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Long stepping...


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Long range jumps. Going beyond the known territories. How often have you touched upon this issue in your campaigns. Have you ever just tossed the PCs into strange sectors of space and had them figure out what they where dealing with?


Now, I like the idea of wanting to go to strange places, but what about NOT wanting to go there? Do you play up the horror, the mystery, or even the humor of new places?



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Sorry to disapoint you, but as I only JUST got my group to give Sci Fi a chance, I'm afraid not.


Now, in other genres (Super Heroic, Fantasy, etc) I have thrust them into other dimensions. lands, or even times that they were unfamilar with. A few of those were places they DEFINITELY Did not want to go :)


I tend to game it with kind of double shots from opposing sides... accenting the similiarities before trying to blow their minds by bringing some element that shows just how different its. Then right back again. Seems to keep my group entertained :)

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