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technology in the campaign setting


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Some more brainstorming. So, with regard to technology levels, I am thinking that the setting will have a matrix along the lines of Shadowrun, though perhaps a little more advanced to actually allow the existence of AI's; perhaps also some androids/robots that exist. I debate whether I should allow AI/androids as playable "races" in the campaign setting.


Although prosthetic cyberware is pervasive, the use of bioware and more cosmetic/military grade cyberware is expensive and a luxury.


There won't be mechs and such, but I like the idea of power armor being available, but expensive for non-military individuals to use.



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Re: technology in the campaign setting


What kind of Powered Armor are you planning to use? I use all kinds ranging from Form-Fitting (BGC Hardsuit) to large (Landmate sized) and everything in between. In my campaign setting the Landmate-sized PA is written up as a Vehicle, but anything smaller is written up as OIF. I also use full-blown mecha (written up as vehicles of course) some of which Transform and at least 1 combiner in the galaxy.

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  • 5 months later...

Re: technology in the campaign setting


Cyberpunk:2020 had a couple of supplements called Chromebooks. At least one of them had a variety of rather innovative "full-body replacements", which could easily be turned into powered armor. My favorite was the Firefighter unit. Not a military term, a real firefighter cyborg, complete with nozzles in the arms that could connect to hoses hitched up in back. Easy enough to convert, and the books weren't expensive when they were new. Check www.powells.com (a truly mighty used-book store in Portland, OR), they have a lot of gently used gaming material at good prices.

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Re: technology in the campaign setting


Transhuman Space (from SJG; it's a GURPS product) covers all that and more. I'd worry less about direct translation of game mechanics (read: not at all) and more about mining for ideas.


Transhuman Space was my first thought too, on the subject of AI-inhabited "cybershells" which how it refers to robots. As Peregrine says, it's an ideas-mine for a GM.

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Re: technology in the campaign setting


Cyberpunk:2020 had a couple of supplements called Chromebooks. At least one of them had a variety of rather innovative "full-body replacements"' date=' which could easily be turned into powered armor. My favorite was the Firefighter unit. Not a military term, a real firefighter cyborg, complete with nozzles in the arms that could connect to hoses hitched up in back. Easy enough to convert, and the books weren't expensive when they were new. Check www.powells.com (a truly mighty used-book store in Portland, OR), they have a lot of gently used gaming material at good prices.


Cyberpunk2020 also had a whole book dedicated to Powered Armor (and to a lesser extent, armored vehicles like tanks and such) called Maximum Metal. Its definately worth tracking down for the inspiration. Also keep an eye out for the Bubblegum Crisis RPG and a supplement called BGC: Before and After. Both books have a plethora of Powered Armor and unique armored vehicles that would add substance to your game setting.


I would also recommend the GURPS Techbooks. GURPS has a very well-defined Tech level chart and all the items in their Sci-fi campaign products use this (except the ones that are based on specified fiction like Transhuman Space and Lensman). There's a ton of weapons and equipment that could be converted to HERO in the Techbooks. They are probably quite hard to find these days, but well worth tracking down. I would also recommend the GURPS Space Atlases for random planets and systems that you can drop into your campaign setting. Again, hard to find but absolutely invaluable.

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