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Conan Edogawa [371]


ST 7 [-30]; DX 9 [-20]; IQ 12 [40]; HT 10 [0].

Damage 1d-3/1d-2; BL 10 lbs.; HP 7 [0]; Will 12 [0]; Per 15 [15]; FP 10 [0].

Basic Speed 4.75 [0], Basic Move 4 [0]; Dodge 7.

Height: 3', Weight 18 Kg, SM -2, Age 7 (17)

Reaction Mods: Attractive +1, Pitiable +3, Talent (Detective) +4, Minor -2


Social Background

TL: 8

CF: Japan [0]

Languages: Nihongo (Native) [0], English (Accented/Native) [5].



Alternative Identity (Illegal) [15], Pitiable [5], Appearance: Attractive [4], Fit [5], Single Minded [5], Allie (Inspector Maguire) (25% point, Quite often, as Shin'ichi) [1], Gadgeteer Friend [15], Talent (Detective) (4)* [40], Parent's Credit card (Wealthy, Independent Income (2) -40% (only when it would not jeopardies true identity) [23]



Solar Powered Skateboard (Enhanced Move (Ground) 3 [Roadbound, Handling Bonus +5] Breakable (-15%), SM-2 (-20%) and Can be Stolen (-30%) [16]

Wris****ch (Flashlight, The dart-thrower (Innate Attack/1:

Small Piercing, Accuracy +4, Armour Divisor (/5), No Blunt Trauma, No Wounding, Limited Use: Slow Reload (single shot)) Affliction [sleep, Followup to Innate Attack]. Breakable (DR5, thus -20%), hard to hit (SM -9, 0%), and Can be Stolen (Quick Contest of Stealth; -30%)) [78]

Detective Boys Com-Badge (Telecommunication (Radio) Detect (Exact location of other units, out to 20 km) Breakable (DR 2) -25%] Size Mod -9 0%, Can be Stolen (unopposed DX roll) -40% [6]

Sticky button, Beacon [1]

Glasses (DR 20 (but protecting the eyes only), Detect (beacon signal/Com Badges only) Radio Reception, Night Vision/9, Telescopic Vision/3, Detachable Radio Transmitter, Breakable (machine) (-10%), Size:(SM -7) (-5%), Can be Stolen (somewhere between "bracelet" and "hat") (-35%)) [30]

Sneakers (DR 2 (flexible amour to the feet only), Innate Attack (6) (Crushing, Mêlée Attack, Double Knockback x 2, Cosmic (anything struck *will* be knocked back if weight allows), No Wounding, Variable) Breakable Machine [DR 2] 25%), Size (SM -5; -10%), (Must be forcefully removed but not always worn in polite society; -20%)) [52]

Bowtie (Mimicry (Voice Emulation) Radio (Transmission only) Can be Stolen (quick opposed DX]) -30% Can be Broken (DR 2) -25% SM -6 -10% ) [7]

Suspenders (Lifting ST 60 (No Fine Manipulators (Can be attack no better than a Strap) -40% Breakable, (machine, DR 2) -25% Can be Stolen (Stealth or tricker) -20%) (Must be anchored) [30]

Belt stores and quickly inflates A Soccer Ball (DR 2 (flexible armor)) [1]



Code of Honor (always Foll the Law) [-5] Poor [-15], Secret (Is Shin'ichi Kudou) [-30] Cannot kill [-15], Sense of Duty (Friends and family) [-5] Conceited [-1], Rare Blood Type [-1], Tone Deaf [-1], Mystery Buff/Otaku [-1], Kicks balls while thinking [-1]



Bicycling-9 (DX-0) [1], Body Language*-18 (Per-1) [1], Criminology*-16 (IQ-0) [2], Cryptography-11(Breaking) (IQ-1) [1], Diagnosis-12 (IQ-0) [4], Detect lies*-17 (Per-2) [1], Driving(automobile)-8 (DX-1) [1]. Forensics-12 (IQ-0) [4], Games (Japanese chess)-12 (IQ-0) [1], Guns (Pistols)-14 (DX+5) [16], Hobby (Mystery Novels)-14 (IQ+2) [4], Interrogation*-15 (IQ-1) [1], Law (japan police)-12 (IQ-0) [4], Naturalist-10 (IQ-2) [1], Observation*-15 (IQ-1) [1], Parachuting-9 (DX+0) [1], Piloting (Light Airplane)-8 (DX-1) [1], Scuba-11 (IQ-1) [1], Search*-15 (IQ-1) [1], Shadowing*-15 (IQ-1) [1], Skating (boards)-12 (HT+2) [12], Skiing-9 (HT-1) [2], Speed-Reading-11 (IQ-1) [1], Sports (Soccer)-14 (DX+5) [20], Swimming-12 (HT+2) [4], Watch (Innate Attack (projectile))-14 (DX+5) [16].


17 year-old Shin'ichi Kudou, Son of Yusaku Kudou (Famous Mystery Novelist) and Yukiko Kudou (Famous Film Actress) has earned fame in his own right as a High School detective. Until his witness a crime preformed by the secret Black organization, he was slipped an experimental poison (APTX4869) and left for dead. but the poison hand an unexpected effect, it deage him. Now as 7 year old Conan Edogawa he must solve the mystery. The family Friend Dr Agasa forged (without Conan's prior knowledge) his alternative identity and arranged for him to live with Shin'ichi Girlfriend, Ran Mouri, and her Drunkard Father Detective Kogorou Mouri. Though Conan's secret manipulation Kogouro's success rate has sky rocked him into a Famous Detective. Though Conan himself is building up a small local reputation as par a small team of his fellow Class mates as a Shounen Tantei Dan (Detective Boys).


--- - ---


Ran Mouri [107]


ST 10 [0]; DX 12 [40]; IQ 10 [0]; HT 12 [10].

Damage 1d-2(-0)/1d(+2); BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0]; Will 10 [0]; Per 10 [0]; FP 12 [0].

Basic Speed 6.00 [0], Basic Move 6 [0]; Dodge 9.

Height: 5'5, Weight: never ask a lady this ;), SM 0, Age 17

Reaction Mods: Very Beautiful +4/+2, Reputation +1 Minor -2 Odious Personal Habit -1


Social Background

TL: 8

CF: Japan [0]

Languages: Nihongo (Native) [0]



Appearance: Very Beautiful [16], Daredevil [15], Fashion Sense [5], Fit [5], Reputation (+1) (Regional Karate Champion) [2], Patron (Parents) [30]



Cannot Harm Innocents [-10], Duty (Effective Guardian of Conan Edogawa, almost all the time) [-15], Odious Personal Habit (Hits/Breaks things to make points and relive frustrations) [-5], Poor [-15], Sense of Duty (Friends and Family) [-5], Social Stigma (Minor) [-5] Speaks Her Mind [-1]



Acting-9 (IQ-1) [1], Artist (Fashion)-8 (IQ-2) [1], Bicycling-12 (DX-0) [1], Combat Sport (Karate)-15 (DX+3) [16], Cooking-10 (IQ-0) [2], Games (Mahjong)-12 (IQ+2) [4], Housekeeping-10 (IQ-0) [1], Scuba-9 (IQ-1) [1], Sewing/TL8-12 (DX-0) [1], Skiing-10 (HT-2) [1], Swimming-12 (HT-0) [1].


Ran is the Daughter of Detective "Sleeping" Kogorou Mouri, and Lawyer Eri Kisaki, who separated (but not divorced) when she was about 6. She has lives with her Father, and every time there is an opportunity she tries to get them back together. Child hood friends with Shin'ichi Kudou, just as that relationship started get to the point where they could admit they lived each other, Shin'ichi disappeared while they where on a date at the local amusement park. The next day she when around to Shin'ichi's house to look form and found Dr Agasa there with a young boy who look remarkably like Shin'ichi did when he was that age, but wearing glasses instead, she was introduced to him as Conan Edogawa, a son of on of Dr Agasa's relatives. Stay with him due to a family emergency, but his home was really unsuited for a child, and asked Ran if she wouldn't mind Looking After him for a while. Later Shin'ichi called he says he going to have to stay away for a while to work on a difficult case. Ran has come close on occasion to discovery Conan and Shin'ichi are one in the same, only to be convinced later that they are not. Ran aspires to be a Model When she graduates, came close to it already (one a Modeling compition only to have it canceled when the organizer was sent to prison for murder)

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  • LBV (Load Bearing Vest from HT). Or a tactical vest, which one can assume includes a LBV.
  • Load up the vest with your dangerous-situations kit: filter mask, mini air tank or air tube, sensor goggles, longer-range communicators.
  • An assortment of thimble grenades with fun warheads (tangler, smoke, biochem goodies). Thimble grenades are so small that you can have a box of them that would easily fit into your LBV.
  • A medikit. Also load it up with exciting drugs and useful poisons. Neural Inhibitors are tiny and can be used to completely paralyze. Also, you can get them past customs because they're obviously medical not weapons. :)
  • A laser pistol that can do both beam and pulse. Should also be hotshot-able. Or possibly a flashlight-laser-torch.
  • If TL is high enough, an omni-blaster if lethality is ever-present. If TL is high, but you have to pretend to be peaceful, a force beamer works great as a mostly-self-defense weapon.
  • If TL is low, an underbarrel electrolaser on a payload-delivery-type weapon (like a payload rifle, grenade launcher, or shotgun) upgraded with ETC, LP, or ETK.
  • Karatands built into ballistic armor gloves, or a zap glove.
  • Some sort of ultra-tech knife (superfine, monowire, vibro, hyperdense, or nanothorn).
  • Plus all the typical security gear: handcuffs, electronic lockpicks, surveillance devices, etc.

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Re: Ctrl+V


The pleasure of Buzby's company is what I most

enjoy. He put a tack on Miss Yancy's chair

when she called him a horrible boy. At the end

of the month he was flinging two kittens across

the width of the room. I count on his schemes to

reveal th... the way to escape my gloom.

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