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Animal Imitation question

Nuclear Fridge

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I’m facing a problem with a ‘shapeshifter’ power build. I’ve recently bought the Ultimate Metamorph, but it’s given me too much help. So I’m turning to all the mad scientists, misguided experimenters, and rogue GMs on the Hero Boards for advice.


The premise of the character is this: she can ‘mimic’ sets of animal powers to a degree, but not actually change into a dog, cat, hawk, etc., so Multiform (like CKC’s Menagerie) is out. I’m thinking of a variable power pool, with ‘packages’ of powers based on the USPD entries… but I’m not quite sure this is the way to go. The Limitations on the Pool could be difficult to administer, and I've never really tried such a build before. :help:

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Re: Animal Imitation question


Depends on how extensive the imitation is and how quickly she can change between powers.


I feel you can easily do this with a multipower with Lockout on the slots, but that works best if she only gains one or two powers at a time. Then you just make things like Speed of the Cheetah (+Xm Running) or Fangs of the Tiger (Xd6 HKA). Even though Tigers run faster than humans and Cheetah's have fangs, you only emphasize one aspect of each animal. This way is very easy to build and play.


Otherwise, I would probably tend to favor Mutiform as a way to change around large chunks of a character.

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Re: Animal Imitation question


I’m facing a problem with a ‘shapeshifter’ power build. I’ve recently bought the Ultimate Metamorph' date=' but it’s given me [i']too [/i]much help. So I’m turning to all the mad scientists, misguided experimenters, and rogue GMs on the Hero Boards for advice.


The premise of the character is this: she can ‘mimic’ sets of animal powers to a degree, but not actually change into a dog, cat, hawk, etc., so Multiform (like CKC’s Menagerie) is out. I’m thinking of a variable power pool, with ‘packages’ of powers based on the USPD entries… but I’m not quite sure this is the way to go. The Limitations on the Pool could be difficult to administer, and I've never really tried such a build before. :help:

The simplest way is most likely a Big Multi


Animal Powerz! (45)

u Wolf out! +x running, Enhanced senses, maybe a bite

u Bear with me! Growth, claws, maybe some defenses


Etc... Sorta like Vixen(?) of JLA cartoons...

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Re: Animal Imitation question


The simplest way is most likely a Big Multi


Animal Powerz! (45)

u Wolf out! +x running, Enhanced senses, maybe a bite

u Bear with me! Growth, claws, maybe some defenses


Thanks, I'll probably go with the 'monster multi' route. The 'wardrobe of bodies' idea is better suited for another character I have in mind.

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Re: Animal Imitation question


I've always been leery of VPPs myself. Too open for abuse.


I can relate. I've seen them abused before. But almost anything can be abused. Some stuff just need to be watched a little closer...


While I often prefer a nice big MP full of of tricks, at some point the VPP becomes more cost effective.


For those that don't trust this sort of build but still want to save the points, you can always tack on a "Spellbook" type limitation that limits the player to a list of abilities that he's already developed.

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Re: Animal Imitation question


I can relate. I've seen them abused before. But almost anything can be abused. Some stuff just need to be watched a little closer...


While I often prefer a nice big MP full of of tricks, at some point the VPP becomes more cost effective.


For those that don't trust this sort of build but still want to save the points, you can always tack on a "Spellbook" type limitation that limits the player to a list of abilities that he's already developed.


Concur. I've been contemplating a house rule for my games that any character who wants a VPP is limited to a list of up to two unique/individual powers for every five Points in the Pool. Cosmic Power Pools are limited to just one per 5 Points in the Pool. Modifying an existing power would count towards the list of fixed items.


Thus a gadgeteer with a 60 point pool could have up to 24 different inventions he's allowed swap-out. And if his list was full and he wanted to modify one of his 24 inventions (say, his normal Shieild belt is a 10/10 OIF with an END Reserve and he wants to down-grade it to a 5/5 and use those "parts" to enhance his Tractor-beam Gauntlet he would need to spend the appropriate number of points to upgrade his VPP by 5 Pool-Points (allowing for two new inventions).


Sound too limiting? not limiting enough?

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Re: Animal Imitation question


Concur. I've been contemplating a house rule for my games that any character who wants a VPP is limited to a list of up to two unique/individual powers for every five Points in the Pool. Cosmic Power Pools are limited to just one per 5 Points in the Pool. Modifying an existing power would count towards the list of fixed items.


Thus a gadgeteer with a 60 point pool could have up to 24 different inventions he's allowed swap-out. And if his list was full and he wanted to modify one of his 24 inventions (say, his normal Shieild belt is a 10/10 OIF with an END Reserve and he wants to down-grade it to a 5/5 and use those "parts" to enhance his Tractor-beam Gauntlet he would need to spend the appropriate number of points to upgrade his VPP by 5 Pool-Points (allowing for two new inventions).


Sound too limiting? not limiting enough?


I can't say I've had much problem with VPPs in my game.

If your worried about VPPs being too "Varable" then don't use them. Instead use a Multipower and decrease the "Slot" cost instead of dividing by 5 & 10 divide by 10 & 20(Maybe with a limit on the number of slots that can be used during an adventure). That will give your players more options without any suprises for you.

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Re: Animal Imitation question


My number one problem with VPP is when players try to reconfigure it at the last moment (as in, right before game time) and not having their math right. And then proceeding to argue with me over the math. I do have a house rule in place already that a player cannot have a power in his VPP without me approving it.


My number two is when a player hands me a list 10 pages long (I kid you not) in size 10 font of all of his pre-built powers for his Gadgeteer's VPP. As I had not developed the 2 abilities per 5 pts in the pool idea yet, I spent the better part of the weekend ripping his list apart. And then that player decided he didn't want to play. He was henceforth banned from any and all games in town.


As far as "suprises" go, I'm of the school that "A GM should know exactly what the PC's abilities are." This is for two reasons. A) So you don't accidently kill the whole Party by throwing them up against something they can't handle (especially a problem in DnD) and B) No GM should EVER say "you can do that?"

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Re: Animal Imitation question


My number one problem with VPP is when players try to reconfigure it at the last moment (as in, right before game time) and not having their math right. And then proceeding to argue with me over the math. I do have a house rule in place already that a player cannot have a power in his VPP without me approving it.


My number two is when a player hands me a list 10 pages long (I kid you not) in size 10 font of all of his pre-built powers for his Gadgeteer's VPP. As I had not developed the 2 abilities per 5 pts in the pool idea yet, I spent the better part of the weekend ripping his list apart. And then that player decided he didn't want to play. He was henceforth banned from any and all games in town.


As far as "suprises" go, I'm of the school that "A GM should know exactly what the PC's abilities are." This is for two reasons. A) So you don't accidently kill the whole Party by throwing them up against something they can't handle (especially a problem in DnD) and B) No GM should EVER say "you can do that?"


I just haven't had these problems with VPPs in my games. It sounds like VPPs don't fit your style. If you take too much of the versitility away then the cost just isn't worth the cost so I would stick with MPs.

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