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A random thought I had - A valid HKA Usable As Attack...

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...Make it look like one of your enemies just attacked one of their allies.


Say you're playing a spellcaster. And there's a common spell almost every spellcaster knows - Let's call it Arcane Bolt. You have Arcane Bolt Usable As Attack. You hit an enemy with it...And they're forced to cast Arcane Bolt at someone.


Works kind of like how Running UAA can be used to force someone to run whereever you want (GM permitting, of course)


Requires some rules interpretation, but can allow some rather nasty tactics.

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Re: A random thought I had - A valid HKA Usable As Attack...


I'd be very wary of this kind of thing. If you're forcing someone to cast a spell (complete with Gestures and Incantations), that sounds more like Mind Control. If you're casting the spell and you want to make it look like they are, Indirect and IPE(source only) might be more workable, or a Linked Images. I see the tactics you're going for, and I agree they would make things interesting (at least). It also depends on whether this is a PC ability or NPC, and how restrictive you're going to be about the SFX and what defenses will prevent the UAA from happening.


Whether or not I'd approve it as GM would come down to questions like these, and how often I want to deal with this kind of battle tactic. Constantly playing out combats where the bad guys are shooting at each other would get rather tedious, rather quickly. As an occasional thing, though it could really spice things up.

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Re: A random thought I had - A valid HKA Usable As Attack...


Is the intent to force a Target to use up their Phase? Or is the intent to have the Target "fire or appear to fire" the Arcane Bolt spell?


If the first, that's absolutely Mind Control.


If the second, that's simply Indirect on Arcane Bolt.

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Re: A random thought I had - A valid HKA Usable As Attack...


Yeah, it seems a bit cheesy to me since the target of the UAA isn't the person who's actually affected by it.


I suppose I could see it in the case of granting someone an attack power with the Damage Shield advantage, but it seems like a combo of IPE and Area Of Effect (Surface) would do just as well without being so dicey from a rules perspective.

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Re: A random thought I had - A valid HKA Usable As Attack...


If the third' date=' you can make them fire Arcane Bolt at somebody (Or whatever) even if they don't actually know it or can't cast it.[/quote']


This is still option two with some added SFX. Still an Indirect Attack. Possibly with Images to make it appear that the Target fired the bolt if you want to go further with it.

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Re: A random thought I had - A valid HKA Usable As Attack...


You're not separating SFX from Mechanic.


If the Target ACTUALLY fires the Arcan Bolt, you need use Mind Control to force them to make an action; There is a way to build UAA (in 6E) so that you control the Ability but the Target pays END but it's still under YOUR control. You CAN'T force them to take an Action through UAA.


So your desire falls under Indirect where the actual owner uses the Target as a Proxy to fire the Arcane Bolt - everyone things it came from the Target, though it came from somewhere else, the Target does not use their action.


If the Target is not using their own Action to fire the spell then "The target fires the spell" is Special Effect. For purposes of Game, the Target fired the Spell, for purposes of Mechanics the Target did not.

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