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    S.I.D.s is short for Super-powered Individual Database. This is a database that various government agencies are starting to use to keep track of all the various villains and heroes. Over the last few years, the number of super-powered individuals has skyrocketed.
    It has become a full-time job to try and keep track of them as well as updated information about them, that is the purpose of this database. The database is designed to give law enforcement as much information as possible on supervillains or superheroes they may need to call for help.
    This is a series of small products that will introduce new villains and heroes for your campaign.
    This installment introduces a new organization, an Evil Mutant Society, in a 40 page PDF.
    A large group of mutants out to make the world safe for mutants. Of course, getting rich and disrupting the anti-mutant movement is just a bonus.
    Includes Hero Designer files & printable cardboard miniatures.

    Located on the idyllic Honduran island of Roatan, Prosperidad (or “prosperity” in Spanish) is a semi-autonomous city based on libertarian principles whose goal was to become the financial hub of the Caribbean, an information haven for the works of oppressed intellectuals, and a beacon for freedom-loving people around the world. But sometimes ideals fall short of reality.

    Or, even worse, they don’t.
    Champions International is a new series of settings for Champions 6th Edition, exploring the world of Champions! WIth Prosperidad being the sixth installment in this series, this PDF is 17 pages of new Champions content written by Jason Walters himself. Available now on the Hero Games' website and DriveThruRPG, links below!

    Heroes! This new HERO System 5E Megabundle brings you a colossal array of tabletop roleplaying .PDF rulebooks and supplements that use the 2004 Fifth Revised Edition of the all-encompassing HERO System from Hero Games. Across four decades -- starting as the classic superhero RPG Champions and later moving into fantasy, science fiction, pulp, and every other genre -- the endlessly flexible HERO System remains a standard for adventures of larger-than-life characters in a consistent rules framework. Includes THIRTY-FIVE big rulebooks, genre books, sourcebooks, and play aids, link below!

    S.I.D.s is short for Super-powered Individual Database. This is a database that various government agencies are starting to use to keep track of all the various villains and heroes. Over the last few years, the number of super-powered individuals has skyrocketed.
    It has become a full-time job to try and keep track of them as well as updated information about them, that is the purpose of this database. The database is designed to give law enforcement as much information as possible on supervillains or superheroes they may need to call for help.
    This collection contains a bookmarked PDF and Hero Designer Files containing the following previously S.I.D.s Report Supplements:
    S.I.D.s Report 18 – CLOWN, S.I.D.s Report 19 – White Queen,  SIDs Bulletin #10 – Killer Bee
    Includes PDF, 82 pages, with Hero Designer files & printable cardboard miniatures, link below!

    Welcome to the third installment of Monster Mash collection. Here you will find new creatures and/or new takes on old creatures for your Fantasy Hero Campaign.
    This installment will cover new creatures known as Shadow Ray, Zorbo, Krasy Kat, Stone Wolf, Dread Allip, Death Horse, Death Knight, Skeletal Lord, Skeletal Orc, Skeletal Wolf, Skeletal Wraith These creatures will add a new dimension to your Fantasy Hero campaigns.
    These creatures range in size, power, and abilities. The creatures will challenge adventurers in many ways. Adventurers need a challenge and these creatures will challenge them. Link below!

    The Ground Vehicles Hero Designer Character Pack is a collection of Ground Vehicles includes cold war military vehicles, commercial vehicles, tanks, wheeled military vehicles, armored personnel vehicles, and many more! Available through Hero Games website and DriveThruRPG, links below!

    The Water Vehicles Hero Designer Character Pack is an enormous collection of Water Vehicles includes a vast selection of military vehicles from navies ranging including the American, British, Dutch, French, German, Japanese, Chinese, and many, many more! It includes sailing ships, monitors, hovercraft, missiles, naval guns, and many other vehicles for your Hero campaign. Available now through the Hero Games Website and DriveThruRPG, links below!

    The Air and Space Vehicles Hero Designer Character Pack is a collection of Air and Space Vehicles from biplanes to spacecraft, along with a wide variety of useful weapons and equipment prefabs, and a spreadsheet to allow figuring movement from real speeds to Hero equivalents. Also included are various RPVs. It is available through the Hero Games website and DriveThruRPG, links below!

    This Character pack is an update of weapons, equipment, and body styles that were later added to Car Wars after Autoduel Champions was published. It is for Hero Designer 6th Edition. It includes new chassis templates, and prefabs for all new weapons and equipment featured.  Available now on the Hero Games' website as well as through DriveThruRPG, links below!

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