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    Recent News
    It's been another week of the Hero Games Patreon, and first things first we would like to give a shout out to all of our new patrons! Thank you to:
    Jeff Schultz
    Lee Dohm
    Susano Salceda
    Matthew Martin
    John Taber
    Kyle Foster
    Thomas Clegg
    We're coming up on the fourth week of chapters, meaning for $5 you can get access to four chapters of Gaslight by Christopher Hackler and Imperial Throne by Michael Satran, as well as a look at several pieces of artwork that have been commissioned for Imperial Throne. Link below!


    The Hero Games Patreon has been up and running for just over one week, and we've already got 37 patrons! Thank you to all these Heroes:
    Daniel Kendrick
    David Akers
    Dave Mattingly
    Christopher Hackler
    Jason Martin
    Jaanat Nadine
    Mechanical Muse
    Derek Hiemforth
    Todd Doyle
    John McIntosh
    Robert Bruce
    Alan Bradley
    Bobby Walker
    David Dierks
    Andrew Cowie
    David Johnston
    Anson Sauer
    Andrew Cermak
    Kyle Foster
    Owen Tudor
    Rich Bowers
    Joe Walsh
    Kevin Gill
    Robert Kim
    Martin E Von Cannon
    Mark Ewbank
    Jeffery M Keown
    Sean Reeves
    Shaughn Killeen
    Robert Hudson
    John Desmarais
    L. T. Eagas
    Shane Harsch
    David Tannen
    It's been a fantastic first week, and we look forward to continuing on with the Patreon! If you're interested in getting weekly releases of exclusive Hero content, unfinished chapters and artwork, you can become a Patron through the link below!


    Need some villains for your Champions campaign? Just pop open this PDF and get a whole team ready to go instantly! Fight against The Formidable Four, a team of superhuman villains forever changed by their alien abductors bent on spreading chaos and fear across the globe.
    The Formidable Four's vast powers and experience working together makes them a deadly team on the top of every law-enforcement group's most wanted list. Link below!

    The Hero Games Patreon is now up and running! For $5 a month you'll get access to weekly uploads of unfinished manuscript chapters full of Hero Games content, as well as other bonus content and an exclusive Patron badge for the Hero Games forums. The first two chapters are already available for download, and we've got a video from Jason Walters talking more in detail about the Patreon and what you can expect from it!
    Become a Patron today! https://www.patreon.com/hero_games

    This new S.I.D Report introduces Necronus & The Brood. Necronus is an incredibly powerful individual with the ability to mutate others. He has surrounded himself with four individuals with unique and powerful abilities, showing off how he can create superhumans at will, and remove their abilities at will as well! Includes Hero Designer files & printable cardboard miniatures.


    RIP Scott Bennie

    By A.C, in HERO System News,

    We here at Hero Games are deeply saddened to announce that our long-time friend, and frequent Hero Games author, Scott Bennie passed away earlier this week from complications due to pneumonia. As many of you already know, Scott suffered from extensive health problems for most of his life, and unfortunately this was one last struggle he simply couldn't win.
    I personally met Scott in the early Nineties -- probably at one of the first DunDraCons I attended -- after I began writing for Hero myself and hitting the con circuit. In addition to being a talented writer and game designer -- perhaps best known to Hero gamers for his superb work on Classic Enemies and two VIPER sourcebooks -- Scott was quite simply one of the kindest, gentlest people I've ever had the privilege to know. I'm so glad I had the chance to work with him on several projects, including the VIPER and Villainy Amok sourcebooks for HERO System 5th Edition.
    The world is a darker place without Scott's light in it, and all of us here at Hero Games shall miss him terribly.

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