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Re: Ctrl+V


Viktor Thul

TN Cleric 4


Str 14 (+2)

Dex 10 (+0)

Con 14 (+2)

Int 10 (+0)

Wis 18 (+4) +1 Level

Cha 14 (+2)


HP ??/??

BAB +3

Grapple +5

Init +0


AC 10 = 10 base


Fort: 5 = 4 Base +2 Con

Refl: 1 = 1 Base +0 Dex

Will: 8 = 4 Base +4 Wis





Divine Metamagic


Quicken Spell

Nimble Bones




Concentration Con 9 = +2 +7

Craft (Armor) Int 7 = +0 +7 Side Job


- Religion Int 7 = +0 +7

Spellcraft Int 7 = +0 +7


Racial Abilities

- Extra feat at first level (already included)

- Four extra skill points at first level (already included)

- One extra skill point at each additional level (already included)


Class Abilities


- Aura of Neutrality

- Spontaneous Casting (harm)

- Rebuke Undead (3x/day)

- High wisdom gains bonus spells daily

- Domain choices give additional abilities




Healing Belt 750

Reliquary Holy Symbol 1000



GP: 4250

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Re: Ctrl+V



Age is largely a cosmetic effect. Nearly all age related advantages and disadvantages (including Terminally Ill) may be taken as a perk or quirk respectively. Unaging has been repriced at 5 points since it has additional utility as a weak disguise (Age Control), unusual background, and an immunity to aging attacks.



Beneficial Afflications
. Any afflication the user considers beneficial is treated as a beneficial afflication (See Powers).
Cumulative Effect
. Multiply the effect x5 and increase any duration modifier x5.

Large Objects
. Any positive SM (greater than man-sized) makes a target more difficult to afflict. Apply the as a HT bonus to resist (negative affliction) or HT penalty to grant (beneficial afflication). Each level of Area Effect taken halves the effective SM modifier.


Claws (Blunt) 3 points.

Any super that has hard limbs (DR 3+) may use Claws to get the damage bonus (+1/die). It combines with Brawling (+1/die at DX+2) but not other combat skills.


Damage Resistance

. Rather than the book values I use the following progression: +100% if you can heal Fatigue (1 fatigue per 3 points). +100% if you can heal HP (1 HP per 2 points). +10% per trait you can temporarily increase (+1 per point, lost at 1 per second). Points may be allocated as a free action after any damage taken.

Cannot Wear Armor -40%
. This is genre appropriate for supers that won't wear armor.

Flexible -20%
. This limitation is only valid against DR that protects against blunt trauma.
Super Effort +400% (trial rule!)
. You can 'brace' your DR using the speed/range damage to look up the effective value (like Super Effort ST). Bracing takes a Ready action or a Power Block and costs 1 fatigue. You can remain braced for up to 1 minute provided you don't take any other actions.
Regenerating Semi-Ablative(AFF) -10%
. As per semi-ablative DR (loses 1 DR per 10 damage) but recovery is 1 point per second per 10 full DR. I.e. AFF DR 20 would recover 2 points per second.
Skin -20%
. This DR does not help against contact agents. This limitation cannot be stacked with other DR that will block a contact agent unless that DR is usually off, even then it's worth half its normal value (-10%). Note this is Tough Skin minus the flexibility.
Tough Skin -40%
. I've broken this into Skin (above) and Flexible (see book).


Enhanced Move

Narrative Speed (Space only) +20%
. You can travel at X campaign units (CU) per hour at the cost of 1 fatigue where X equals the Enhanced Speed Multiplier (Enhanced Move 4 = x16 CUs*/hour). CU will be adjusted to whatever speed is appropriate to the current story. CUs will normally be AUs, lightyears, or parsecs.


Innate Attack

Super Effort +600% (trial rule!).
For 1 fatigue per attack you can do damage based on the speed/range table instead of your normal damage value. This modifier includes Variable.


Modular Pool

Gadget Pool 2 points per pool point
. This ability requires Gadgeteering (normal or magical). Usage requires the time, materials ($$$), tools, and a successful skill roll as per the gadgeteering rules. Those around a gadgeteer at work react at a -2 (explosions, brownouts, accumulated junk, strange deliveries) or worse.


Regrowth (repriced) 10 points.


ST (ST, Lifting ST, & Striking ST)

Massless 0%
. Unless otherwise noted, all HP will be used in mass (slams, falls, weight) calculations. You can specify that some of your ST (HP) does not contribute to your mass.
Super Effort
. Normal ST is bought to ST20 then Super Effort may be purchased for additional ST.
Supers Pact -20%
. This pact is a commitment to use ST in ways consistant with traditional comic book characters. Basically you won't use armor, or carry excessive equipment. Signature and improvised weapons (lamp posts, manhole covers, cars) are in genre - especially against tough opponents.

SM+1 -10%
. This limitation can be taken by any character at least 7' tall.



Ultrapower is being used as a nice catch-all for characters that have abnormal bursts of power beyond their normal capabilities. I'm not requiring any time for preparation since I expect it to be used under stressful situations when there isn't enough time to prepare.


Unkillable 2+
. This includes Regrowth for no extra cost.


Unusual Background

Access to Super Equipment 10 points
. All of your powers are derived from items that can be taken away. You can purchase the skills to repair or rebuilt your items, but you lack the ability to design or modify such equipment. For that see Gadgeteer below.

Gadgeteer 25/50 points.
My campaigns do not include GURPS Magic or Ultra-Tech. Gadgeteer is used to build, design, repair, and understand exotic (magic or super-science) point-based equipment. This ability is also a prerequisite for a gadget pool (see above) effectively.

LC varies.
Most games are going to be on the I-Scale (see below). Having one or more abilities that surpass the I-Scale limits is an unusual background. D-Scale +100 points. C-Scale +250 points. M-Scale +500 points.
One of Many 25 points
. Your powers aren't unique. Perhaps you're another race or part of a sect that has abnormal abilities (ninjas or sorcerers). Either way others with the same powers may show up in the campaign.

Super 50 points
. You have full access to inborn powers and super equipment that (within reason) is uniquely you.



General Modifiers

Duration Control +10%
. This enhancement allows you to prematurely end the duration with an action (same maneuver as the original use).
Maintained -10%
. An ability with this limitation shuts off when the character is stunned or incapacitated.
Super Effort varies.
Abilities that are able to purchase this modify cannot elimitate the associated fatigue cost.


Power Modifiers

Electronic -20%.
Surge attacks can disable this ability. Surge may be stacked with other modifiers (especially Mechanical).
Elemental (type) -10%.
Elemental abilites are vulnerable to a mundane countermeasures (any extinguishing agent for fire) or insulators. Elemental may be stacked with other modifiers.
Magical -10%.
Point based and exotic countermeasures exist.
Mechanical -10%.
This is composed of "1 hour maintainence per ability per week (-5%)" and "can be detected easily (-5%)."
Mutant -15%.
This is a subcategory of Super. Countermeasures and detection methods against Mutant are more common. Mutant anti-powers will only affect other Mutants, but Super countermeasures work against Mutants.
Fickle -20%.
Fickle abilities require reaction rolls to work.
Super -10%.
Point based and exotic countermeasures exist.
Superscience -10%.
Point based and exotic countermeasures exist.


Skill Notes

Forced Entry (DX/E)
This skill increases your damage to inanimate objects by +1 per die at DX+1 or +2 per die at DX+2. When attacking an inanimate object roll against this skill and add the margin of success to your damage. This may also be combined with All-out Attack: Strong.

Example: A character has ST45 (5d th), DX12, Forced Entry DX+2. Object dmg is 7d+2 (5d+10) plus the margin of skill success. He attacks a car and rolls a 9. That's a success by 5 for 5 additoinal damage (total 5d+15). He could have also done an AoA: Strong for more damage.


Character Recommendations





[TH]Super-Effort ST[/TH]

[TH]Super-Effort IA[/TH]







































Damage Resistance

DR 10 is survivable, but you should couple it with another defense (Dodge 12+, IT, Unkillable, Invisibility, Obscure, Insubstanial, Shadow Form). DR 30 is pretty tough. You can be wounded by hunting equipment and supers. DR 50 is tough. Basically it will take non-mundane (supers, military) attacks to hurt you.



up to 5d should ignore DR. Attacks of more than 5d probably shouldn't. 6d-9d will often need AP (armor penetration) to do damage. 15d+ attacks don't
AP, and are beyond the I-Scale. Remember "variable +5%" so that Supers can scale back their damage at will.


DX, IQ, and HT

9- are sub-normal levels 10 is base 11-13 are for above average to notable 14+ attributes are definitely noticable, and people will consider you gifted. HT 14+ is not recommended.


Skill Levels
9- = Amateur/Beginner 10 = Novice/Apprentice 12 = Professional 14 = Expert 20+ = Master 26-30 = Best in Field (free reputation)

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Re: Ctrl+V



Eddie - The Middle of God-Knows-Where


Eddie grimaces as the cool cyan of the infrared visual overlay begins to give way to shades of green, then orange. He has slept poorly, and his tongue is pork crackling glued to the roof of his mouth by the lingering memory of saliva. The biometric display of his visual HUD abruptly prints an announcement in bright, cheery colors informing him that he has lost 9% of his body's normal water volume, and that a further 6% loss "will likely result in impairment and/or death." It was almost comforting in a way, knowing exactly how close to death he was. He takes a moment to reflect before concluding that the experience of succumbing to dehydration was only marginally less unpleasant than that of being devoured alive by deathclaws.


The sun rises another eighth of a degree over the horizon, and Eddie raises an artificial hand to signal a halt. He rides around to the front of the group, tugging up on the reins just a little early; predictably, MacArthur trots a little bit further before deigning to acknowledge the command. "Enough," Eddie rasps, his voice thin and cracked. "We just press on, we aren't gonna live to see sunset. We need to find water." MacArthur bucks slightly, as if to protest Eddie's statement of the obvious. "Cacti, creeks, oases, doesn't matter. Fastest way to find it is for us to split up. Travel in pairs, canvass the area, and keep in radio contact." He takes a moment to look over the crowd of weary rangers before continuing. "Doc, P.T. I need you to do two things. First, find some kinda shelter and operate the walkie-talkie, keep it running. Second, set up a filtration system, in case the water we find ain't fit for consumption. Rest of you, pair up and get ready to move out."


Unseen by any of the others, the sand's IR emissions begin to take on a sinister reddish tinge. Eddie finishes: "You've all come this far. You know every way there is to stay alive, every way to beat the odds, every way to give the reaper two great big middle fingers. You're the best the NCR has, and that's goddamn saying something. If you can't do this, it's because there ain't a man, woman, or creature alive that can. Now let's go stiff Death one more time and steal his fucking wallet while we're at it."


Leadership 14 to rally the group. When the time comes to actually look for water, Survival 13, Navigation 11, and Tracking 16 (to follow animals to water)




Edward “Tin Man” Rourke

361 Points + 80 Disadvantages and Quirks - 440


Height: 5'11"

Weight: 170 lb


ST 11 [10]

DX 16 [120]

IQ 12 [40]

HT 12 [20]

Will 13 [5]

Per 14 [10]

Basic Speed 7.00 [0]

Basic Move 7 [0]


Lift 24 lb

Damage 1d/2d-1 (Including Arm ST 2 from bionic limb replacements)


HP 9/11 [0]

FP 1/12 [0]

Luck Points: 3

Fright Check: 16

Death Check: 15



Familiarity: NCR [0]

Languages: English (N)

TL: Fallout



Ambidexterity [5]


Accessory: Radiation Dosimeter [1]

Armor Plating (DR 2) [10]

2 Bionic Arms (Arm ST+2 (Electrical, Weekly Maintenance), No Fine Manipulators (mitigator)) [-1]

Bionic Leg (DR 2 (Right Leg Only), One Leg (mitigator)) [0]

Boosted Vitals (Hard to Kill 2 (Electrical)) [4]

Hyperspectral Ocular Implants (Accessory: HUD, Nictitating Membrane 3, Hyperspectral Vision and

Telescopic Vision 1 (both Electrical), Blindness (mitigator)) [13]

Born War Leader 3 [15]

Combat Reflexes [15]

Craftiness 3 [15]

Deadeye 1 (Can use precision aiming without specialized equipment and in 10% less time) [1]

Fearlessness 1 [2]

Fit [5]

Gunslinger [25]

High Pain Threshold [10]

Longevity [1]

Luck (Ordinary) [15]

Resistant to Radiation +3 [3]

Silent Running [10]

Unpalatable [1]

Unusual Background (Cyborg) [1]

Wealth (Wealthy) [20]


Appearance (Unattractive) [-4]

Bad Temper (12) [-10]

Code of Honor (Soldier) [-10]

Compulsive Gambling (12) [-5]

Delusion ("Aliens. Aliens are pulling our strings"; minor) [-5]

Flashbacks (Mild) [-5]

Insomniac (Severe) [-15]

Overconfidence (12) [-5]

Nightmares (12) [-5]

Sense of Duty (Squad) [-5]

Unsettling Features (White Blood, -2 reactions from people who witness him bleeding) [-5]


Broad-Minded [-1]

Grumpy Old Man (-1 reactions from particularly thin-skinned people) [-1]

Mild Obsession (Find out how he came to be a cyborg) [-1]

Prefers stopping power over firing rate [-1]

Unforgiving (Quirk-level Bloodlust) [-1]


Acrobatics (H) DX-2 [1] – 14

Acting (A) IQ+2 [1] – 14*

Animal Handling (Equines) (A) IQ-1 [1] – 11

Area Knowledge (NCR) (E) IQ [1] – 12

Armory (Small Arms) (A) IQ [2] – 12

Beam Weapons (Rifle) (E) DX+1 [1] – 17§

Body Language (A) Per+2 [1] – 16‡

Camouflage (E) IQ+3 [1] – 15*

Cartography (A) IQ-1 [1] – 11

Climbing (A) DX-1 [1] – 15

Computer Operation (E) IQ [1] – 12

Electronics Operation (Comm) (A) IQ-1 [1] – 11

Fast-Draw (E):

Ammo DX+1 [1] – 17

Pistol DX+1 [1] – 17

Rifle DX+1 [1] – 17

First Aid (E) IQ [1] – 12

Gambling (A) IQ [2] - 12

Gesture (E) IQ [1] – 12

Guns (E):

Pistol DX+2 [0] – 18§

Rifle DX+4 [12] – 20

Targeted Attack (Eye) @ Rifle-4 [6]

Shotgun DX+2 [0] – 18§

SMG DX+2 [0] – 18§

Intelligence Analysis (H) IQ+1 [1] – 13†

Karate (H) DX-2 [1] – 14

Leadership (A) IQ+2 [1] – 14†

Mechanic (Robotics) (A) IQ [2] – 12

Naturalist (H) IQ-2 [1] – 10

Navigation (A) IQ-1 [1] – 11

Observation (A) Per+2 [1] – 16‡

Riding (Equines) (A) DX-1 [1] – 15

Scrounging (E) Per [1] – 14, or 17 if vision is a significant factor

Shadowing (A) IQ+2 [1] – 14*

Stealth (A) DX+3 [2] – 19*

Survival (Radioactive Wasteland) (A) Per-1 [1] – 13

Tactics (H) IQ+2 [2] – 14†

Throwing (A) DX-1 [1] – 15

Tracking (A) Per+2 [1] – 16‡

Traps (A) IQ-1/Per+2 [1] – 11/16‡

*+3 from Craftiness

†+3 from Born War Leader

‡+3 from Hyperspectral Vision

§Includes default from another skill


Reflex Bodysuit (Body/Limbs, DR 12/4, 6 lb, $900)

Reflex Gloves (Hands, DR 6/2, Wt neg., $30)

Assault Boots (Feet, DR 12/6, 3 lb, $150)

Fine Quality Springfield M1 Garand, .308 (7d+1 pi, Acc 6, Range 1,100/4,500,

Wt 10.1/0.5 lb, RoF 3, Shots 8(3), ST 10, Bulk -5, Rcl 3, $1,020)

Fine Quality Ranger Sequoia (reskinned Ruger Super Redhawk with 5-round

cylinder chambered in .45-70 Gov't) (5d-1 pi+, Acc 3, Range 210/2,300,

Wt 3.6/0.33 lb, Shots 5(3i), ST 12, Bulk -3, Rcl 5, $1,500)

3 M67 Frag Grenades (9d [2d] cr ex, 0.9 lb each, $30 each)

3 Stun Grenades (HT-5 aff, 10 yards, 0.5 lb each, $30 each)

Gun Cleaning Kit (0.5 lb, $20)

Rifle Sling (1 lb, $10)

Belt Holster (0.5 lb, $25)

Drag Bag (4 lb, $250)

3 Stimpacks (Wt neg, $100 each)

Ammo for Garand and Sequoia, plus 3 reloads for each, including

speed-loader for Sequoia (3.33 lb, $46)

1 clip and 1 speed-loader with APHC (0.83 lb, $23)

Mini-tool kit for Mechanic (Robotics) (4 lb, $200)

Fireman's Axe (8 lb, $100)

Multi-Tool (0.5 lb, $50)

Canteen (1 lb, or 3 lb full, $10)

Personal Basics (1 lb, $5)

Sleeping Bag (7 lb (carried on horse), $25)

Hand Radio (1 lb, provided by NCR)

Dosimeter (Implanted, $120)

Worn Pack of Cards (Wt and $ neg)

36 caps

Carried Weight: 52.56 lb; Encumbrance Level: 2




Phil - Middle of nowhere


Thinking about how much he hates this place, the sun, the sand and the heat for the thousand time, he still feels lucky that he doesn't hate it as much as he hated sitting around in the workshop back home. Sure, his stomach was rumbling loudly and he was more thirsty than he'd been in a long time, but it was obvious that the other rangers was much worse off than him. For once, he felt pretty lucky.


"Alright Edward, we'll get on it. "


Now... how the hell do we make a shelter out here? A couple of light kicks makes Mr. Ed move and as they start to search the area, Phil's mumbling to no one in particular:

"Dumbass President sending us out into this shit hole. I should have known something was wrong when he starting talking about honey and gold and shit..."

His usual string of complaints continues as he moves around the dunes.


Survival 16 to find some kind of shelter.




Name: Phil "P.T." Thompson

Horse name: Mr. Ed

Mr. Ed's encumbrance: 192,45lbs


Weight: 116lbs

Height: 5'8"



ST: 10 [10]

DX: 12 [40]

IQ: 13 [60]

HT: 14 [40]

Will: 13

Per: 16 [15]

HP: 12/13 [6]

FP: 11/14

Basic speed: 5,5

Basic move: 5 [5]

Basic lift: 20lbs



Wealthy [20]

Immunity to Disease [10]

DR 1 (Tough Skin, -40%) [3]

High Pain Threshold [10]

Immunity to Radiation [10]

Temperature Tolerance 5 [5]

Unaging [1]

Reduced Consumption 2 [4]

Regrowth [10]

Luck [15]



Appearance (Monstrous)

Bad Smell [-10]

Disturbing Voice [-10]

No Sense of Humor [-10]

Light Sleeper [-5]

Low Empathy [-20]

Nightmares [-5]

Mild Flashbacks [-5]

Complex trademark [-10]






Armorer’s Gift(rifle) [1]

Ghoul Brotherhood (Ghouls will not attack you unless provoked) [1]

Strong Back 1 [1]



Constantly complaining [-1]

Keeps his rifle meticulously clean [-1]

Weary of life [-1]





Rifle 19 DX+7 24


Knife 18 DX+6 20

Brawling 14 DX+2 4

Animal handling (equines) 12 IQ-1 1

Area Knowledge(NCR) 13 IQ 1

Riding (Equines) 12 DX 2

Survival (Radioactive Wasteland) 16 Per 2

Electronics Operation (Communications) 12 IQ-1 1

Tracking 15 Per-1 1

Traps 15 IQ+2 8

Naturalist 12 IQ-1 2

First Aid 13 IQ 1

Search 17 Per+1 4

Scrounging 18 Per+2 4

Gesture 14 IQ+1 2

Navigation (Land) 13 IQ 2

Observation 15 Per-1 1

Cartography 14 IQ+1 4

Camouflage 14 IQ+1 2

Naturalist 12 IQ-1 2

Repair! (IQ/VHx3) 18 IQ+5 72


-75 for disadvantages.

-3 quirks

350 total




Saddlebags, 3lbs, $100

Personal Basics (1 lb, $5)

Sleeping Bag (7 lb $25)

Mini-Toolkit $200, 4lbs

Hacksaw, 2lbs, $10

2 extra hacksaw blades, 0.2lbs, $10

2x Duct tape 60yard roll, 4lbs, $2


21,2lbs in saddlebags


Multi-Tool (0.5 lb, $50)

Gun Cleaning Kit (0.5 lb, $20)

Canteen (1 lb, or 3 lb full, $10)

Stimpak x3, $300

Hand Radio (1 lb, provided by NCR)

Rifle Sling (1 lb, $10)

Belt Holster (0.5 lb, $25)



Ripper: $300, Sw+1d (3) cut/Thr+1d (3) imp; weight 1lb


Fine Colt M4A1, 5.56x45mm, damage 4d+2 pi, acc 5, range 750/2,900, weight 7.3/1, RoF 15, shots 30+1(3), ST 9†, bulk -4, Rcl 2, $1900

Extra M4A1 clip, 0.5lbs, $34

3 reload of ammo for M4A1, 3lb, $60


Izhmekh PM, 9x18mm, damage 2d pi, acc 3, range 110/1,200, weight 1.8/0.3, RoF 3, shots 8+1(3), ST 8, bulk -2, Rcl 2, $250

Extra Izhmekh PM clip, 0.25lbs, $26

3 reload of ammo for Izhmekh PM, 0.9lbs, 18$



Light Infantry Helmet DR 18 $250, 3lbs

Fragmentation Vest, DR 5/2* $350, 9lbs

+ Trauma Plates, DR +25, +$350, +16lbs

Boots, Steel-Toed, DR 6/2, $100, 4lbs (+1 kicking damage)

Leather Gloves, DR 2*, $30, neg.

Heavy Leather Leggings, DR 2, $60, 4lbs


$304 in assorted currency



55,25lbs on person




Neil Jones


It's hot, and Neil barely slept a wink last night to go with the heat and lack of water. Neil's struggling to keep in the saddle with the rest of the group and not collapse, and he welcomes the chance to stop for a minute when Ed calls for a halt.


"Maybe we should keep our patrol close Ed, I feel like my throat's on fire and my head's made of mashed potatoes. You don't look so great yourself either. Just keep ourselves within radio range of wherever we camp."


Survival 15 to help look for water.




Neil Jones

Height: 5'11"

Weight: 150 lbs


ST 13[30] HP 16 [6]

DX 17[140] WILL 12 [0]

IQ 12[40] PER 14 (10 hearing, 16 vision) [10]

HT 13[30] vs death 16 vs unconsciousness 14 FP 13[0]


Basic Lift: 65 lbs

Damage: Thr 1d Sw 2d-1

Basic Speed: 8.0 [10]

Basic Move: 7 [-5]

Dodge: 12

Skinny [-5]

Appearance: Average [0]

Wealth (Wealthy) [20]

Status 0 [0]


Advantages: [48]

Acute Vision 2 [4]

Bonus HtH Damage [10]

Combat Reflexes [15]

Fit [5]

Hard to Kill 2 [4]

High Pain Threshold [10]

Perks: [6]

Duck and Cover

Strong Back 5


Disadvantages: [-75]

Addiction (Jet) (expensive, totally addictive, legal) [-15]

Bloodlust (12) [-10]

Chronic Pain (Severe [-10], 2 hour interval (x1), occurs on roll of 6 or less (x.5)) [-5]

Flashbacks (Mild) [-5]

Hard of Hearing [-10]

Insomniac [-10]

Light Sleeper [-5]

Nightmares [-5]

Slow Riser [-5]

Wounded (left hand) [-5]

Quirks: [-5]

Dislikes tight spaces (like a tunnel or chimney)

Unnatural Feature (mechanical left hand joints)

Likes long showers

Incompetence (Music)

Broad Minded


Skills: [84]

Acrobatics 15 DX-2 [1]

Animal Handling (Equines) 11 IQ-1 [1]

Area Knowledge (NCR) 12 IQ [1]

Camouflage 12 IQ+1 [2]

Carousing 13 HT [1]

Cartography 12 IQ [2]

Electronics Operation (Communications) 11 IQ-1 [1]

Escape 15 DX-2 [1]

Explosives (Demolition) 14 IQ+2 [8]

Fast Draw (Chems) 18 DX [1]

Fast Draw (Knife) 18 DX [1]

Fast Draw (Axe) 18 DX [1]

Fast Draw (Rifle) 18DX [1]

First Aid/Fallout 12 IQ [1]

Gesture 12 IQ [1]

Guns (GL) 15 DX (Default Rifle-4)

Guns (Pistol) 17 DX (Default Rifle-2)

Guns (LAW) 17 DX [1]

Guns (Rifle) 19 DX+2 [4]

Guns (Shotgun) 17 DX (Default Rifle-2)

Hiking 12 HT-1 [1]

Intimidation 11 WILL-1 [1]

Jumping 17 DX [1]

Lip Reading 15 PER-1 [1]

Navigation (Land) 11 IQ-1 [1]

Observation 15 PER-1 [1]

Riding (Equines) 16 DX-1 [1]

Scrounging 16 PER+2 [4]

Streetwise 12 IQ [2]

Survival (Radioactive Wasteland) 15 PER+1 [4]

Tracking 15 PER-1 [1]

Traps 11 IQ-1 [1]

Unarmed! 18 DX+1 [36]


Power-ups: [26]

Toughness 2 [6]

Slayer [20]


Carried Equipment: (63.9 lbs, no encumbrance)


Armor DR Weight

Head- Riot Helmet 6(8) 3

Face- Riot Helmet 6(8) (included above)

Torso- Light Clamshell 30(32) 12

Arms- Mail Sleeves 8/4*(10/6) 9

Hands-Ballistic Gloves 6/2*(8/4) neg.

Legs- Reflex Trousers 12/5*(14/7) 2.8

Groin- Reflex Trousers 12/5*(14/7) (included above)

Feet- Reinforced Boots 5/2(7/4) 3


Melee Weapon Damage Reach Parry Weight

Hatchet 2d+1 cut 1 0 2

Dagger 1d+1 imp C -1 .25

Mega Power Fist 8d+10 C 0 1


Range Damage Acc Range Weight RoF Shots Bulk Rcl

Hatchet 9d+1cut 1 67.5/112/5 2 1 2 -2 -

Dagger 8d+2 imp 0 22.5/45 .25 1 6 -1 -

40mmKMZ RPG-2 7dx2(10) 1 10/550 10.3/4 1 1(4) -6 1

(RPG is only carried on special occasions and does cr ex damage)

AK 74 5.45x39mm 4d+2 pi 4 440/3000 11.3/1.8 11 30+1(3) -5 2



Non-weapon, non-armor, carried equipment:

Jet (3), Grenades : Concussion (1), Fragmentation (3), Plasma (1) 5lbs, 1 Time Pencil, 1 .25 lb block of of plastic

explosive, Mini Flashlight.25 lbs, Small Radio 1lb, 2 extra AK 74 clips 3.6 lbs, Canteen 3 lbs, 3 Stimpacks, Compass

1lb, 10 yards Manila Rope 2.2 lbs, 5 caps.


All : (totals to $5000)



Dagger (6) $120 1.5 lbs, Hatchet (2) $80 4 lbs, Grenades: MK 3 Concussion (2) $40 2 lb, M67 Fragmentation (5) $150,

Plasma (1) $100, Mega Power Fist $600 1 lbs, AK 74 5.45x39mm $400 11.3 lbs,, 2 clips $56 3.6 lbs, 60 5.45x39mm rounds $24

1.38 lbs, 31 5.45x39mm APHC rounds (4d+2(2) pi-) $25 .71 lbs, KMZ RPG-2 40mm $750, 4 HEAT rockets $320



Jet (5) $25, 3 Stimpacks $300.



Reinforced Boots $75 3 lbs, Mail Sleeves $70 9lbs, , Riot Helmet $200 3 lbs, Reflex Trousers $280 2.8 lbs, TL 9 Ballistic

Gloves $30 neg, Light Clamshell (Ultratech TL 9) $600 12 lbs, TL 7 Gas Mask $200 3.5 lbs.


Riding Equipment (I’m saying this is provided for free):

Bit and Bridle 3lbs, Saddlebags (hold 40 lbs) 3 lbs, War Saddle 35 lbs.



16 .25 lb blocks of plastic explosive $120 4 lbs, 12 Time Pencils $50 .33 lbs, 3 .5 lb thermite blocks $60 1.5 lbs, M18A1

Claymore (2) $100, 15’ time fuse $10 1 lb, 10 pounds ANFO material $20 10 lb, 3 .25 lb tubes of extrudable explosive $30

.9 lbs



Mini Flashlight (15-yard beam.May be helmet-mounted or attached to firearm accessoryrail) $10, 0.25 lbs, Small Radio 1

lb, First Aid Kit $50 2 lbs, Sleeping Bag $25 7lbs, Wineskin (holds 1 gallon) $10 .25 lbs, Canteen $10 3lbs, Compass $25

1lb, Personal Basics $5 1lb, Tarp $20 3 lbs, 10 yards Manila Rope (supports 350 lbs) $10 2.2 lbs, 5 caps.




Peter Bail - Middle of nowhere


Pete nodded at the command of Eddie. It's something that he would do out this far, and they were in some seriously dire straights at the moment. The cave that he had found had been a huge break in this scorched wasteland. Hopefully it also meant that some water had collected in some cistern or catchment in the shade of some rocks nearby.


Pete nudged Tequila out into the twilight to search. His walkie-talkie crackles with Phil's voice about some stones and mesas nearby. Sounded like a good find. "C'mon Tequila, that way." he says guiding his horse around.



Survival 18, find some water!






Peter Bail [350]

Race: Human

Sex: Male

Age: 46

Size: +0

TL: Fallout

Unused Points: 0

Luck: 2


Attributes [186]

ST 12

DX 14

IQ 12

HT 13 : Death 16, Unconcious 14


HP 15

FP 13

PER 14

WILL 12 : Fright 15


Basic Speed: 6.75

Basic Move: 6


Advantages [100]

Acute Vision 2 [4]

Ally (Tequila) (Point total (50% of your starting points), +2; Appears almost all the time (15-), x3.) [6]

Fearlessness 3 [6]

Fit [5]

Gunslinger (All one-handed ranged weapons (Guns, Beam & Liquid Proj.), -20%.) [20]

Hard to Kill 2 [4]

Luck [15]

Talent (Outdoorsman) 3 [15]

Wealth (Wealthy (Starting wealth is 5x average), +20.) [20]



Disadvantages [-75]

Addiction (Tobacco) (Cost: Expensive, -10; Effects: Highly Addictive (-5 on withdrawal roll), -5; Legal, +5.) [-10]

Code of Honor (Ranger) [-10]

Disturbing Voice [-10]

Hidebound [-5]

Insomniac (Mild) [-10]

Pacifism: Cannot Harm Innocents [-10]

Sense of Duty (Friends and Companions, -5.) [-5]

Sense of Duty (Herded and Pack Animals, -5.) [-5]

Shyness (Mild, -5.) [-5]

Truthfulness (CR: 12 (Quite Often).) [-5]



Quirks & Perks [2]

Akimbo(Guns(Pistol)) [1]

Bank Shot(Guns(Pistol)) [1]

Dislikes mixed drinks (straight booze or beer only) [-1]

Habit (Talks to his horse) [-1]

Habit (Kills small venomous critters on sight (scorpions, snakes, etc.) [-1]

Incompetence (Driving) [-1]

Likes flavored tobaccos [-1]

Off-Hand Weapon Training (Guns(Pistol)) [1]

Quick Reload (Revolver) [1]

Strong Back +1 [1]

Scattergun [1]

Scrounger [1]


Skills [137]

Animal Handling (Equines) 13 (IQ+1) [4]

Area Knowledge (NCR) 12 (IQ+0) [1]

Armoury/TLFallout (Small Arms) 12 (IQ+0) [2]

Axe/Mace 9 (DX-5) [0]

Beam Weapons/TLFallout (Pistol) 16 (DX+2) [0]

Brawling 15 (DX+1) [2]

Camouflage 16 (IQ+4) [1]

Carousing 12 (HT-1) [1]

Cartography/TLFallout 12 (IQ+0) [2]

Climbing 13 (DX-1) [1]

Current Affairs/TLFallout (Livestock & Herding) 12 (IQ+0) [1]

Diplomacy 10 (IQ-2) [2]

Electronics Operation/TLFallout (Communications) 11 (IQ-1) [1]

Fast-Draw (Pistol) 16 (DX+2) [4]

Fast-Draw/TLFallout (Ammo) 16 (DX+2) [4]

First Aid/TLFallout 14 (IQ+2) [4]

Fishing 13 (Per-1) [0]

Gambling 11 (IQ-1) [1]

Gesture 12 (IQ+0) [1]

Guns/TLFallout (Pistol) 20 (DX+6) [20]

Targeted Attack (Pistol / Vitals) (Guns) (Pistol) 19 (-1) [3]

Cavalry Training (Guns) (Pistol) 20 (+0) [2]

Mounted Shooting (Guns) (Pistol) 20 (+0) [5]

Dual-Weapon Attack (Guns (Pistol)) 20 (+0) [5]

Guns/TLFallout (Rifle) 18 (DX+4) [0]

Guns/TLFallout (Shotgun) 18 (DX+4) [0]

Intimidation 12 (Will+0) [4]

Knife 14 (DX+0) [1]

Leatherworking 14 (DX+0) [1]

Naturalist/TLFallout (Earthlike) 14 (IQ+2) [2]

Navigation/TLFallout (Land) 16 (IQ+4) [4]

Observation 13 (Per-1) [1]

Packing 11 (IQ-1) [1]

Riding (Equine) 18 (DX+4) [16]

Combat Riding (Riding) 20 (+2) [3]

Quick Mount (Riding) 15 (-3) [0]

Hands-Free Riding (Riding) 18 (+0) [4]

Scrounging 16 (Per+2) [4]

Staff 14 (DX+0) [2]

Stealth 14 (DX+0) [2]

Survival (Radioactive Wasteland) 18 (Per+4) [4]

Swimming 13 (HT+0) [1]

Teamster (Equines) 12 (IQ+0) [2]

Throwing 14 (DX+0) [2]

Tracking 21 (Per+7) [16]

Traps/TLFallout 11 (IQ-1) [1]

Veterinary/TLFallout 12 (IQ+0) [4]


Equipment ($4,974, 27.6 lb)

Saddlebag/Backpack, Small (Holds 50lbs.) $60 3 lb x1

Cigarette Pack (20 Cigarettes) $200 0.1 lb x2

Chewing Tobacco (10 uses) $40 0 lb x5

Camp Stove $40 1 lb x1

Camp Stove Propane Tank $5 1 lb x1

Fishing Kit $5 0 lb x1

Freeze-Dried Food $4 0.25 lb x16

Military Rations (One meal.) $5 1.5 lb x10

Pemmican $2 0.25 lb x20

Personal Mess Kit $15 1 lb x1

Water Filter $100 1 lb x1

Water Purification Tablets (50 tablets.) $5 0 lb x1


Saddlebag/Backpack, Small (Holds 50lbs.) $60 3 lb x1

3/8" Rope (Per yard. Supports 4,000lbs.) $2 0.1 lb x50

Compass $0 0 lb x1

Cord ("Quantity" represents yards. Supports 55lbs.) $0.15 0.01 lb x100

First Aid Kit $50 2 lb x1

Flint and Steel $5 0 lb x1

Gun-Cleaning Kit $20 0.5 lb x1

Multi-Tool $50 0.5 lb x1

Rain Poncho (Camo-pattern) $20 1 lb x1

Rope, 1/4" ("Quantity" represents yards. Supports 500lbs.) $3 0.06 lb x50

Sleeping Bag (Survival +1.) $100 2 lb x1

Tent, Dome (Shelters 2. Survival +2.) $75 4 lb x1

Water Bottle (1qt.) $10 2.5 lb x6


Belt Holster $25 0 lb x1

S&W Model 629, .44 Magnum (No lanyard ring.) $770 3.1 lb x1

Belt Holster $25 0 lb x1

S&W Model 629, .44 Magnum (No lanyard ring.) $770 3.1 lb x1

Boots $80 3 lb x1

Cartridge Bandoleer (Holds 50 rounds.) $15 0 lb x1

.44 Magnum (10.9x33mmR) $0.7 0.054 lb x50

Cartridge Bandoleer (Holds 50 rounds.) $15 0 lb x1

.44 Magnum (10.9x33mmR) $0.7 0.054 lb x50

Cartridge Bandoleer (Holds 50 rounds.) $15 0 lb x1

12-gauge 3" (18.5x76mmR) (Light cased. Shotshell.) $0.7 0.18 lb x50

Cigarette Lighter (Windproof. Waterproof.) $30 0 lb x1

Leather Gloves $30 0 lb x1

Leather Leggings $40 2 lb x1

Long Coat $50 5 lb x1

Reflex Vest $300 2 lb x1

Scabbard $25 0 lb x1

Remington Model 870, 12G 3" $330 7.6 lb x1

Speedloader $10 0.1 lb x8

Stimpak (Restores 1d HP, costs 1FP, roll First Aid/Physician to use properly) $100 0 lb x5

Sunglasses $10 0 lb x1

Survival Knife $45 1 lb x1

Wristwatch $25 0 lb x1




S&W Model 629, .44 Magnum, Dam 3d+2 pi+, Acc 2, Range 210/2300, RoF 3, Shots 6(3i), Blk -3, Rcl 4, ST 11, $770

Remington 870, 12G 3", Dam 1d+1 pi, Acc 3, Range 40/800, Rof 2x12, Shots 4+1(2i), Blk -6, Rcl 1/5, ST 10*, $330




Rodney Clark - somewhere in the goddamn desert


It wasn't bad enough that he was stuck out here on some kind of crazy

quest to find god-knows-what, oh no, not bad enough that he was stuck

out in the desert with a couple of Ghouls and a goddamned Russki

Supermutant for companions, they had gone and run out of water.




At Eddie's order Rodney Turns his horse, pats the forlorn animal on the

neck, and sets out in search of water, grumbling under his breath as he

goes. Just as he's setting out, he hears Eddie Checking in over the

radio. "Well, I hope he finds something. Sure doesn't look like there's

much of anythin' worth the trouble out here, and that's a fact. Damn

Cleveland, what's the big idea sending us out here to die anyways?" he

trails off in a mumbled string of curses as he heads out over the dunes.




Survival 16 and Observation 14 to try and find anything.






Rodney Clark, 40 years old.

5'8”; brown hair; brown eyes. 2 points free



ST 12 [20]

DX 14 [80]

IQ 14 [80]

HT 14 [40]


HP 15/13 [6]

Per 14

Will 14

FP 14/6

Dmg: 1d-1 Thr, 1d+2 Sw

BS 7;

BM 6 [-5]

BL 34


Advantages: [69]

Very Wealthy [30]

Ally (Cavalry Horse, 50%, 15 or less,) [6]

Common Sense [1]

Fearless 2 [4]

Hard to Kill 2 [4]

Road Warrior [10]

Fortune Finder [1]

Scrounger 2 [2]

Deadeye 3 [3]


Disadvantages: [-76](the other -5 points is for the reduced Basic Move)

Code of Honor (Soldier's) [-10]

Greed [-15]

Enemy (Ned Fullam (former partner), 100% of PC's points, 9 or less, Hunter) [-10]

Honesty [-10]

Light Sleeper [-5]

Phobia (Claustrophobia) [-15]

Intolerance (of Ghouls) [-5]

Chauvinistic [-1]






Skills: [131]

Animal Handling (Equine) IQ 14 [2]

Area Knowledge (NCR) IQ 14 [1]

Armoury TL/Fallout (Small Arms) IQ-1 14 [1]

Beam Weapons (Rifle)/ TL Fallout DX 14 [1]

Beam Weapons (Pistol)/ TL Fallout DX 14 [1]

Brawling DX+1 15 [2]

Camouflage IQ+1 15 [2]

Cartography/ TL Fallout IQ 14 [1]

Climbing DX-1 13 [1]

Diplomacy IQ+2 16 [12]

Detect Lies Per 14 [4]

Electronics Op. (Comm.)/TL Fallout IQ-1 13 [1]

Fast-Draw (Pistol) DX 14 [1]

Fast-Draw (Ammo) DX 14 [1]

Fast-Talk IQ+2 16 [8]

First-Aid/TL Fallout IQ 14 [1]

Forced Entry DX 14 [1]

Gambling IQ-1 13 [1]

Gesture IQ 14 [1]

Guns (Rifle)/TL Fallout DX+9 23 [32]

Hiking HT-1 14 [1]

Holdout IQ 14 [2]

Interrogation IQ 14 [2]

Intimidation Will-1 13 [1]

Lasso DX-1 13 [1]

Lockpicking/TL Fallout IQ-1 13 [1]

Two-Handed Axe/Mace DX+1 15 [4]

Knife DX+1 15 [2]

Merchant IQ+2 16 [8]

Naturalist IQ-1 13 [2]

Navigation (Land)/TL Fallout IQ+1 15 [4]

Observation Per 14 [2]

Packing IQ-1 14 [1]

Riding (Equine) DX+3 17 [12]

Savior-Faire (NCR Military/Rangers) IQ 14 [1]

Scrounging Per+1 15 [2]

Search Per+1 15 [4]

Stealth DX+2 16 [8]

Streetwise IQ 14 [2]

Survival (Radioactive Wasteland) Per+2 16 [8]

Teamster IQ-1 13 [1]

Throwing DX-1 13 [1]

Tracking Per 14 [2]

Traps/TL Fallout IQ 14 [2]

Veterinary/TL Fallout IQ-1 13 [2]

Wrestling DX 14 [2]



Fine (accurate) M-14, 7.62x51mm ( 7dpi; Acc 6+3; Range 1,000/4,200; RoF 12; Shots 20+1(3); ST 10t; Bulk -5, Rcl 3), with a Rifle Sling and a x2,5,10 +3 Acc TL8 Scope attached, $1810, 12.9 lbs.

Fine (Accurate) S&W Model 29, .44 Magnum (3d+2 pi+; Acc 2; Range 210/2,300; RoF 3; Shots 6(3i); ST 11; Bulk -3, Rcl 4) $1,000, 3.3 lbs

Fine Long Knife (2d-1 Cut or 1d+1 Imp; Reach C, 1; Parry 0; ST 7) $120, 1.5 lbs.

Assault Vest (DR 6 on torso, DR 8 to the vitals from the front), $200, 13.5 lbs

Chaps (DR 1* on legs), $40, 2 lbs

Boots (DR 2* on feet), $80, 3 lbs

Cowboy Hat, $50, 0.5 lbs

Web Gear, $20, 3 lbs

1-Quart Canteen(empty), $10, 1 lb

6 M-14 Magazines, $186, 9.6 lbs

Belt Holster (with S&W M29), $25, 0.5 lbs

24 rounds of .44 Magnum in 4 speed-loaders ($14, .4 lbs each), $56, 1.6 lbs

TL6 Small Radio, S/24 hrs, 5 lbs

Compass, $25, Neg.

Cigarette lighter, $10, Neg.

Multi-tool, $50, 0.5 lbs

Personal Basics, $5, 1 lb

Spare batteries (x6 S), $6, 2 lbs)

5 Stimpaks, $500

Radaway, $500

45 NCR Silver Dollars

82 bottlecaps

60.9 lbs


Carried on Horse:

1/2” Manila rope, 10 yards, $10, 2.2 lbs

Tarp(Survival +1) , $20, 1.5 lbs

Sleeping Bag (Survival +1), $100, 2 lbs

Personal Mess Kit, $15, 1 lb

Water Filter, $100, 1 lb

Large electric lantern, 4xS/20 hours, $30, 3 lbs

Fine Felling Axe (2d+3 Cut; Reach 1, 2*; Parry 0U; ST 12 tt), $100, 5 lbs

Wire Cutters (2d(2) to wire, rope, etc.), $30, 2 lbs

First Aid Kit, $50, 2 lbs

Spare set of clothes, $120, 2 lbs

100 Rounds of .44 Magnum, $70, 5.4 lbs

100 Rounds of 7.62x51mm, $80, 5.6 lbs

32.7 lbs



Fine (accurate) M-14, 7.62x51mm ( 7dpi; Acc 6+3; Range 1,000/4,200; RoF 12; Shots 20+1(3); ST 10t; Bulk -5, Rcl 3), with a Rifle Sling and a x2,5,10 +3 Acc TL8 Scope attached, $1810, 12.9 lbs.

Fine (Accurate) S&W Model 29, .44 Magnum (3d+2 pi+; Acc 2; Range 210/2,300; RoF 3; Shots 6(3i); ST 11; Bulk -3, Rcl 4) $1,000, 3.3 lbs

Fine Long Knife (2d-1 Cut or 1d+1 Imp; Reach C, 1; Parry 0; ST 7) $120, 1.5 lbs.




Javan - Middle of no where




Name: Javan Branko

Race: Human


Attributes [180]

ST 11 [10]

DX 13 [60]

IQ 14 [80]

HT 13 [30]


HP 8/11

Will 14

Per 14

FP 4/13


Basic Lift 24 (51 carry)

Damage 1d-1/1d+1


Basic Speed 6.5

Basic Move 6


Ground Move 6

Water Move 1


Social Background

TL: Fallout [0]

Cultural Familiarities:



Advantages [141]

Acute Vision (2) [4]

Appearance (Attractive) [4]

Charisma (2) [10]

Combat Reflexes [15]

Enhanced Dodge (1) [15]

Gizmo (1) [5]

Gunslinger [25]

Hard to Kill (3) [6]

Run 'n' Gun [10]

Scrounger (2) [2]

Strong Back (5) [5]

Wealth (Filthy Rich) [40]


Perks [2]

Weapon Bond (Beam Weapons (Pistol)) [1]

Weapon Bond (Beam Weapons (Rifle)) [1]


Disadvantages [-75]

Charitable (12 or less) [-15]

Chronic Pain (Mild) (9 or less; 2 hours) [-5]

Code of Honor (Soldier's) [-10]

Curious (12 or less) [-5]

Flashbacks (Mild) [-5]

Light Sleeper [-5]

Phobia (Arachnophobia: Spiders) (12 or less) [-5]

Selfless (12 or less) [-5]

Sense of Duty (Companions) (Small Group) [-5]

Weirdness Magnet [-15]


Quirks [-6]

Alcohol intolerance [-1]

Congenial [-1]

Delusion (the aliens caused it) [-1]

Distinctive features (clipped ear) [-1]

Horrible hangovers [-1]

Minor Handycap (slight limp when tired) [-1]



Skills [102]

Animal Handling (Equines) IQ/A - IQ-1 13 [1]

Area Knowledge (NCR) IQ/E - IQ+0 14 [1]

Armoury (Small Arms) IQ/A - IQ+0 14 [2]

Battlesuit DX/A - DX-1 12 [1]

Beam Weapons (Pistol) DX/E - DX+5 18 [8]

Beam Weapons (Rifle) DX/E - DX+7 20 [24]

Brawling DX/E - DX+0 13 [1]

Camouflage IQ/E - IQ+1 15 [2]

Cartography IQ/A - IQ-1 13 [1]

Detect Lies Per/H - Per+0 14 [4]

Diplomacy IQ/H - IQ+0 14 [4]

Electronics Operation (Communications) IQ/A - IQ-1 13 [1]

Fast-Draw/TL10 (Ammo) DX/E - DX+1 14 [1]

includes: +1 from 'Combat Reflexes'

Fast-Draw (Long Arm) DX/E - DX+2 15 [1]

includes: +1 from 'Combat Reflexes', +1 from 'Patrol Sling'

Fast-Draw (Pistol) DX/E - DX+1 14 [1]

includes: +1 from 'Combat Reflexes'

Fast-Talk IQ/A - IQ-1 13 [1]

First Aid (Human) IQ/E - IQ+0 14 [1]

Forensics IQ/H - IQ-2 12 [1]

Gesture IQ/E - IQ+0 14 [1]

Guns (Grenade launcher) DX/E - DX+0 13 [1]

Guns (Pistol) DX/E - DX+0 13 [0]

Guns (Rifle) DX/E - DX+2 15 [4]

Interrogation IQ/A - IQ+1 15 [4]

Intimidation Will/A - Will-1 13 [1]

Karate DX/H - DX-1 12 [2]

Knife DX/E - DX+1 14 [2]

Leadership IQ/E - IQ+1 15 [1]

includes: +2 from Charisma

Lockpicking IQ/A - IQ+1 15 [4]

Merchant IQ/A - IQ+0 14 [2]

Navigation (Land) IQ/A - IQ-1 13 [1]

Observation Per/A - Per+1 15 [1]

includes: +2 from 'Acute Vision'

Riding (Equines) DX/A - DX+0 13 [2]

Scrounging Per/E - Per+0 14 [1]

Shortsword DX/A - DX-1 12 [1]

Stealth DX/A - DX+6 19 [24]

Survival (Radioactive Wasteland) Per/A - Per+4 18 [2]

includes: +2 from 'Vapor Canteen', +2 from 'Tent, Dome (2 person)'

Targeted Attack (Beam Weapons (Rifle)/Skull) Tech/H - 17 [5]

Tracking Per/A - Per+0 14 [2]

Traps IQ/A - IQ-1 13 [1]


Stats [180] Ads [141] Disads [-75] Quirks [0] Skills [102] = Total [350]


Hand Weapons

1 Riper LC:4 $300 Wgt:1

Swing Dam:2d+1 (3) cut Reach:c Parry:10 ST:6 Skill:knife

Thrust Dam:2d-1 (3) imp Reach:c Parry:10 ST:6 Skill:knife


Ranged Weapons

1 Plasma Pistol LC:3 Dam:7d+2 (2) burn ex Acc:5 Range:375 / 1100

RoF:3 Shots:40(3) ST:6 Bulk:-2 Rcl:2 $2200 Wgt:1.6

*Hudlink, Multispectral laser sight, weapon bond

1 Laser Carbine LC:2 Dam:5d (2) burn Acc:13 Range:500 / 1500

RoF:10 Shots:28(3) ST:5† Bulk:-3 Rcl:1 $4600 Wgt:5.6

*Hudlink, Multispectral laser sight, weapon bond


Armor & Possessions

10 A cell $20 Wgt:.05 (Horse)

15 B cell $45 Wgt:.75 (Horse)

25 C cell $250 Wgt:12.5 (8 carried rest on horse)

1 Electro-Optical Binoculars $500 Wgt:.6 nightvision 9 64x 2B/100h

1 First Aid Kit $50 Wgt:2 (Carried)

1 Flashlight, Heavy $20 Wgt:1 50 yard beam 2B/24h (Carried)

1 Heavy Clamshell (TL 9) $900 Wgt:18 DR 45 (Horse)

1 Holster, Belt $25 Wgt:.5 (worn)

1 Hyperspectral Goggles $2000 Wgt:.6 Hud, Hypervision 2x, +3 vision (eyes)

1 Load-Bearing Vest $30 Wgt:2 (Vest)

1 Nanoweave Suit $8400 Wgt:12 DR 18/6 tailored standard desert outfit, +8 stealth to vision/infravision half move

1 Patrol Sling $50 Wgt:2 (worn)

1 Tent, Dome (2 person) $75 Wgt:4 +2 survival (horse)

1 Vapor Canteen $450 Wgt:2 +2 survival (horse)

1 Variable Lockpick $50 Wgt:0 +4 to lockpick manual (carried)

1 Small radio $0 Wgt:5 1 mile range (carried)


35 caps 38.7lb encumbrance 0


Javan goes over to Molloy and leans over to her "Hey doc. Eddie and Neil don't look too good. If we don't find water soon we may have to destroy the horses. Is there anyway you could filter the water right out of their blood? I have a vapour canteen if it will help as it's not helping much in this dry desert. Think you could rig something up? We could eat the meat to. It's the best option but it will keep us alive till nightfall at least. Do you have anything we could cook the meat with? I'll leave you my canteen if you think it will help and my horse. I don't want to have to drag him back if he dies before i get back. I'll be back in a few hours"


Being used to hunting alone he pulls his hood up and face protection down and heads out by himself a slightly different direction but in the same general direction as the lights. After about 100 yards he fades into desert. He stops every so often to use his binoculars to scan the horizon for anything that might be water or shelter looking specifically for rocky areas or vegetation.


Survival (Radioactive Wasteland) Per/A - Per+4 14 (not including my canteen or tent as they don't seem to be useful in this situation


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Re: Ctrl+V


Farmer Jones got out of his car and while heading for his friend's door, noticed a pig with a wooden leg. His curiosity roused, he asked, "Fred, how'd that pig get him a wooden leg?"


"Well, Michael, that's a mighty special pig! A while back a wild boar attacked me while I was walking in the woods. That pig there came a runnin', went after that boar and chased him away. Saved my life!"


"And the boar tore up his leg?"


"No he was fine after that. But a bit later we had that fire. Started in the shed up against the barn. Well, that ole pig started squealin' like he was stuck, woke us up, and 'fore we got out here, the darn thing had herded the other animals out of the barn and saved 'em all!"


"So that's when he hurt his leg, huh, Fred?"


"No, Michael. He was a might winded, though. When my tractor hit a rock and rolled down the hill into the pond I was knocked clean out. When I came to, that pig had dove into the pond and dragged me out 'fore I drownded. Sure did save my life."


"And that was when he hurt his leg?"


"Oh no, he was fine. Cleaned him up, too."


"OK, Fred. So just tell me. How did he get the wooden leg?"


"Well", the farmer tells him, "A pig like that, you don't want to eat all at once!"

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