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Drains and Healing


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I have a few questions related to how these work.


For Drains, if a character is drained on two (or more) different statistics in the course of a turn, how quickly does it return? Do the drained statistics all return simultaneously or are the drained stats taking rotating turns returning back to normal?


For Healing, specifically Simplified Healing, how would that work on drained stats other than Stun or Body?

Ex: The superhero Chickengizard is drained 10 points on both his INT and DEX (not that the INT drain changed Chickengizard's personality much). Another hero rolls 3d6 of Simplied Healing on Chickengizard and rolls two 6's and a 5; what happens?


For Simplied Healing, how does the above roll affect someone who has been hit with the Flash power, say for 7 segments?

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When a single Drain (or any Adjustment Power for that matter) that target multiple Characteristics simultaneously is used, ALL affected Characteristics 'Return' 5 Active Points each return rate interval*.


*The exact amount of time can be changed with the Delayed Return Rate Advantage on the Adjustment Power.


Here is an example of how I built an Aid for my rookie version of The Flash:


0    2) The Fastest Man Alive! v2: Aid  DEX & OCV 4d6 (standard effect: 12 points), Expanded Effect (x2 Characteristics or Powers simultaneously) (+6 DEX and +2 OCV; +1/2), Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per Minute; +1) (60 Active Points); Only to Aid Self (-1), Unified Power (-1/4) Real Cost: 27

[Notes: Provides a one use increase of +6 DEX with a Maximum Effect of + 12 DEX (decreases by 1 point per 2 Turns) & a one use +2 OCV with a Maximum Effect of +4 OCV (decreases by 1 point per Minute).] - END=6

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from 6e1 pages 232-234

A character must define what Characteristic(s) or Power(s) his Healing affects when he buys the Power, and cannot change it thereafter. Healing can apply to more than one Characteristic or Power at once if it has the Expanded Effect Advantage (6E1 142). Healing can Heal back BODY or other Characteristics lost in any manner, such as injuries, diseases, poisons, Drains, and Susceptibilities. Healing costs END to use.

Simplified Healing
This option is usually used for Powers designed to heal the STUN and BODY damage from typical attacks. The total on the Healing dice Heals STUN damage, and the Normal Damage BODY on the Healing dice Heals BODY damage.


*I am pretty sure the use of the word typical here means damaging attacks like a Punch, Blast, Killing Attack, etc... but NOT drains or transformations.

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