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Sword Maneuvers


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Looking at a lot of peoples' builds, I'm seeing a lot of martial arts maneuvers with swords that I can't find in the book (Riposte comes to mind).  Where do those come from?  Are they in a particular book or on someone's website?  Any help would be appreciated.

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What edition? I see a lot of these from the various martial arts books.

Also some times they take a normal maneuver and give it a new name.

For example in dirty fighting an offensive blow might be called "low blow" while in karate it might be called "roundhouse kick".

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Martial Arts is a rules construct first and foremost. The Name of the Maneuvers is only the Special Effect of the maneuver, nothing else. That you need a sword for them is part of the Weapon Element.

Compare each published maneuver to the ones in 6E2 or Hero System Martial Arts. All you see is a lot of differently named Martial Blocks, Matrial Dodges, Offensive Strikes, Defensive Strikes, etc.

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I think the guys are playing 5th.  I don't think they are simply renamed maneuvers.  Riposte, for instance, adds +1 OCV, +3 DCV and happens the turn after a block (I think I got that right).

The Riposte Maneuver from HSMA 6E, Fencing example Martial Arts:

"Riposte; 4 Points Cost; +2 OCV; +2 DCV; Weapon +2 DC Strike, Must Follow Block"

This is really just the "Counterstrike" maneuver from the listing at the start with a different name slapped to it. Ironically it seems like Coutnerstrike is only used in one of the example Martial Arts - Fencing. But you can still build your own Martial Arts set (or freely select maneuvers from the list) and choose it as one of them.

Martial Dodge and Block are listed under a dozen different name in almost every single example Martial Art.

Values might have changed between 5E and 6E.


Within limits you can build your own maneuvers. The rules for that are in the HSMA book for 6E.

I think I heard something about 5E having MA-maneuver build rules in the core book, if not they are likely in the 5E HSMA.

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Let's disect the Character from the Front page you linked, Spike Spiegel:



Factoring in that he has 15 STR and +1 Martial Arts DC:

Backhand: Defensive Strike

Block: Martial Block

Dodge: Martial Dodge

Flying Kick: Sacrifice Strike

Kick: Offensive Strike

Punch/Elbow Strike: Martial Strike

Spinning Kick: Looks Sacrifice Strike with +1 OCV and a "half move required" restrictive element added to balance the cost.

Throw: Martial Trow


And I was comparing this 5E writeup to the 6E Maneuver list and still found perfect matches for all but one.

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