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Re: MordSith


During the Dark Times' date=' several Confessors were touched by the Confessor's power. I see nothing that makes one Confessor immune to the power of another.[/quote']


Interesting, Asperion, thank you. I did not know that, nor was my question directed to that. I'm worried about the confessed individual.


Confessor A confesses Joey.

Confessor B wants to confess Joey.

Can confessor B confess Joey even though he has been confessed?


La Rose.

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Re: MordSith


Kahlan is normal. Only when she uses her ability on someone is she not normal. Actually, the person she uses the ability on becomes not normal.


There's Shota. But she's a witch.


I've only read the first book in the series (well worth it!) and I can't recall any 'normal' women in the book. There was a girl / young woman who might qualify but I can't recall any details about her (it has been awhile sense I read it). IIRC, a wizard of the second order was in her family's employ and he sacrificed himself to help the girl out. I could be mis-remembering though. So, other than background, we had two witches, a morde sith, a mother confessor, and some young woman as the only female roles. There weren't, however, too many normal characters from either gender, though.


La Rose.

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Re: MordSith


Kahlan is normal. Only when she uses her ability on someone is she not normal. Actually, the person she uses the ability on becomes not normal.


There's Shota. But she's a witch.


What is normal on being unable to have (loving) sexual intercourse, because having that would turn the person she is doing this with into her slave ?

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Re: MordSith


Richard would argue that with you...


I actually think that this is a point of difference for the Show and book. In the book, iirc, because Richard loves Kahlan wholly and completely without being confessed, Kahlan's powers actually have no effect on him. Although in the show, I'm pretty sure they skipped past this aspect of the plot in order to keep up the reluctant / forbidden lovers plot device. I missed the part of the series where Richard kill Rahl and thus didn't get to see if Kahlan and him realized that they could be loving to each other in that manner, but assume they didn't given the forbidden love plot device being constantly brought up in the newest episodes.


La Rose


PS. Perhaps this thread would be best suited in the "Fantasy HERO" section given that Mord Sith and the SoT series are solidly Fantasy and not really comic book genre.

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Re: MordSith


PS. Perhaps this thread would be best suited in the "Fantasy HERO" section given that Mord Sith and the SoT series are solidly Fantasy and not really comic book genre.


I choose to place this thread here since I am planning on putting the MordSith into a Champions campaign using supers instead of a fantasy campaign where they are a=originally found. My original question was how to build a MordSith into a supers reality instead of taking them wholesale into the fantasy world that they were originally created in. Although this discussion has been very interesting and informative, helping me to get a better understanding of the MordSith (although they come in very handy and are better defined in later books).

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Re: MordSith


It's not covered in the books, but in the show, it's stated that a Confessor's power does nothing to one already confessed. Oh, and Cara holds both additive and subtractive magic in the books because she took the magic of (I think... ) a Sister of the Dark. Either way, the magic she "takes" is in some sense hers from then on. THis allows her to travel in the Sliph.

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