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Polearm Multipower


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I've question regarding a (30 AP)MP I try to create:

I want to have an "disabling Blow" ...

sample powers are already:

a Flash (hitting the eyes)

Stretching IPE 4'' to hit "the wind" (like the chinese Movies)


Problem is I don't want to add Damage..

it should be something more stylish...


my idea would be something like a minor transform to

"disable" the rolled hit location (mor or less automatically)


thanx in advance for the input



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Transform can work, but it may be too expensive, especially since its a major transform (maybe minor, depending on the effect) - thats 15 (or 10) points per die. Plus it needs to go vs the targets whoe Body, so it would be expensive - (with a 30 AP cap, that would be 2-3d6 Transform - possible effective, possibly not)


I'd use a drain to do the same thing - say STR drain for arm, STUN for head, Running or DEX for leg, etc. Probably have to have the Variable Effect advantage (maybe +1/4 for characteristics?). It would create similar effects, but not have to break the Body-barrier.


Another way is variable Negative Skill levels, usable as attack, to reflect the penalties that go along with a disabling hit.


Going off memory here, so sorry I couldn't be more specific with my advice (point wise).

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I simply allow flash to be used as disabling.


You can't disable the head, you can disable the chest and limbs. Count as flashing a targetting sense so 5pts per 1d6 I believe. You define the location at power creation (I allow choosing "arm" and deciding which arm when attacking).


Target is disabled by default, but a successful con roll reduces it to impaired (like making a non-targetting perception roll for flash).


I use "lack of weakness" as the "flash defense" for the power.


It seems shocking to people at first to allow impairing with the flash power, but really most disabling is less crippling then being blinded, and the effects are of very brief duration normally.

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Hy Andreas(2) ;)

also greetings - as you see alibear already read the comment ;)

but anyway - this MP ultra is somehow hard to create...

the Effect should be a numbing - paralyzing pain (the thing I thought at first the term "Nerve Strike" would describe)

and there're as always far too less points to create....

so still I'm thinking about this power, 'cause I've still not been able to use the power in an adventure ;)

have a nice weekend guys

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Here's what I used for "disabling" attacks for martial artists.


Nerve strike, 1d6 Drain vs STR, DEX, STUN, REC, END or Running/Superleap, one at a time (+1/4), Return rate 1 point per Turn (+1/4)


This is only 15 points, so you could double it for the AP limit you've got, which means you could inflict "significant malfunctions" on people without power defence.


Flash lives in a seperate slot in the multipower.


As for "hitting the wind" a simple EB in another slot should do the trick - or you can make it an HA usable at range if you wish an extra layer of cheese :D


Should work.


cheers, Mark

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