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Independent multi-targeting?


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Hmmm after I posted on the 6th edition forum I think the post may be more appropriate for here and I couldn't delete the post there so sorry much apologies!


Anyway here is my question:


If you recall the western Silverado, there's a scene where Jake (Kevin Costner's character) draws and fires both of his guns are two different targets simultaneously.


In Iron Man, Tony uses his armor to specifically target multiple terrorists who are using refugees as human shields and he takes them all down in one salvo.


Okay...how do you do that in Hero?


For that matter how do you multiple independent targeting?

In the past we've tried Area Affect Hexes and called it a special effect, with a kicker of increased area if needed and custom limitation (does not effect intervening squares, etc...) but it was kind of clunky.


In the case of a person is doing a gun kata (like the movies Equilibrium and Ultraviolet) where the main character is spraying a room one could call that a combination of auto-fire and area effect.


But what about single multi-target attacks?


I have not played heavily since 4th edition and I skimmed my trusty copy of FRED and didn't see anything on it either so I was wondering if this was addressed in 6th edition?

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Re: Independent multi-targeting?


The system being able to handle this style of action well was one of the big (welcome) changes between 4th & 5th.

I assume 6th does as well or better, but I haven't upgraded yet.


4th requires a number of interesting kludgy systems, as you found. much of the knowledge carries foreward to 5th as superskill Power constructs. Selective Area of Effect is probably the easiest basic way to build this kind of targeting. Add Accurate to make it hard to avoid.


Autofire (note the possible application as a Naked advantage as well) and the Autofire skills, TWF & Rapidfire/Sweep (as CC mentions), & Multiple Power Attacks are all worth reading up on.

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Re: Independent multi-targeting?


There are a number of ways to do this. Multiple Attack is a combat manueuver that allows you to use the same attack against multiple targets in the same action.

The other option is Autofire, which also allows you to attack multiple targets in the same action. The Iron Man example especially could be represented either way I think.

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Re: Independent multi-targeting?


Silverado would be combat skills and maneuvers.


Iron Man would be Power Advantages since the ability is primarily part of the Armor, not who is wearing it.


From a similar thread:


I would build the missiles used by Iron-Man vs. the terrorists holding a hostage (in the live action movie) with a combination of AOE Selective and AOE 1 Hex Accurate. All Limitations (like Charges) can be applied to the entire construct and can also be combined with CSL's (whether they are part of the armor or just Stark's skill) as well.
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