primaried when the tank is pounding the foe.


Was that your experience?

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Re: Dr. Destroyer Missions On Thursday, September 17


Wild Huntress did a second runthrough with Militiaman, Protector, and a couple other folks (I think PuGs?) and it went much smoother.


Firstly, in the room where you are building a robot, we tried having just 1 person manage the switches and everyone else watch for robot spawns. This went much smoother and there were no annoying 'but the button doesn't work' glitches on the robot making machine. (I was the one making the robot since I'd just seen how it works.) Perhaps the game gets confused when more than one person is standing on the button pads?


Secondly, in the final room with the Destroyer clone, things went much better if you kill the robot making parts before you kill the Destroyer clone. We only managed to get 2 of the machines destroyed in the 5 minutes we had on the timer, BUT it *seemed* to give us credit when we killed the last two after 5 minutes were up regardless of the timer having already expired. We only killed the destroyer clone after all 4 robot making machines were destroyed, and the mega-destroid was considerably easier to take down -- though it could still pack a serious punch, our attacks were actually damaging it at more than a snail's pace. It still took several minutes and a number of player deaths to take down but not nearly as bad as the previous attempt. Chalk that one up to lessons learned about how to beat the mission!


As far as aggro management goes... I'd say it's pretty random. Letting the tank go in first to draw aggro is still a good idea at the start, but don't expect it to stay there. People not doing a ton of damage bad guys do tend to get attacked less, but they still get attacked sometimes, especially if by virtue of the chaos of battle they wind up the closest target to a given mob. Plus there are lots of mob AoE attacks going off regularly which can easily hit multiple players.

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Re: Dr. Destroyer Missions On Thursday, September 17


I am taking Crippling Challenge on all of my attacks that have it to hopefully hold aggro (and turn off PVPers' block). :) Might help. That's on Beatdown, Thunderclap, and Shockwave. Not taking Mighty Leap.


Would Unbreakble or Resurgence be a better choice? Delaying that decision for Uppercut, but at L23 Unbreakable blocks 1122 and Resurgence says it heals 1705 and -3827 health to effects (whatever that means).

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Re: Dr. Destroyer Missions On Thursday, September 17


On other note it was certainly interesting to see content before it's been done to repeatedly by many before me, and wikied, youtubed and blogged about to a fare-thee-well. It was frustrating at times, such as that damned magnet, but fun overall. Thanks for a good time.

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Re: Dr. Destroyer Missions On Thursday, September 17


Good observations 8FP! Aside from things we can't deal with (e.g., lack of respawn points), it was a fun run and we learned a lot. Next time we'll get him... as Zed's experiences show.


Grouped fights in CO so far seem a lot more chaotic than the ones in WoW, but still fun. I'm definitely looking forward to more... esp. once I get Lightning Reflexes in another level. ;)


I do think that both the mobs and the quests need to pay off a lot more Experience Points, though.


Once I know my schedule for next week a little better, I'll try setting up another run on Destroyer, or Monster Island, or whatever else seems like fun. Might as well take advantage of having a Super Group and a message board to see some of the instanced content. :thumbup:

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Re: Dr. Destroyer Missions On Thursday, September 17


I'm locking this thread since the date has passed, but I will post other threads when I want to set up runs. (I just got the Teleios mission, f'rex. ;)) Naturally, anyone else who wants to schedule a run should feel free to post similar threads of his or her own.

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