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Absorption to 'top off'


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Originally posted by Fireg0lem

I think you are approaching it the wrong way. Here's how I'd buy it:


Armor: Lots/Lots, Only Stops Stun.


Because thats the effect you are getting.



Yes, I'm with you.


I'd build Sebastian Shaw with *very* high levels of Armor and also some Absorption to STR. I wouldn't even apply the Limitation: "Only vs. Kinetic Damage" to the Armor, because most "weird" attacks (like Ororo's cold field) would be built with NND anyway.


We could also apply some Susceptibility that kicks off whenever Shaw is hit by an attack too big to be deflected by his Armor, simulating "overload" or something.


PS: Shaw would need lots of KB Resistance too.

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Originally posted by Farkling

Yep. Though that argument usually doesn't fly with anyone who has ever played a system with an "Invulnerble" power.


Invulnerability in the comix was always..."haven't found something that hurts YET"


Remember, Absorption that adds to Absorption cap maximum is a 'DM Approval Required' stop sign.


And no sane DM would approve this power if 'Superman' *didn't* have a 'Kryptonite'.


As for the arguments that it should be bought as obscene armor... well, if you are the DM, yes, you can make the call that the player must choose the most point-inefficient method of getting down the conception he wants. But if you make that call, you will either a) need a good reason or B) have a very disgruntled player.


Now if *I* were the DM, I wouldn't approve this combo I just outlined unless there was at least one common way, or several uncommon ways, that I could put the character down anyway... or unless the concept was *supposed* to be "He's Invulnerable Boy -- he can't do much if anything on the offense, but wow, can he sure take one for the team!"


Of course, even if we go with the full Physical/Energy combo here, there *are* such ways.


(Anything that goes vs. Mental or Power Defense, Entangles, NNDs, Flashes, throwing a tablecloth over his head, you name it. :) )

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I vaguely remember Nightcrawler juggling Sebastion for a few phases until Shaw had gained enough DEX/SPD to grab and throw him.


Shaw was not amused.


Hmm....I still think the Armor Damage Reduction approach is much better...it is much harder to overload than the Absorbtion setup. Absorb doesn't adjust until AFTER the damage is applied. Is not STUN a defensive power?


Your fellow could concievably be knocked unconscious and have his powers shut down, and THEN the added Stun wakes him back up.

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Originally posted by Chuckg

The current absorption combo for 'Sebastian Shaw' is at the +1 level, so it simultaneously feeds four things:





Absorption cap


And each one is fed with the full absorption point total, so that cap is not only being kept up with, it's getting further and further ahead in geometric ratio. :)


(The first three are Only To Starting Values, natch)


Plus the 75% Damage Reduction, natch.


Basically -- do not punch this guy. Do not hit this guy. Do not even bother using kinetic force against this guy. Use an attack form that his special defense does *not* cover, and use it a lot. If you try to just beat your way through, you are gonna need the +50 Asteroid of Smiting just to make him feel it.


You know, just like Shaw was.


And it occurs to me that doing the same thing for both Physical /and/ Energy attacks, and then putting a limitation on the Damage Reduction of 'does not work vs. kryptonite or magic', gets you a damn close approximation of Superman.


There is a potential problem with this construct. It depends on whether the "1 pt for 2 pts" effect is an Adder, or a basic part of the power. If it's a basic part of the power, you're fine as long as you have GM approval. If it's considered an Adder, then you need an additional +1 advantage on the absorption to be able to increase the maximum effect rather than the base dice.

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