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Posts posted by Wolven

  1. Re: Comics you loved...but apparently no one else did


    Dazzler -- yes' date=' at one point I actually had most of the issues of this one. I always dug the Allison Blaze character, even if they tried making it play like a mid-season replacement television series... [/quote']


    Thats the title that got me into comics. I still have the whole run.


    I really dont know which ones I loved, that others really didnt read much. I didnt really pay attention to what others liked and didnt like.


    Shogun Warriors, ElfQuest, Sensational She-Hulk (I loved the humor in that one), and of course Dazzler.

  2. I got into a debate with a friend tonight about compound powers. To my understanding a compound power is one power. ie a compound power that has an 8d6 EB, a 4d6 drain, and a 4d6 flash is one power. if you use the power at 50% you have to use 4d6 of the EB, 2d6 of the drain, and 2d6 of the flash. They all have to be used, you cant just use 4d6 of the EB and 2d6 of the drain, but skip out on using any of the flash. why else would Hero Designer list the total active points of the powers then? The above example is a 100 AP power. If the campaign limit is 60 AP cap then the above build would not be allowed.


    My friend says that Compound power is just for listing powers you want listed together.


    So whats the verdict? Am I totally wrong, or just plain nuts? :)

  3. Re: teen champions question


    Great teen based comics


    Teen Titans - Geoff Johns's run has just come to an end and you can get the trades cheap.


    Young Avengers - It shouldn't work! But I really like it.


    Runaways - Absolutely fantastic and you can get the entire first volume in a HC. Children of a super villain group rebelling against their evil parents. Gotta love Brian K. Vaughan!




    Academy X would also work great for a teen setting example. The book has made me want to run a teen supers game.

  4. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...



    Quote of the last two weeks: "No game tonight guys...."


    Sounds like the group I am in. We havnet played in a month now cause someone is always having something come up. Very very frustrating. I have even started looking for a new group to game with.

  5. Hey all, I was talking with a friend of mine who plays in the same Champions game as I and we were wondering what the average length of a campaign was. How long do your game last on average? Do they go one year and then you start with new characters in a new world, does it go 2 years and then you start new characters in the same campaign world, etc. We were just curious. The game I am in has been going on in the same campaign world for about 15 years, but the characters have been started over more or less about 6 times. I have been gaming with the group for about 2 or so years now. Some of the players seem to be loosing a wee bit of interest in the game. I mentioned to the GM about rebooting and he said he doesnt want to reboot again. He said he kinda feels like he has done it alot already. So I said I would post on the forums here and try to get an idea of what the average is. So what is it for you all?

  6. Re: How would you build this


    Thanks for all the great info guys. I deceided to go with the VPP. That worked out very well. And it cost less then I expected a VPP to cost. I always figured they cost alot for some reason. But it worked out just right.

  7. I am creating a Martial Artist character who has duplication. I would like to have her be able to "create" weapons that she can use with her martial arts style. I would like it to be possible for her to be able to create any of the weapons that she can use in any fight. Maybe fight one she makes a Katana, fight two she creates a Three-section staff, etc. I would like the duplicates to be able to create different weapons. (example Duplicate one creates a tonfa, while dupilcate two creates a Bo Staff, etc.)

    I was going to try to use transform but it states that you should not use transfrom to create weapons out of thin air, you should use HKA and sfx to do that. Thing is is that not all the weapons are Killing attack weapons. I want to be able to make a Tonfa and a Katana using the same power. The weapons I want to create would be right out of the Ultimate Martial Artist. No beefing up the weapons or anything along those lines. Just standard weapons from the book.


    I thought of just tossing a few points into a custom power and adding a few advantages and limitations to try to come up with something. But that seems to be more of a pain trying to figure everything out.


    Sooooo how would you go about doing this?

  8. Re: Starting points for rookies in established campaign


    I say start them at the points the other characters started at. I joined a game a year and a half ago that had been going for over 5 years. The other characters had racked up over 200 exp. But I liked the challenge. In our group you are always welcome to make a new character, but you have to start at the 350 point level. But then again I like a challenge. :)

  9. Hi, I have a question about the Passing Disarm Manuver from the Speedster Martial Arts package on page 71 of the UMA book.


    The manuver has the following effects (Disarm, +10 STR to Disarm roll, FMove)


    If Disarm (Page 256 5E) succeds the targets item goes flying 1/2d6 hexes in the direction of the strike.


    The paragraph detailing the Speedster Martial Arts Package states that "The Passing Disarm involves running past the target and snatching something out of his hand." That would make me think that if the manuver succeds that the speedster would then have the item in their possession. Is this true, or does the manuver actually knock the item flying 1/2d6 hexes in the direction of the strike as per the disarm rule from page 256?


    Thank you

  10. Re: Playing 3.5 after Fantasy Hero


    I just picked up the FH books a few weeks ago, and plan on trying my hand at GMing a group of four players. We are using basic DnD 3.0 background info, in a Hero rules setting. I am planning on taking them through the Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil module. Which I need to convert over, which shouldnt be to hard... I hope. I am looking forward to GMing this game, but at the same time I am a bit nervous when it comes to the rules. I have played Champions quite a bit, but no one in the group has played any FH. I am hoping that the group will be willing to learn as we go. I am basically having them convert around 4th level characters over to Hero. I have played all the various incantations of DnD. From Basic, to Advanced, to 2nd edition and now to 3rd edition. So I am familiar with DnD and the feel of it. And so are my players. Should be a fun time.

    Any advice on converting DnD modules over to Hero? I am just going to Convert the NPCs, monsters, magic items, and Traps over. And thanks to the FH books some of the writeups have been done for the monsters. I figure the background info is done well enough.


    Good Topic. :)

  11. Let me start off by saying that I know the rules state that missile deflection can not deflect an exploding attack. But tonight during my gaming group we ran into a situation where a character tossed a grenade (an exploding attack) at another character (who has missile deflection at range). Would the character with missile deflection at range be able to deflect the attack? The grenade was an OAF. My group had a minute or two of argument about it. The rules state that explosion attacks can’t be missile deflected, but the grenade does not exploded until it gets to its targeted hex. So until it explodes it’s just like a rock or something along those lines. The GM decided that since it was an explosion attack and the rules say that explosion attacks can’t be missile deflected that the attack was able to go on its course.


    I found this very frustrating. If a character can missile deflect bullets, then a hand tossed grenade should be a no biggie. Especially if the character using Missile deflection is able to use it at range.


    Anyone have any thoughts on this?


    Thank you in advance

  12. Re: Question about mind control and enrage


    Thanks for all the input everyone. I am looking forward to playing the character again in a few weeks. I had to change a few things on him to make him a bit more playable. Before I had no Knockback Resistance and the other brick kept knocking me back, and since I was enraged I couldnt hold and wait for him to run up to me. I kept running back to him. I tried chucking a few normals at him, but I kept missing.


    My character is not to hard to fool. He has a 7 INT and only a 10 EGO. His enrage is 14- 11- recovery. He has a few other disads that help Ments manipulate him. Psych disad: likes to cause pain and destruction, and another one: Likes to fight. One of the other players noted that I am not much help in the kidnapping part, but I am very good at causing a distraction. :) And one of the others stated "Oh goody you get to be on our team." said sarcastically.

  13. Re: Question about mind control and enrage


    thanks for the quick responces. The disad was working against me. The new characters are a group of villians. Our objective was to kidnap some famous person. My brick was suppose to grab her and take her to our meeting place. Well after her body guard attacked my character I went enraged and started fighting him. I was just curious if since I was enraged if it would be harder for the mind control to cause me to switch targets. Since I was enraged at this guy switching targets would be something I would not want to do. As a player I had no problem with switching targets.. One hero to smash is the same as another hero to smash. :) I took a few things out of the ultimate brick as my powers, one of them is called Rage Enhanced STR... or something along those lines. Basically my STR increases every phase I am enraged. Yes my main power is the rage enchanced STR, but I am not doing what I was hired to do. So my disad was working against me. I would have prefered to grab the girl and superleap out of there. :)


    I like the sound of Mental Def that only works when enraged. hmmm I will have to keep that in mind. :)


    Thanks again!

  14. This past sunday my gaming group was messing around with some new characters and my brick ran into a guy who had mind control. My brick was enraged and was trying to pummel the focus of his enrage into ground meat. The person with mind control made his attack roll against me, and beat my ego by about 2x. Since my character is enraged, would that have any effect on the result? My brick goes enraged if he is attacked on a 14-. The mind control took place about the third phase of being enraged. My main power relies on me being enraged (kind of a hulk like thing). The result of the mind control was something along the lines of, target would do things he normaly wouldnt mind doing. I thought that since I was enraged and all my furry was focusing down on this one guy that I would mind changing targets. They just said that I am now enraged at my new target and I dont even remember the first guy. What do you all think? Hopefully this all makes sense. :)


    Thanks in advance.

  15. Re: Question for you all


    Ok. I decided to go with the shapeshift route. here is how I wrote it up.


    19 Shape Shift (Sight, Smell/Taste and Touch Groups), Instant Change, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (42 Active Points); Always On (-1/2), Affects Body Only (-1/2), Conditional Power Power only works if an attack makes contact (-1/4)


    How does that look? Am I able to have both Persistent and Always on in the same power? Or is that a no no.


    This is mainly for special effects. The character is a low level brick. He took the professional wrestling martial arts from the ultimate martial arts book for his attacks. I kept the absorption on him and at this point I have it going to his PD and ED... 6d6 for each. This is also persistant.


    Heck. Let me try to post him here from Hero Designer




    Val Char Cost
    20/30 STR 10
    10 DEX 0
    40 CON 60
    15 BODY 10
    10 INT 0
    15 EGO 10
    15 PRE 5
    10 COM 0
    4/30 PD 0
    8/30 ED 0
    5 SPD 30
    12 REC 0
    30 END -25
    63 STUN 18
    6" RUN02" SWIM04"/6" LEAP0Characteristics Cost: 118


    Cost Power END
    Energy Absorption
    45 1) Energy Absorption: Absorption 6d6 (energy, ED), Persistent (+1/2) (45 Active Points) 0
    15 2) +22 ED, Hardened (+1/4) (27 Active Points); Limited Power Only Up To Amount Rolled By Absorption (-1/2), Linked (Energy Absorption; -1/2), Greater Power is Constant or in use most or all of the time (+1/4)
    1 3) Damage Resistance (5 ED) (2 Active Points); Conditional Power Only Up To Amount Rolled By Absorption (-1/2), Linked (Energy Absorption; -1/2), Greater Power is Constant or in use most or all of the time (+1/4) 0
    Physical Absorption
    45 1) Physical Absorption: Absorption 6d6 (physical, PD), Persistent (+1/2) (45 Active Points) 0
    18 2) +26 PD, Hardened (+1/4) (32 Active Points); Limited Power Only Up To the Amount Rolled By Absorption (-1/2), Linked (Physical Absorption; -1/2), Greater Power is Constant or in use most or all of the time (+1/4)
    1 3) Damage Resistance (5 PD) (2 Active Points); Limited Power Only Up To Amount Rolled by Absorption (-1/2), Linked (Physical Absorption; -1/2), Greater Power is Constant or in use most or all of the time (+1/4) 0
    19 Cant Hurt me!: Shape Shift (Sight, Smell/Taste and Touch Groups), Instant Change, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (42 Active Points); Always On (-1/2), Affects Body Only (-1/2), Conditional Power Power only works if an attack makes contact (-1/4) 0
    11 Regeneration: Healing 1d6, Can Heal Limbs, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (30 Active Points); Extra Time (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12), -1 1/4), Self Only (-1/2) [Notes: No Healing Max (see FREd p. 120).] 0
    7 Mental Def: MD (10 points total) 0
    6 Anger Management: +10 STR (10 Active Points); No Figured Characteristics (-1/2), Limited Power Only When Enraged (-1/4) 1
    Powers Cost: 168


    Cost Martial Arts Maneuver
    Professional Wrestling
    5 1) Stomp: 1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, +1 DCV, 8d6 / 10d6 Strike [Notes: STR +4d6]
    4 2) Crush: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +0 DCV, 8d6 / 10d6 Crush, Must Follow Grab [Notes: STR +4d6]
    4 3) Duck: 1/2 Phase, -- OCV, +5 DCV, Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort
    4 4) Fist/Forearm Smash: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +0 DCV, 6d6 / 8d6 Strike [Notes: STR +2d6]
    4 5) Head-Bash: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +0 DCV, 6d6 / 8d6 Strike [Notes: STR +2d6]
    3 6) Body Slam: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +1 DCV, 4d6 / 6d6 Strike; You Fall, Target Falls [Notes: STR]
    3 7) Grab: 1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, -1 DCV, Grab two limbs, +10 to STR for holding on
    Martial Arts Cost: 27


    Cost Skill
    21 +7 with professional wrestling maneuvers
    3 KS: Professional Wrestling 11-
    3 Acrobatics 11-
    3 Acting 12-
    3 Teamwork 11-
    3 Breakfall 11-
    1 KS: Sports 8-
    0 WF: Clubs
    Everyman Skills
    0 1) CK: San Angelo 8-
    0 2) Climbing 8-
    0 3) Concealment 8-
    0 4) Conversation 8-
    0 5) Deduction 8-
    0 6) Language: English (Idiomatic, native accent; Custom Adder) [Notes: Native Language]
    0 7) Persuasion 8-
    0 8) Shadowing 8-
    0 9) Stealth 8-
    0 10) TF:Car: Custom Adder, Small Motorized Ground Vehicles [Notes: Custom Mod is Everyman Skill]
    0 11) PS: Wrestling 8-
    Skills Cost: 37





    Total Character Cost: 350


    Val Disadvantages
    20 Code vs Killing: (Common, Total)
    20 Vulnerability: 2 x BODY Heat attacks (Common)
    15 Overconfidence: (Very Common, Moderate)
    15 Social Limitation: Public Identity Frequently (11-), Major
    10 Enraged: When attacked (Common), go 8-, recover 14-
    10 Loves to fight: (Common, Moderate)
    10 Money: Destitute
    10 DNPC: Girlfriend: Fiona Connelly 8- (Normal)
    10 Soc. Lim.: My Fans (Occasionally (8-), Major
    5 Reputation: Loves to fight, 8-
    5 Unluck: 1d6
    5 Hunted: Lassiter 11- (As Pow, NCI, Limited Geographical Area, Watching)
    5 Rivalry: Professional, Matt Johnson, Rival is As Powerful, Seek to Outdo, Embarrass, or Humiliate Rival, Rival Aware of Rivalry
    5 Minor Age 17
    5 Tatoo of Dragon on my back: (Easily Concealed; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)

    Disadvantage Points: 150


    Base Points: 200

    Experience Required: 0

    Total Experience Available: 0

    Experience Unspent: 0

  16. Re: Question for you all


    Thats for the ideas. I do have some Def on the character that are linked to the amount rolled on the absorption totals. I like the idea of the invisible power effects. I am going to try to toss that in and get rid of the neg com thing. At this point I have the absorption going to neg COM and to PD or ED. Some great ideas!

  17. I have a character that I am trying to design. When he is damaged he does not take the damage, but he looks like he has taken the damage. I want the bad guys to think that he cant die. How would you do the power set up for this? I have it set up as absorption at this point. I have part of the absorption go to negative COM. Is their an easier/cheaper way to do this? The character is not all that powerful. I want him to be able to get slaped around alot and not get hurt, but to appear like he is bleeding, has broken bones, missing teeth, etc. Would it be easier/cheaper to take Images with a few sense groups, and make it 0 end cost with some limitations such as only when hit, etc?


    How would you guys write this up?



  18. sheesh. I had totally forgotten about AutoDuel Champions. I had that supplement once apon a moon. I will check out some of the recomendations at my local gaming store and see what pops up. I will be bring up the subject of GMing this tomorrow at our weekly session. Thanks again for the help.

  19. Thanks for the info guys. I didnt even think of using post-apoc as a search term. I am not sure if the guys in my group will be interested in doing a post-apoc type game as I havent brought it up to them yet. We change games every 4-6 weeks so different people can take turns GMing. I wanted to give GMing a shot and I thought a MadMax type game would be fun. I havent GMed a Hero game in quite a long time, and I have a bad habit of going Hack-n-Slash. So I really want to do right this time. The hero boards here are a fountain of information and great people.


    Thanks again :)

  20. My first Champs character was a brick named Titan. I modeled him after one of the Shogun Warriors. When he would grow to his full height he would look exactly like Raydeen. I also made him an alien whos powers came from the sun. ala superman. He was just a very tall brick who could fly. hehe. man that was like 20 years ago now.



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