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Everything posted by sevrick

  1. Wouldn't it be STUN since the power being used is Blast?
  2. As far as needing to rolls, yes, you would. However whoever uses this skill will probably have a decent Divine skill. Even if that fails, correct me if I am wrong, that doesn't mean the blast roll fails. The way I see it you get 2 opportunities for something to happen.
  3. I copied straight from HD so if the 11- is wrong so is HD. I was thinking of using the Multipower Method. It is pretty powerful if you think about it. Healing as well as damaging in one turn everyone around you. So this should be a pretty expensive spell. I might increase the Limitation of Only against Undead and Demons from -1 to -1 1/2, to more accurately represent the very situational use. You would have to roll twice that is true but someone with a good "Divine Skill" wouldn't be that concered. They would have to roll an attack roll on the undead though. But even if you failed the skill roll for healing I don't think that means you automatically fail the blast power check.
  4. This is what I came up with HD poke holes in it if you think it needs to be changed. Healing Wave: (Total: 95 Active Cost, 34 Real Cost) Healing BODY 3d6, Area Of Effect (4m Radius; +1/4), Selective (+1/4) (45 Active Points); Gestures (Requires both hands; -1/2), Requires A Divine Skill Roll (11- roll; -1/2), Incantations (-1/4) (Real Cost: 20) plus Blast 5d6, Double Knockback (+1/2), Area Of Effect (4m Radius; +1/4), Selective (+1/4) (50 Active Points); Only vs. Undead and Demons (-1), Gestures (Requires both hands; -1/2), No Range (-1/2), Linked (Healing; -1/4), Incantations (-1/4) (Real Cost: 14) Active Points: 95 Real Points: 34 Total END Cost: 9 (That seems high I might add the half END cost)
  5. It's obvious that they are different systems. The reason I asked about a healing Advantage is because this could have been mentioned in Fantasy Hero and I couldn't find it. They do that kind of thing. The other reason was that if there was such an option, you could apply KB. One question that I had, was how does Healing work with the Advantage "Does Knockback" Because it can be applied to healing in HD. How would Knockback be calculated? Would it use 2d6 KB die and subtract the healing BODY done? I would assume that this is the case how else would you determine KB. As stands it sounds like the power would blast everyone in a 4m radius and knock them back ally and foe alike. I think I see why a single heal power wouldn't work for my purposes. Even if I had AOE 4m (Selective), that would mean whoever I wanted to heal would have to be a recipient of the knockback as well. The main goal is for a healer to enter the center of a party being attacked by undead and let out a blast where he is that heals in a 4m radius his allies, while at the same time flings undead away.(damage not necessary). The only reason I contemplated adding damage is so I could use the knockback rules.
  6. Definitely some good ideas. I will probubly try just make it a single power healing and give the undead in my campaigns a complication (damaged by healing from a Divine source, and heals from a Negitive source.) If I find that too OP then I can go with the Combind Power with blast. As far as the comment Hero System isn't Dnd or Pathfinder. That isn't helpful. Hero System is system agnostic, so frankly, its whatever I want it to be. Sorry but I get frustrated at people who say things like that, when adopting things from other games, and try to hint at they shouldn't try to adopt things from other games. You can make anything work, it just how to go about it to be more balanced for what you are doing.
  7. It would have to be killing attack. Since Blast does mostly STUN and you need a decent amount of BODY to knockback. It seems making it a combine power would be the way to go. Unless there is a heal as damage Advantage to represent positive energy damage found in many fantasy RPGs.
  8. I actually started to do that untill I saw that the advantage "Does Knockback" can be applied to healing. Also I wanted it to be more about the Knockback and less about dealing damage. But I am not sure how healing doing knockback would work. Would I treat it as an attack against undead and use the body healed dice solely to subtract from the knockback die?
  9. So I have been trying to create a spell that does an AOE that heals allies while at the same time knocks back undead. So far this is what I have got: Healing 3d6 AOE 4m Radius (Selective), Does Knockback Incantations, Gestures (Both hands), Requires Divine roll (-11), Knockback only works against undead and Demons Is this correct? The heal doesn't have to do damage to the unded, just knock them back. If I selectively heal allies in the radius does that mean the undead are not effected by the heal so therefore are not knocked back?
  10. Thx for the feed back. It sounds like It's a rule that could be exploited. Things that you can do in other systems doesn't translate very well since you can tweak almost any aspect of your character like movement speed, something that is usually fixed. I like the idea of holding your action. It just seemed that forcing the Player to attack as the last thing he did was kind of gamey.
  11. Yeah sounds good. That's weird I could have sworn I posted in the rules question area.
  12. Would it break the game if I allowed my players and enemies to attack at anytime they wish during there phase rather than forcing them to attack at the end. I wasn't sure why this is a rule.
  13. I can't seem to find in the books where it talks about what you do if you have multiple modifiers and how they are calculated. For example if you do somthing that puts you at 1/2 DCV and another condition you have a -2. Do you calculate the 1/2 1st and then add the -2? or the other way around?
  14. Re: Fantasy HERO encounters & balancing them I have no idea why the balancing encounters is so vague in the Hero System Books. Steve Needs to come up with a SOLID MECHANIC for balancing combat. I am starting to envy other systems because of this. And before you say "well if you had more balance that would reduce the characters freedom". There are ways. It just would take some time to come up with. I have been working on a solid mechanic for some time but I shouldn't have to that responsibility lies with the game designer. I am talking about having templates to slap down at a moments notice much like DnD. Label them with tags such as;Very Easy, Easy, Challenging, Hard, Very Hard. I have been trying to work with the "Rule of X" that is given in the books. It is proving a formidable task.
  15. Ok am I the only one who thinks that it is retarted that the hero system equipment guide gives no prices for the items in a book that is all about equipment. In the fantasy hero book it does but no other book that I have found. If there is some formula to figure out the price or what plz tell me.
  16. Re: Hero System Books Have Way to many Typos Ok I didn't know I was going to open Pandora's box with this thread. To those who commented on the title I just noticed it after I had posted it and could not change it. Any way I suppose I was spoiled by Dnd books that had no errors, stat wise, that I found. I suppose in the long run it doesn't matter. It just seems like if they used Hero Designer to implement them first they would avoid a lot of errors.
  17. Ok I love buying the hero system books but I must admit I hate going though the books and seeing typo after typo. And I'm not talking about miss spelling a word. I'm talking about stat wise. If you put all the Prefabs, package deals, and creatures from the various books into the Hero Designer you will be amazed at how many their are. All I'm asking for is don't try to shove the books out the door as fast as possible. But take pride in the books and look for typos BEFORE RELEASING IT. Not to mention adding their own tweaks to monster stats that DIFFER from the rules found in Core books. Such as PD/ED Resistances. Look in your Hero System Bestiary. Find any creature that has PD/ED Resistances. Notice they only make them pay for it as if it was only one PD or ED. Instead of 2 like it should be, according to the core rules. I love the Hero System, I truly do. I just wish that more was done to make the books more quality then just getting books out just to get them out and not caring about what errors are in them. I can wait how ever long it takes for a book to come out I would rather wait a few months more for it to come out if only it meant that it was going to be done right.
  18. I Have the Hero system 5th edition revised, the fantasy hero, The HERO System Bestiary, and Monsters, Minions, and Marauders. and I can't find any human package deal. Can you please tell me which book contains it if any.
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