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I Feel The Need

Sean Waters

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So another thing I was thinking about, whilst walking the dogs: Speed. 


I like the Speed Chart. I don’t know of another game that has anything like it.  It is great.




If Crimson Blur is Speed 8 and has a Run of 30m, she can get up to nearly 45mph in combat.


Meanwhile the Inedible Wombat has a Speed of 4, but a Run of 60m.  He can reach the same velocity in combat, almost 45mph.


Yet, the damage the Wombat does with a move through is considerably more than the Blur does, even though they have similar Strength.


That seems wrong to me.


Similarly if they both spend another 2 points on Run, the Blur can now run faster than the Wombat: there is only about a mile per hour in it, but still: they were moving pretty fast to begin with.


How to address it though?  Well, first, SHOULD we address it?  I think we should, so…


Easy, as it turns out: your Move costs the same as your Speed.  So if you are Speed 5, 1m of Flight or 2m of Swimming cost 5 points.  That perfectly balances Speed and Move so you wind up with the same top speed for the same spend.




So, that messes with movement damage right?  Well, it would now you have a Velocity Factor (which can be calculated once, used many times) equal to (Move x Speed) / 12 (which is actually your velocity in metres per second).  That is what you add for damage to Move Throughs and Move Bys.  See table below.


Velocity Factor



0 to 1



2 to 4



5 to 8



8 to 16



17 to 32



33 to 64



65 to 128





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Actually I think my problem's solvable pretty easily if you've defined a campaign baseline SPD. 

Have characters buy movement at the normal cost.  Multiply their raw movement ratings by campaign baseline SPD to get Velocity Factors.  Divide those Velocity Factors by the character's SPD to get their per-Phase movement ratings.  Put another way, it's your method but you also divide by baseline SPD to prevent cost inflation. 

This way everyone pays the same amount (barring rounding) for the same "/Turn and velocity damage. 

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No, do not address it
these are just different character builds
if the player feels that they should do as much damage as the other ,then maybe a rebuild is in order
also look at damage over time

a speed 4 character only does  (move thru velocity is 60m = +10d6(35pts of damage) and a -6 to ocv  [4 hits very unlikely but does 35x4= 140 points on average

a speed  8 character only does (move thru velocity is 30m = + 5d6(17.5 pts of damage) and a -3 to ocv  [8 hits unlikely, but does also 17.5 x7 140 points on average

the bell curve is going to kill the speed 4 character if both have the same OCV vs a targets same DCV


target has a def of 25

both speed 8 and 4 do 8d6 hand to hand(average 28 pts of damage)
so if both have final OCV of 10 before the move throu vs a target with a 8 DCV here are the percentages
speed 8 has a final ocv of 7 and will hit dcv 8 around 50% of the time (so in a turn speed 8 does on average 45.5 (20.5 get through to do damage) (20.5 x 8)/2=82 pts of damage on the target))

speed 4 has a final ocv of 4 and will hit dcv 8 around 16.2% of the time (so in turn speed 4 does on average 63 pts(38 get through to do damage)(38 x 4)/6=25 pts of damage on the target))


of course Move bys will have the speed 4 do more damage as the ocv and dcv mods are the same
it will come down to who chooses the correct maneuver
the speed 8 is better off using move thru (only a 12.5% difference) vs the speed 4 using move by hitting 62% of the time


and the move by have the speed 4 doing + 6d6(21pts)+ 28=49 pts per hit  49-25=24  after def (24 x 4)/1.6=60 pts per turn

the speed 8 is getting  +3d6(10.5 pts)+ 28 =38.5 pts per hit 38.5-25= 13.5after def (13.5x 8)/1.6= 67.5 per turn
damage over the course of a turn has the speed 8 only up by 2d6 on average over the speed 4

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21 hours ago, Sean Waters said:

So, that messes with movement damage right?  Well, it would now you have a Velocity Factor (which can be calculated once, used many times) equal to (Move x Speed) / 12 (which is actually your velocity in metres per second).  That is what you add for damage to Move Throughs and Move Bys.  See table below.


Velocity Factor



0 to 1



2 to 4



5 to 8



8 to 16



17 to 32



33 to 64



65 to 128






It was going down this type of rabbit hole that comparing max falling damage (30d6) to the Move Through maneuver and maximum falling speed that allowed me to math out that the Earth is speed 4.

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