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Everything posted by SimComm

  1. Re: Villainess Romance Appeal? Thank you so much for the great advice! I am not sure if Harry is doing things because he feels that there are no consequences, or if he is doing what his character thinks is right... (I'm not sure, they might be the same! Harry is known in game for pushing everyone's buttons until they slap his hand ) And it is very true I need to relax (I don't even relax when I've been drinking ). I just want everyone to have a good time, and I worry that if I don't do a good job, everyone will be disappointed... Oh, and as for the two heroes: I would date Batman, but marry Superman. Is that an option? ( Naughty SC ) -SC
  2. Re: Villainess Romance Appeal? Thank you for the reply and for reminding me about something very important! Multi-Girl has a very sad history, as she has come from a very tough family life (abusive parents, ran away from home when powers manifested) and has been "taught" by the world to never 100% trust anybody. Even though she acts very light-hearted and tom-boyish, she does not believe in her heart that anyone can be trusted, and that EVERYONE will eventually betray her given the chance. Harry is the only one she sort of feels may not immediately discard her given the opportunity, but she will not get too close to him for fear that she is wrong. She is sort of tragic, which may or may not add to her appeal... -SC
  3. Re: Villainess Romance Appeal? I will try to explain my understanding of things, but it is difficult to explain: A demon is a monstrous type creature that lives in another dimension of existence. I am not familiar so much with the religious versions of demons, I have been playing them more as "Oni/Ogre" types with a very complex society. (I have not yet thought about "Angels" yet.) They used to have rule over the Earth, but have since lost their ability to stay. They are not "mindless evil," but they do not have morals that humans would consider to be "good." They are purely ruled by status, which is gained by taking human souls, and a strict and complex set of laws. A soul is a energy that humans possess. It is very unique and the demons covet it greatly as they can change it to make their own power greater. Although demons can steal souls, they cannot increase it's power at all, so many feel it is best to bargain for souls after the human dies, so they can try and gain the most energy. Human actions make a soul more "evil" or "good," which change the "purity" of the soul (sort of like jewels). Many demons offer to buy/sell souls in order to increase their status and to confront rivals. A human without a soul has lost much of its drive, and is almost mindless (very low EGO). After a human dies, its soul finds its way to... wherever souls go (many have different ideas on this one). The only fate that people are SURE of is that people who sell their souls to demons are sent to the demon world (Hell), where they are essentially slaves of the demons forever. I should add though, that almost everyone does not know that demons are "really real" and thus many can be tricked that way... I hope this offers more insight. I will write more details if you need them (just let me know ) -SC
  4. Re: Villainess Romance Appeal? Dear All, Thank you for the wonderful ideas! I will try to answer more later. I am feeling a bit anemic tonight. But I will try my best to answer tomorrow! I have actually thought about making a "Bad Boy" brother of Twilight, but I was going to wait for one more session in case BloodClaw returns... I did not want to make a "Mary Sue" type character, but a more vigilante type who does not really care about laws, but "justice" instead. And of course, he would be a good possible love interest for the two lady PCs (Red, Dreamy) and maybe even Harry?? (I might be feeling very naughty, I don't know ) -SC
  5. Re: Chibi Lolis of DOOM! Sorry if it is too much I like Dokuro-chan for some strange reason... (I think it is a boy's anime, but she is just too cute! ) -SC
  6. Re: Villainess Romance Appeal? I love the use of dreams! Thank you for the suggestion! The only thing is that I would probably change the ending so that instead of the Sgt breaking through the door, Kate would suddenly change into the Sgt and order Harry to "Kiss me you damn filthy maggot, kiss me like a man!!" -SC
  7. Re: Military Eye for the Civilian Gal Actually, I have seen Red October, it is one of my favorite movies. I still find myself almost crying when the second-in-command dies when they are almost finished with the mission (which really was not a mission... it was a little confusing, but I liked it anyway!). -SC
  8. Re: Chibi Lolis of DOOM! Thank you! And in return, as I remember you asked what a tetsubo was: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ELRZ08hNaU -SC
  9. Re: Villainess Romance Appeal? You're very good at this I see I know that the other PCs would not mind putting a hit or two on Harry for all of his recent activity... The plot hook is also very good! I will have to see if it will work... I looked up Catwoman in wikipedia. She looks like a fun character! I'm amazed that few other Champion characters have a similar problem to Harry? (Or maybe people are just shy Romance is always a hard topic to discuss...) -SC
  10. Re: How does your world handle Magic/Psi? I just wanted to add regarding the testsubo/pointy club: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ELRZ08hNaU
  11. Re: Villainess Romance Appeal? This is SO evil! (I like it ) Infernis would probably not mind being with Harry for eternity (although a 10x10 room is probably too small?... Actually, my dorm room may be smaller than that...) Half-Devil Child!!! :D :squeal!!: I don't think Harry would ever think of hurting Kate, he'd probably give his own soul back. Sorry, one more time... Half-Devil Child!!! I can only imagine, little horns, tiny glowing eyes, so CUTE!!! -SC
  12. Re: Villainess Romance Appeal? Thank you for the post! Maybe it is that I don't really know how to play Infernis as a true "manipulative" evil (I'm not sure she is 100% "true" evil, although she is a demon). Harry actually feels (I think) he can reform Infernis, although I'm not sure that is possible either. The Council would be very, very, very (throw Harry into a box forever-type of ) upset if they found out that he was contacting Infernis, much less letting her walk around a human city! Infernis, however, has told Harry that he has already let her out once, so what is the harm of "one more time." For some reason Harry keeps agreeing?? (I don't know why he does this?) -SC
  13. Re: Villainess Romance Appeal? I am actually trying to understand the appeal of "strong girls." Strangely enough, the more Multi-Girl asks of Harry, the more he seems to grow attached to her. She is getting more and more daring with her activities, and even the other PCs have told him that he should try and stop her, but he has not listened yet. I am just trying to figure out why! (Of course the Player knows his character is acting odd (I think) but I have not been brave enough to ask why yet I decided I would post before trying to ask this sensitive (?) topic) Infernis is staying around Harry, I think in part that she hopes Harry will need a big favor, and she can get her soul contract with him back. In that way, she would own Harry after he dies and then they could be together forever I am not sure if she "loves" Harry, or if demons understand the concept, but it is clear that she wouldn't mind if he stayed with her for eternity (I can't blame her either ). Oh, Vampire Boys!!! One of the PCs (who usually plays Red) made a Vampire Boy after we went to see the Twilight movie (Harry went with us, and I think it sort of made him nervous that there were so many teenage girls, but what did he think was going to be there??). The boy (who was even NAMED Twilight) was handsome, blonde-haired with bright blue eyes, open white shirt, slightly muscular build, and a very, very, very good smile. : pause as I deleted some of too much fangirl material here : The Twilight character was a half-vampire, so he could walk in the sun and still use his powers (strength, flight, hard to hurt). He also had a mind-control type of pheromenes (I think this is the right spelling) that could affect people's emotions (giving him a big bonus to persuasion and the like ). Harry did not mind Twilight at all. However, BloodClaw (a Wolverine-type "problem player" that has (I think??) left our group) was very upset that Twilight used his pheromenes power to stop his enrage. He even went to spend a character point to re-roll his successful end enrage roll (I allow PCs to spend a character point to re-roll a miss). He argued very much that the pheromes should not work on him at all. I didn't understand why he was upset so much... Twilight had been using his powers on everyone the whole game without any yelling at this point. I think because of this, Twilight went away and Red came back. (I just realized how far this was off-topic; Sorry!) -SC
  14. Re: Villainess Romance Appeal? Thank you very much for your comment! I will try to explain what I was thinking... Infernis actually has been affected by Harry (though maybe not that much), and is actually doing the demonically strange thing of being nicer (for a demon). Multi-Girl has a lot of reasons for being a bad girl (bad family life, bad history) but when it comes down to it, she really just likes doing things that will have people chase her and she can get away and have lots of fancy things. She also is willing to help people at a "discounted price," so I suppose she's not "that bad..." However, she is not really choosy about her clients, and there has been more than once that she was stealing for a very bad super-villain group that was planning to double-cross her in the end. If Sgt. Superior knew Harry was helping either one, Harry would probably be in jail very fast! Harry has not actually had sex with Multi-Girl, although she has done the naughty thing of "convincing" him by showing up at a pool with all of her duplicates in bikinis. He also has not really advanced his relationship with Infernis, which confuses Infernis (and sometimes me) to no end. Infernis did get in some trouble with her demon superiors (demons have very strict rules) about giving Harry his soul contract back, and I think Harry feels a bit responsible that she had a lot of her status taken away for helping him (in the campaign world, status is all demons really have to guage each other...) -SC
  15. Re: Military Eye for the Civilian Gal greenbriar: So what you are saying is that young officers who do not have experience are often rivals of sgt who have experience? -SC
  16. Hi All, I was trying to understand something, and I suppose it might be best to post to try and figure out something about my current campaign. As many of you may know, the main PC (and currently only one of two male PCs) is Harry, a wizard with some power and is pretty suave He has two super-villainesses (I think that's the best way to put it) that he sees often, and has yet to really commit to anybody. I don't want to say that he is a bad guy (he seems to not have a bad bone in his body), but he won't arrest them when they come to town, and often times than not, he will actually help them out more than he should. It sort of baffles me, as he is doing a LOT to break the laws that he is supposed to be upholding, yet he seems comfortable doing so... The other PCs are less comfortable with it, but he is party leader, so are fine with it... Because people might ask me, here are the two Super-Villainesses who seem to be able to get away with almost anything: 1. Multi-Girl She is a thief, rogue, liar, spy and mercenary who does a lot of work for people who are in the "grey" zone of legality. She is cute, a bit tomboy-type and has the metahuman ability to make duplicates of herself. Many duplicates (I think her upper limit is 8?). Harry gives her a lot of leeway and has even helpled her steal things (although the target was a very bad gangster guy). She is pretty naughty back, and has been known to seduce him using multiples He lets her every time, even though he really shouldn't I keep wondering why he lets her do all of these things. Is it that she's not really killing anybody? That she helps him out from time to time? I'm just sort of baffled, as he has no problem arresting other villainess-thieves... 2. Infernis Infernis is a female demon (looks human-ish, but with glowing eyes and horns!) that Harry summoned back when he was in high school to umm... lose his virginity to (I still can't believe he wrote this in ) in exchange for his soul when he died (and was a Hunted). Infernis has shown up from time to time and has been rather demanding of poor Harry. Infernis is rather arrogant, but has grown to sort of like Harry. Over time, she has even given his soul contract back! (and he did buy off the disadvantage). Still, he lets her back in from time to time, mostly to trade information, but also sometimes he just lets her walk around New York City doing whatever she wants. He does check to see what she has done, but she never does anything "too bad" I suppose... Still, she is a demon/devil and is a villainess to the core. Her main "bad thing" that she does is sell information to people in exchange for parts of their souls (Harry won't let her take people entire souls ). But, he really shouldn't let her even do that! This is my first real super-hero game, and I'm just surprised that super-villainesses can sometimes do whatever they want, but some cannot. Is Super-Villainess romance so common? If so, what is the appeal? And what determines which Super-Villainess will be given more freedom than others? I have yet to really understand it myself, and I was hoping others could help! If you would like more information about anyone, please let me know, and let me know if there are other strange matchups! Thank you! -SC
  17. Re: How to make the Loner feel not so Lonely? I wish I had this power... Although what would you do if you found more than one... Or never one at all... -SC
  18. Re: Military Eye for the Civilian Gal bubba_smith: Thank you for your suggestion! I went to youtube and watched a few shows. I don't think I quite understand it though. Nobody seems to die? It might just be me, but it does not make war seem... serious? I must admit, I am surprised that there is a ninja I might go to see the movie if he is in it too. SSgt Baloo: Thank you for your post, but please do not read too much into it. I was worried that I had offended everyone badly (and I did offend, but maybe not as bad as I had thought...) Thank you for your support in any case, it does mean a lot, and I try my best to make myself well-understood CourtFool: I agree! Although I think the Sgt has said something more like: "He's going to get everyone killed one of these days..." Sometimes I think the two fight because they are very much like each other. Both are really important in their own fields, and they hate to admit mistakes, and will go charging in despite their own common sense. Also, both are loyal to their beliefs and friends! Still, I suppose that people can dislike what they see in themselves often as well (How did I get philosophical on this? ) -SC
  19. Re: Chibi Lolis of DOOM! Thank you all for your replies! Tasha: Thank you also for trying to understand what I was saying I don't know why everything becomes so perverted. :sigh: I guess she is like a chibi-Hulk. Although she is not green... yet Also, I agree she would have a crush on the Thing. (So many smiles today??) -SC
  20. Re: Chibi Lolis of DOOM! bigbywolfe: Thank you! I did not know that Loli is taken as such as a mandatory sexual meaning. I did not know this (I'm not even sure how it is in Japan, honestly :embarrassed: ) I've been called "loli-type" before, and I didn't really take offense. I deleted the picture though. It seems that every post I do has some kind of embarrassment to it -SC Edit: I took out the word "loli" from my original post as well. I hope others will understand. I also took a moment to look up the word in the japan google and... well... it is not as kind a word as I had hoped!! (And what were people saying that I was a loli-type girl??) :outrage!:
  21. Re: Chibi Lolis of DOOM! Hi All, I have been told that Loli-characters may be uncomfortable for some audiences. If so, I apologize, I just like the cute, but dangerous characters I also wanted to share the first time that Sgt Superior (the NPC leader of the Justice Battalion, a goverment super-group met Saffron). (This was a while ago, so it may not be 100% accurate ) PC's have spent maybe 30 minutes real-time trying to quietly remove people from the surrounding five blocks of New York City around Saffron. Harry (the lead PC) talking to a group of police: Ok, now I need you all to hang back. Don't do anything threatening. Let me do the talking and I think we can... (pauses, as he makes his PER roll). Harry and his team look up to see the flying jet-car of the Justice Battalion hovering down. Red (another PC): Oh, this is going to go swimmingly. Why don't we just cover ourselves with battery acid? It'll be less painful... The Justice Battalion, lead by Sgt Superior walk out. Sgt: Alright. I'm in charge here (pushes past Harry to the police). What's the situation? Police Officer: She's over there sir. The Sgt takes out his binoculars and sees Saffron eating an ice cream cone at a park bench. Sgt: Right. So invisible? Shapeshifter? Police Officer: No, sir, it's... the girl. Sgt: (pauses) You're kidding me. Harry: Listen, Sarge, you have to... Sgt: (interrupting) I don't think I have to do anything Browncoat. Data file on her? Rockhead (the Sgt's teammate) hands him a file. Sgt: (mumbling) Name, association, blah, blah... Class 16 Strength? You gotta be kidding me! Some egghead probably just put a 1 in front of it. Class 16. Ha, not even Omni-Man has class 16 strength. Harry: Listen, she's not as... Sgt: And I don't think I have to listen to you. Rockhead, restrain him if he tries to interfere. I'll take it from here. I've dealt with girls before, got a little girl of my own. Heh, Class 16... Girl looks like she could barely bench-press a motorcycle... Red: Just let him go Harry, we're never going to be lucky enough that she'll actually kill him... Sgt Superior walks out confidently to Saffron, the PCs watch and listen on the Justice Battalion's communicators. He puts a hand on her shoulder. Sgt: Alright, that's enough for today little missy. Saffron turns, looks up at the HUGE man with red and green facepaint. Saffron: KYAAA!! (flails arm and slaps the Sgt in the next city) Everyone looks up to watch the Sgt sail over the tops of the buildings. Red: At least he has good form. Shark-Man (Sgt's other team-mate): I hope he misses the river. I hate searching the bottom of the Hudson... -SC
  22. Re: How to make the Loner feel not so Lonely? Chris Goodwin: That is a wonderful thing to hear! 13 years! Congratulations! You did not meet her with Champions I assume though? (I do not think even HERO is that powerful... ?) -SC
  23. Re: Military Eye for the Civilian Gal Thank you all for your replies! I am now at least a little more confident I can try and make a more realistic military like approach to the characters I have worked out Major Victory as a plot point, and I think she will be very fun career type woman with super-powers that will make Sgt Superior worry. (Not sure if it ok for the Sgt to have a crush on the Major. She is pretty, and maternal ) Perhaps I should watch this GI Joe movie that people are talking about for ideas... -SC
  24. Re: A good character addition to a team, or just too 'wierd' for a team? Ragdoll: A very interesting character! I have actually run something similar in the past, and I would to suggest that you might want to remove berzerk (perhaps use enrage instead?) Berzerk always makes PCs (and the GM) nervous. I would also recommend the character to eventually buy shapeshifting. Then at least he/she could blend in. It does make interacting much more fun! (And you can change forms like putting on clothes ) -SC
  25. Re: Chibi Lolis of DOOM! I suppose so I would still like to see it -SC
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