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Converting from 5th to 6th


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[ATTACH=CONFIG]40008[/ATTACH]I am trying to convert a character from 5th edition to 6th - but I do not own the 6th edition book. So - I'm hoping to find my errors and fix them. I am hoping to play in 6th edition and have heard that it is fairly easy to make the switch in play, but the write ups can be more difficult. Among the questions I have - I know that FF and armor are no longer the same, I wonder about the damage resistance, and need to know if damage reduction still exists. Thank you for any help! :thumbup:

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Re: Converting from 5th to 6th


6E Damage Negation: Directly negates DC of the attack.

6E damage Redution: take only a percent of the damage after defenses.


Force Field and Armor are now colapsed into Resistant Protection. I would take "Resistant Protection" for External Armor (including "Armored Spandex"), "Resistant Protection that cost Endurance to maintain" for force fields and normal ED/PD with Resistant Advantage for Internal Armor or "just a tough guy". At least thats the way they are defined in official writeups.


Otehr Stuff:

PRE is propabyl to high. When this is to mimik high COM, better use the Striking Apereance Talent for that.

Characteristics aren't linked anymore. You can have 10 DEX and 15 OCV/DCV. but you ahve to pay for every point of former figured characteristics (but the ones that formerly provided figured cost now a lot less).

You need a lot less complications. Cosmically Powerfull (750 total points only requires 100 matching Complications).

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Re: Converting from 5th to 6th


(Work in Progress)

I noticed that the limitation unified was dropped - is it in bad form? I was hoping to take the 1/2 phase limit for changing/adding to the stellar phase I am in (I like the flavor & required judgement calls to mix powers). Assuming I can get another 1/4 on the MP, that would bring it up to 168, as the goal of the MP was to have multiple powers in discrete point costs to make mixing of slots easy to track and visualize.

I also noticed that the flashes effect hearing - they should effect sight and radio (sun spot activity too close).


On the other hand - wow! This is awesome! Thank you for doing the conversion! I'm tinkering with it now to try to regain the buffet MP type, but with all the work you did, my understanding of 6th jumped up leaps and bounds! I can't wait to get the 6th book - I am budget limited, but do intend on getting it once money begins flowing again.


Thank you again!

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Re: Converting from 5th to 6th


Ok, here's round two. I tried to take the sheet you filled out and tried to merge it with the theme/power range I intended (mostly making everything a 150, 90, 60, or 30 so with my brain at half mast, I should be able to juggle the MP). The MP gained 1 limit (the half phase penalty for not staying with a given descriptive - but if this is not enough of a limitation for your taste, I can throw in a 14- to succeed at the change as part of a combined 1/4 limitation. I lowered the total cost to 765 instead of 778, and if need be I can trim some more. Per the statement by christopher, do I have too many disadvantages? Also - I thought that damage reduction was no longer available, but I noticed you used it, thus I made a bad assumption. Boy, is umption going to be pissed off at me.

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