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    Recent News
    Jason S.Walters
    Get ready hero! Strap on your mask, tie on your cape, and prepare to smash, clobber and blast the forces of evil!
    This newly released Roll20 Champions Bundle includes the Champions Complete Compendium, Champions Begins Quickstart Rules, and Champions Complete - Heroes and Villains Addon.
    Includes everything new and experienced players need:
    Champions Complete Compendium: The Core Rules for Champions Complete based on the Hero System 6E Rules Champions Begins: A set of quick-start rules and to help new players learn the system while playing. It includes a rebooted classic module, Viper's Nest. Champions Complete - Heroes and Villains: This Addon includes the tokens and character sheets for the iconic Champions superhero team, and Villains included in the Champions Complete Core Rule Book.  
    You can access the Compendium Book content in the in-app compendium, as well as on the Roll20 web compendium. Addon
    The Champions Begins Addon is available via a dropdown menu in the Game Addons section of the Game Details Page. Select Champions Begins and on the "Add to Game" button beside the drop-down menu. Module
    You can access modules by clicking "Create a New Game" from your Roll20 Home or Games pages and selecting a module you own from the right-hand side of the "Start New Game" page. Which Character Sheet should I use?
    Use the Hero System 6e Character Sheet set in the "Game Settings" page.

    The Jolrhos Codex contains almost a thousand new spells, songs, and rituals for Fantasy Hero, unlocking magic for GMs and Players alike.  This collection is designed for the Jolrhos Fantasy Hero Campaign, but can be used in any campaign or fantasy setting.  This companion to the Jolrhos Player Guide gives the details to all those summary spells, songs, and rituals mentioned in the Guide, and so much more, link below!


    New SID Title!

    By A.C, in Store Item News,

    S.I.D. is short for Super-powered Individual Database. This is a database that various government agencies are starting to use to keep track of all the various villains and heroes. Over the last few years, the number of super-powered individuals has skyrocketed.
    S.I.D. Bulletin is a flyer that will highlight solo villains that have come onto the scene. The same care will be taken with their entry as with those in our S.I.D. Report. All known history and abilities will be given.
    This is a series of small products that will introduce new villains and heroes for your campaign.
    This installment will introduce a new villain – The Reapers
    A villainous group with ties to Muerte & Terror Inc. This group consists of five superpowered individuals who are Supervillains for hire.


    Hero Games Patreon Update!

    By A.C, in HERO System News,

    It's been five months of the Hero Patreon and we have gone through all our chapters of Gaslight! If you've been interested in checking out the Patreon, now is a fantastic time to hop on as we're starting to post chapters of The Last Orc. The Last Orc is a novel written by Scott Bennie before he passed earlier this year, and his family has graciously given Hero Games permission to post it on our Patreon.
    And a huge thank you to all the heroes who have joined us since the last update post!

    Mark Haynes
    Ben Harrison
    Lennon Conson
    Anson Sauer
    Robb McClune
    Jason Reid
    Ronald Miller
    Gary Garrard
    Lew Maestas
    Join the Hero Patreon!

    At 270 pages, The Jolrhos Codex is a huge compilation of Christopher Taylor's Fantasy Hero ideas and work spanning several decades of gaming and writing. The first part is an introduction, containing an examination of the Hero rules in a fantasy campaign, detailing thoughts and methods of creating spells using the Hero Toolkit. When combined with the detailed Spell System outlined in the Player Guide GMs and players have everything they need to have magic in their fantasy campaign. Link below!

    Lifted is a supers setting for Champions Now. Select humans have been Lifted to become superpowered beings by non-human intelligences for unknown purposes. Project: OWL collects intel on these Lifted. Watching, learning without ever interfering or being exposed. Now, as more Lifted manifestations happen in the public worldwide, Project: OWL are the experts, and they can no longer sit on the sidelines, and neither can you! Now available on the Hero Games website!

    We've got two new supplements for your Fantasy Hero games by Greg Elkins!
    Monster Mash #17 - Bullette & Mimic includes two new beasts for your adventurers to face, while Wondrous Treasures #20 - Unique Items II gives you over 35 items to add to your Fantasy Hero campaign. Links below!


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