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Posts posted by Wildcat

  1. OK Cecked the FAQ, and it didn't cover this 100%. In the FAQ it states this


    Q: If a character uses Entangle to make a wall, does the Entangle still take damage normally? For example, suppose a DEF4/BODY 14 Entangle wall is hit with an RKA that does 10 BODY. Would the end result be an Entangle wall DEF4/BODY 8 wall?


    A: The wall takes damage just like any other Entangle; the example is correct. If the Entangle Takes No Damage From Attacks, an attacker would have to target it at -3 OCV to damage it


    So what happens in this situation:

    Character has the Entangle, Blocks Sight Group, with the Only to form Barriers Lim on it. Then puts the Advans - Opaque to Norm sight, & Takes no Dam from Energy Attacks. Now the Wall is standing there and the Character hides behind it. From what I read in the FAQ, another char has to target the wall to hit it, but what if the attacker targets the Char behind the Wall (provided he can sense him in some fashion) Then does the Wall (Entangle Barrier) not protect him at all?


    And further if say the Wall is built this way:"Takes no Dam from Physical Attacks" Can a character trying to attack the Char behind the wall w/say a Move through, or Gun ignore the wall seeing on how he's not attacking the wall directly and getting the -3 OCV.


    Also this -

    If a Force Wall was Transparent to PD, then it could be walked through, but not the Entagle Barrier right? If so then a character just running down an Alley with an Entagle Barrier across it shouldn't have to have a -3 OCV to hit it, I mean how's he going to miss? But if it's bought as Takes no Damage from PD than he should just be able to walk though it as long as he doesn't target it right?


    I hope this is clear... it's a bit fuzzy in my own head.


    Thanx in advance Steve

  2. In playing ourGame a character has come up with this Followong use of the above advantage:

    Distruption Field: FF (15 PD/15 ED/5 Flash Defense: Hearing Group), Costs END Only To Activate (+1/4) (44 Active Points); Increased Endurance Cost (x2 END; -1/2)

    So what I'm reading this as it cost 6 End to turn on this forcefield, and it stays on indefinatly Or until the character turns it off, or is knocked out/stunned. Am I right?? and if am, isn't this a far better way to save END than say buying 1/2 END for the same advantage?

  3. WOW it's been awhile since I've been here. What with a new Job, and the holidays I've just not had the time, to surff let alone draw anything.

    It's nice to come back and see this thread has been so active. Thanx guy for keeping it alive... I really like this thread.

    Dr Rushing - Great Pics, I think I like Nightwatch & Steel Fist best. and the color progesion of Cavilier is kool too. Nightwatch reminds me of Brawl from WildCORE. I always liked that character. Keep up the good work, As for me... I may not be posting any new pics for a while. I just found out that something is wrong with my monitor/Color settings. Everything I see is too dark, So I adjust the colores to be lighter, and when it looks good to me, it looks faded and washed out to you all. :( So I think I'd like to get this fixed before I do anymore coloring of my pics in Photoshop.:(


    Anyway it's good to be back on the boards



  4. Re: Re: Finally Force Commander Colored!!!


    Originally posted by MisterD

    Is this the badguy from Micronauts?


    Sheesh I typed a whole Long thing about Force Commander from my game, and it all got deleted!!, No time now, but let's just say he was a tribute to a (as of then) forgoten Great Villain of my youth. Enjoy the pic of the 'Real FC' from the Micronauts toys/comics





  5. My 1st time


    Seems that Lord Liaden, Crimson Arrow and I all started at the same time with the Boxed set of Champions(2nd ed?). It was summer time and I remember being in a gamming lul. I hadn't played anything for all of that school year (except a small one on one Top Secret game with a neighbor kid who would rather be doing something else.) I found Champions at the Comicbook Store, and Just as Lord Liaden said, having come from a diet of AD&D, and other TSR games, I found the point based system to be exactly what I wanted. (Not to mention that I was a budding artist, and Champs had a place for your Character Image to go) Anyway I was starting a new School that year and hoped to meet some gammers. My 1st character was Cheeta, a Wolverien ripoff, but no claws, and lots of running. Then tried my hand at the X-men, The Teen Titans, and other Marvel/DC characters. All this to keep my summer time busy, but I never really played.

    Then School started, and I met the guy who is to this day (geese 20yrs already Sheesh!) my best friend, and we started gamming. AD&D at first, and some other games too, but eventualy Champions, and that stuck!

    Cheeta got a remake, and became Wildcat, but the team needed a leader, and Wildcat just wasn't the type, so Protector was born. Both characters have prominat places in my current campaign, as do many of the other PCs and NPCs from those early days, and while I have played other games since then, none have had the ability to hold my attention like Hero/Champs. I never sit in a movie and think "I wonder what level 'He' would be." But I contatantly find myself thinking "Dude that had to be at least a 10d6 Punch w/2x KB." (doese anyone else do this?)

    Anyway I'm a Herophile through and through, and its all I play now (and I still have to have my character's image on the char sheet or it just doesn't feel right)



  6. AvantGuard Group Poc


    Here is AvantGuard


    From Lt-Rt


    1) Tempest - Temporal Mage, been around since about 50AD. Has been a hero in many time periods, and gone by many names.

    2) Thrash - Team Brick. Youngest on the team, Thrash is also the most widely known. His Public ID, Contract with Mt Dew, and numerous MTV/Movie appearances have given him a large fan base even outside the team's home of LA.

    3) Blue Fury - 2nd only to Thrash in Popularity this young and beautiful Acrobat/MA has just rejoined the team after a lengthy pregnancy leave (she and Thrash are the happy parents of twins) Their upcoming wedding is the talk of Hollywood.

    4) Aftershock - Shockwave emitting Mutant, with a surly disposition. Not only is he one of the teams frontline fighters, but Aftershock's street cred keep the team well informed in the goings on in LA's underworld. Aftershock Shuns the lime light as much as Thrash basks in it.

    5) Blackfire- Formerly known as Powersink he has the ability to absorb both physical and electric forms of energy, and then convert it into a form he can use. Blackfire's Powers are still fluctuating at this time, and have yet to solidify. Expect some changes soon.


    6) Recurve - Team leader and one of the world's best Marksmen. Recurve has struggled to lead this very independent team, but with the mentoring of Tempest is finally getting the team under control. In Combat Recurve tends to stay at the edge of the battle field and take on opponents he can from there, with a large array of trick Arrows.

    7) Blastar - Newest Member of the team, a one time villain, and Government Agent, Blastar has Joined AvantGuard as a form of Asylum from her former Bosses, and hopes that the Team's High Profile will keep them at bay (for fear of exposure) She is also romantically involved with Recurve.


    There you go... AvantGuard




    PS: for more info on AG goto


  7. Other Comments/Pics


    Great stuff all around Guys(and gals)

    Blue - I like your Dr. Heidenreich pics, and the effects your adding to him, good stuff.


    drrushing - Cav looks great, and so does the background (another thing I'm not too good at :-( ). I will have to admit that Mags is right he does sorta look like shell-less TMNT Not that there is anything wrong with that.


    Mr Vimes - That's really kool that your whole family plays with you, I'd love to get my kids involved, my daughter is nearly 13, and I'm thinking of bringing her in, but the group I have is a bit... Mature if you know what I mean. (not to mention she's at her mother's the weekend we game :-()



  8. Re: New Order


    Originally posted by MisterVimes

    Interestingly, Arc was sort of a consensus name for a speedster with electrical powers that the player had no name for.


    1) Bulletproof Mohammed - An Iraqi with Magnetic powers transformed into a man with metallic skin (hence the rappings).

    -----\ Snip /-----

    11) Techknight - A geeky kid with cyberkinesis and a costume that looks half-amine and half-inperial stormtrooper (NPC that sits on the monitor duty)


    Wow seems like a colorful group, and I love the Pic. I'm HORRIBLE at group pics, I tend to cull them together out of the individual pics I draw for the team. Speaking of that... I have finally put together a team Pic for AvantGuard, and I'll post it next.



  9. Force Commander


    That is some real good stuff you got there Solomon, your gaming group is lucky to have such a talented artist. I know I can use each of those in my campaign ;)


    Meanwhile I have been busy also. I finaly broke down and drew my campaign's main Badguy, Force Commander. FC goes way back in my gamming career, over 20yrs. I drew a version ov him from memory (didn't have orig pic) back in the early 90's but was never very happy with it. So since my new campaign is now a yr old I thought that the gang deserved to see just who I had been building up for the past year.


    You'll see a def Baron Karza Influence in this pic (since thats who he was fasioned after way back when.) and a bit of Dr. Destroyer, Doom, and Magneto (Gotta love those guys) Anyway this is just the penciles, I'll be coloring him this weekend.





  10. WOW


    WOW Guys you all have been busy while I was a way. I lost my connection for a bit there, and then BLAM Blue has an explosion of artistic inspiration(Great stuff, Blue wish I was as prolific), and then Mangog, colors his stuff (GREAT as always) and we start talking about what software to use coloring. I use Photoshop myself, and have heard good things about Gimp.

    Everyone keep up the good work! :D


    As for me... I've gotten my lazy butt back to the drawing pad, and did a NPC that needed an original drawing for over a year. Blue Fury is AvantGuard's Martial Artist, She relies mostly on her DCV in combat, and keeps her opponents busy as she whittles them down with a lower dice attack (although it is AP) Blue (as she's called by the team) is Thrash's GF, and the two just had twins together.

    I modeled her costume off a look that Electra had around the time the Daredevil movie came out, and took the pose from a piece Storn did for the 4th ed 'Watchers of the Dragon' book.


    Hope you like it.





  11. I too would like to use Mystica as the basis for a magic using NPC I had created in name only called Myst. She would be part of a new Super team in San Deigo Ca called the Crusaders. I only had the slightest of outlines for her, and with your permission I'd love to use your character.




  12. Re: Re: The Vixens


    Originally posted by lemming

    Nice going Wildcat in the arangement.

    Somehow, I don't see the group staying together at least from what I recall from the various backgrounds of the characters.


    Me either. In fact ran their debute on Sat, and they won't be staying together, well not all of them. Here's the story:

    Longbow (Rainbo Archer) was a member of my newly formed Crusher Gang (Powercrusher, Pulsar, Armidillo, Wyvren[4th] Dark Rider [home made] & Eclipse [home made]) and they were calling out AvantGuard to chalenge them for the right to plunder LA. Longbow had other Ideas. Hating Powercursher, she formed her own all women team - The Vixens. and was going to doubble cross Powercrusher in the middel of the fight once 1/2 of AvantGuard was down. But Avantguard was a bit too sturdy for that and the Crusher Gang was taking it in the shorts by phase 6, so she called in her girls to thump the good guys. Not as many of the Crusher Gang were as 'down & out' as she thought, and her girls didn't fair as well either. Longbow was KOed, Photon grabbed her and using a powerstunt she T-ported them both to safty. Cateran (who had been battling Powercrusher most of the time) finisher off him, and then asked if she could go, (the heroes agreed, thinking they'd catcher her another day) and on the way out picked up the just re-awaking Howler then calmly walked out. In the end AvantGuard had only 2 of their team (7+1 guest star) who hadn't been KOed at one time, and had defeated a combined onslaught of 13 villians and won (granted the Vixens did take on a few of the Crusher Gang) and captured 8 of them (Armidillo escaped by tunneling through the floor underneathe the Ice entangel Icicle had put him in)

    Over all a very enjoyable battle for my gammign group, we all had a really good time, and the Vixens (not the same line up) WILL be Back!!



  13. Various Images


    Hey all just wanted to say a few things to all out there.


    Blue - Keep up the good work. Me personaly I take forever to draw a pic, and if it's not turnign out right I trash it :(. You on the other hand seem to be a bit more willing to just express yourself through your hands, and art, so keep at it :) I do agree with Agent Escafarc on the horizontal lines on Typhoon they detract from her slim body.


    Dr Rushing - I liked that Starfighter, I suck ar drawign anything but people. This posting of Nightwatch is beter, but still w bit too dark to see much detail in the inner body. I really dug Scorpius pic, that was outstanding work.


    Everyone else - Thanx for all the responced to the Thrash Shirt/Tats question.The shirt won! And let's keep this thread going and on page 1 :D



  14. Re: character images


    Originally posted by drrushing


    I liked all the various versions of Thrash...........that being said, I guess the public image he's portraying depends on the pic. I actually perferred the very first image (on pg. 21). That pic definately conveyed a much tougher image, much more "business" like.


    The new pics, I like the shirt better...........with Thrash smiling, it's hard to envision a tough "biker" or "extreme" attitude, he just looks way too friendly.


    Again, I like all the pics, good variety from one character, I'm sure the character development between beginning and end is quite a story.


    Thanks for the kind words Doc. I too liked the original Pic (except for the color job) But as I think I might have said before, it gave Thrash too much of a Mean Bully Image (and made him look too old).

    Thrash is very concerned about his PR Image. And while he does want the badguys outh there to respect him, he's not to worried about that, and thinks his Rep over the past year speaks for itself, If they figure him wrong, all the better he'll still stomp em into the ground. But his fans on the other hand... He wants them to have no doubt that he's AvantGuard's #1 most popular hero. And while market research has shown that the Dark, Skulking Heroes do have a certain apeal, in general more people like an aproachable Hero.



  15. The Vixens


    I just put together an all female team to face my Players. I used all pre-published characters from 5the ed (and one remade char from 4the edition, Rainbow Archer - now called Longbow) I won't bother posting their char sheets (as they are for sale on this site and you all should either have that version or the Paper versions. But I will List who I put into the team.

    Lonbow - Leader (She's a Rival of the PC team AvantGuard's Leader Recurve, so I thought that would make it personal)

    Cateran (CKC)

    Photon (CKC)

    Icicle (Champions)

    Howler (CKC)

    Talisman (Champions)

    Esper - I used a personal re-make of her 4the ed version, as I wasn't too impressed with the 5th ed version.


    And here they are...



    I used the 5the ed pics for all 5th ed char, (except Cateran, I used her CNM Pic for her) the 4the ed pic for Esper, and a hijacked Pic of DC's Artimis for Longbow)



  16. Re: Re: Hey What's this doing on the 2nd page


    Originally posted by aylwin13

    Is it my imagination, or is this Thrash a bit different from the one you had on your site a while ago? I like this version better. Keep up the great work.


    Yeah this is Thrash's New Look. The 1st pic was done a yr ago as we started this game. Dusty (Thrash's Player) wanted a tattooed, Eminem Look, and I added the Goat.. It so fitted with the character of Thrash at the time. But the pic never really sat with me all that well (and my color job was sub par, I think) So I knew I'd draw a new one some day, and I did.


    By this time Thrash had become involved with Blue Fury (NPC, yeah I need to Draw her) and the two had twins together. So this Thrash (his new look, and why I put a version with a shirt on) was to give Thrash a bit more respectability, and remove his pure 'Bully' image. I also wanted to convey his youth, Thrash is only 19, but his 1st pic made him look much older, whereas this one gives him back his youthful appearance.


    And for the Record, Dusty liked it better with the shirt too... so that's the final Pic. And yeah Kristopher, Pepsi does want him shirtless for some of the adds :cool:




    Edit: Oh yeah the Original Thrash Pic was posted on Pg 21 of this thread incase anyone wants to see it.

  17. Originally posted by Blue

    If I'm being attacked by bikers I'm not sure I'd call THIS guy for help ;)

    I don't see why not. Thrash can Stop a Mac Truck with his chest, and Lob Cans of Dew for 12d6

    I like the one with the shirt better. I take it he's got a lucrative contract w/Mountain Dew?

    Yep, You betcha... He's their Bigest Star.


    Oh and for the record I like the Shirt better myself.



  18. Thrash (Shirt vs Tats)


    OK here's the side by side for you to choose between.


    Let me know






    PS: Oh yeah I forgot to mention that I did this drawing based on a template posted by Magmarock back on 10/29.

    Thanx Mags :D

  19. Thrash (A new Look) Colored!


    OK Photoshop was kind, and I was able to get this pic colored today. I decided that I'd color it in 2 ways. 1st with no shirt and showing all the tats, that Thrash normaly has. Then one that was a bit more respectable, with a shirt. I'll post the one with the shirt 1st, then one with both. I'd really like some feedback as to which one looks better.





  20. Thrash (A new Look)


    OK 1st off, Bump!!


    Now that, that is done.

    On to my new Pic of Thrash. This is my 2nd pic of the Character Thrash in my Neo-Dawn Campaign. Thrash is the team's Brick, and is also the team's glory hound, and media darling. But he's gone through a bit of changed lately (became a father of Twins namely) and is looking to project a more mature image. So gone is the MnM Haircut, and bleached hair, shaved the goat, and might just wear a shirt from time to time.


    So here is the new Thrash, in B&W. I'll be colorign this one in in Photoshop today, so I'll post it when I'm done.




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