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5e Body of Obsidian


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This is the Disadvantage I am using, from The Master List of Limitations.


Physical Limit: Body of (Unusual Substance) (All the Time, Slightly Impairing)

This character's body is made of some unusual, possibly inorganic substance. Examples would include a character whose body is made of steel, or wood, or quartz crystal. The specific effects of this Disadvantage should be determined by the GM based on the material in question. For example, a character's whose body is made of steel might not be as limber and flexible as normal. His sense of touch might also be lessened, and he would have less sense of temperature unless near an extreme (such as boiling hot or freezing). Also, he would weigh much more than normal, and has to take this into account when using furniture, getting into a vehicle, etc. Depending upon the specifics, other Physical Limitations would also be appropriate (like for excess weight or having reduced tactile sensations).


Was hoping you fine ladies and gentleman could assist me with ideas of what the effects of this Physical Limitation should be. I already have Distinct Feature and a Physical Limitation for Increased Weight in addition to this disad.


Thanks in advance for any help/suggestions.

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Re: 5e Body of Obsidian


Previously I'd probably have broken down the disadvantage: Phys Lim - attenuated sense of touch/Phys Lim - Extra mass/Phys Lim - unable to squeeze through gaps: none of them worth much but you get the spectrum. As you only need 75 points of disadvantages now, I would probably roll them into one: just decide how often it is a problem, amd how much. That is really somethign you'll have to agree with your GM - I do not think there is any absolute right answer here.

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Re: 5e Body of Obsidian


How about a PER bonus to someone seeing you as light reflects of obsidian. The classic 'What's that glint over there?'


Also, obsidian can have extremely sharp edges. Maybe you have a tendency to tear things by accident.



....and then all my clothes fell off....but it was all done in the best possible taste!




RIP Kenny Eveett

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Re: 5e Body of Obsidian


Disadvantage of having Body of Obsidian? You'll eventually be erased from the universe and your place on the team will be given to someone named "Ironclad"... :P


So that's what happened!

Does that mean the reverse happens if you have Body of Sapphire? Or is that a Quantum leap of reason?


(to be continued in Secret Origins of the CU...)

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