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Everything posted by Heckus

  1. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine The mysterious "Number Men" are a recent addition to our campaign. the "4s" are generic shock troopers/agents. The "3s" are larger and in green and white armor and specialize in "anti-hero" weaponry. The "2s" are field commanders (purple & white), and Number 1 (black & white) is their leader (power-armored). They are Mercenaries who hire out as a highly trained and well-equipped private army. When regular thugs just won't cut it, called the Number Men:
  2. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Other favorites include: The Brown Hornet (hi-tech fast-flying thug. nice addition to any random villain team up) and Golden Gladiator (load-mouthed Brick who can never turn down a challenge; likes to temporarily blind opponents with the glare off his golden armor):
  3. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Here's Generic atomic villain #2. Same basic visual idea as the orange one but he has more of a "toxic goo" kind of feel to him. I made foldy-figs for both depending on the type of villain I need (fiery vs. toxic): enjoy.
  4. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine
  5. Re: Teleporter - Only An idea I used for a teleport-only NPC was Summoning. He'd teleport animals in from the zoo or the pound or whatever was near. Maybe it couldn't take down Mechanon or Sunburst but it sure tied up the mid-level villains. We gave it a limitation: "can only summon on turns that he teleports, -1/4" and "only with there is an explainable source of wildlife within the region, -0 (since it was intentionally vague; he basically couldn't use it on the moon or space ships or out at Sea). In combat he'd half teleport and summon a snake, a bear, or a lion. We explained it as "he teleports to the animal and returns with it instantly" . It was amusing.
  6. Re: I need a simple Bank map Awesome, thanks guys.
  7. Re: I need a simple Bank map hehe, thanks. They don't have to be super detailed, just roughly to the champion's scale. i can add a hex grid if it doesn't have one. Does anyone know of any companies that still make generic maps that work well? I have a 3-story mall map w/ 1" hex grid that came with some zombie game.
  8. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Here's a few others I'm partial to: the Green Turtle ...and generic Atomic Villain #3
  9. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine He's one of mine: The Black Coda. Power armor with a beetle theme. Admittedly the name comes from the old Ali Baba tales where the Black Coda was a gang of thieves and cutthroats. I used to use Armadillo's stats with flight tacked on. Eventually he earned his own stats and swarm of lesser-powered flying lackeys.
  10. It's probably been asked a dozen times but, is there a good source for common maps to use for champions? I'm always needing odd maps for everyday places (diners, banks, gas stations, whatever) and usually have to draw them out on my hex map or print a blank sheet and draw it in marker but that takes time away from the action. It'd be nice if there was an online source from which to grab the easy stuff. Half the time the fight goes places i didn't intend, so i have to wing it (most recently my players lured the villains to a nearby park that I had forgotten about on the city map to avoid civilian casualties; I didn't ever map the park so they fought in an open field with a few scattered trees). Does anyone have a source? I need a simple Bank map. (I posted this under hero system discussion initially but thought it fit better here)
  11. It's probably been asked a dozen times but, is there a good source for common maps to use for champions? I'm always needing odd maps for everyday places (diners, banks, gas stations, whatever) and usually have to draw them out on my hex map or print a blank sheet and draw it in marker but that takes time away from the action. It'd be nice if there was an online source from which to grab the easy stuff. Half the time the fight goes places i didn't intend, so i have to wing it (most recently my players lured the villains to a nearby park that I had forgotten about on the city map to avoid civilian casualties; I didn't ever map the park so they fought in an open field with a few scattered trees). Does anyone have a source?
  12. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Situation: "Heroes" capture Blowtorch as the remaining villains escape. They take him back to their base, presumably to question him. Hero 1 to Hero 2: Hey look what I just learned to do. Hero 1 proceeds to assault a bound Blowtorch with his new power. Blowtorch: THAT'S ENOUGH!! I'LL TALK!! Hero 1: We can ask him questions??? crap, gotta think of one... Blowtorch:
  13. Heckus

    Control Machines

    Re: Control Machines In the past my group had a "phase-in-and-take-control-of-machines" guy too. Figuring out the logistics took some trial and error but we settled on a multipower with MC (cyber only), telepathy (cyber only, for scanning), and finally TK for machines with a limitation called "object animation only (-1/2)". He could only animate an object to do something that it could normally do. He couldn't make things fly around or even walk if they normally couldn't and he couldn't crush anything. This allowed him to open mechanical doors by exerting his TK STR or manipulate odd ball things like photo copiers or elevators that wouldnt stop at certain floors). All required him to phase inside and had the further limitation that he took NND stun damage equal to BODY done to the machine. As the GM i felt that this was an acceptable counter to "affects physical world". This worked for a while with only a few odd occurrences like phasing into a guy in a power suit or taking over a tank's turret. Side note: The character (Phantos) entered the campaign with a completely unknown background and the player left it up to me to reveal over time. In the end he turned out to be a colony of the villainous Time-Master's nanites that had been stolen from a previous battle site by an evil corperation. They eventually assimilated a dying scientist's body as a means of understanding our world and became "Phantos" (taken from the Scientist's linux ID, Paul Hantos). Unfortunately, partial brain death and the shock of dying resulted in his memory loss for both paul and the Nanites. Later in the campaign the Time-master tried to reclaim him but he had evolved to far to be so easily controlled. Later still , he lost an arm (attacked by the narrative) and had to assimilate one from a dead gang member which resulted in his Secret ID having a miss matched left arm with gang tattoos (regen, only usable when "spare parts" are available). It was big fun.
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