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Everything posted by SimComm

  1. Re: How to make the Loner feel not so Lonely? Vondy: Thank you!! I sent you a PM if you have a chance. I really try to keep rules, especially on-line. I still can't believe I did this. I pretty much announced the WORST thing I could do to everyone. Why do I do things like this??
  2. Re: How to make the Loner feel not so Lonely? I'm really sorry, I made a really bad post last night. It's been deleted. I don't know what I was thinking. I broke so many of my own rules. I swore, used IRL names and was generally really, really stupid! Please don't ban me! I promise I won't do anything like this again! Again, REALLY REALLY SORRY!
  3. Re: How to make the Loner feel not so Lonely? Actually, one of my BFF's is in the game, and she lives pretty close. Maybe I should just call her. Otherwise, I am SO not sleeping tonight. -SC
  4. Re: How to make the Loner feel not so Lonely? Vondy: Thanks for the calming words. I of course would never use the words "sadistic" or "misogynistic," but I've never heard anyone spell it out like that before, it's kind of... well... alarming. -SC
  5. Re: Female/Male Super-Forms Trebuchet: Sure I'll take a look. This isn't hentai, right? -SC
  6. Re: How to make the Loner feel not so Lonely? Cygnia: Thanks, I think I suffer from most of the GSF (How did I let this happen to me??) I guess I have to just go over and assert some umm... GM authority. (Please don't let anything scary/bad come out of this!... This is like how stalker movies start...) -SC
  7. Re: Making the PC's PAY!! (Dearly) The interesting thing is that BloodClaw isn't licensed. He absolutely refuses to be put down on paper (mysterious/bad past thing), so he's kind of a loose cannon that the other PCs have to put up with. Still, I have seen them use him if they don't want to get "officially" involved with something, but want someone there anyway. -SC
  8. Re: How to make the Loner feel not so Lonely? Yansuf: Thanks for the idea, but I've had a lot of e-mail conversations back-fire on me (sadly enough, or otherwise the distance would be great!). Tasha: Well, that sounds actually sort of... tragic in a way. Totally different from what I expected. Silly question, but do players ever act in a way just to watch a GM squirm? (I'm probably being oversensitive, but my concern is piped up pretty high; In any case, I'm not talking to him tonight, absolutely. Not until the sun comes up, definitely.) -SC
  9. Re: How to make the Loner feel not so Lonely? Oh that's good to know that I'm not alone -SC
  10. Re: How to make the Loner feel not so Lonely? Vondy: Oh gads, I do have to talk to him directly don't I? I wasn't worked up before I started this thread, but now I'm pretty worked up. Sadistic and misogynistic? Wow, I never thought about it that way, and that's really, really... creepy. I hope he's not acting this way because I'm y'know not the "normal GM-type..." -SC
  11. Re: How to make the Loner feel not so Lonely? He's doing what he's doing because of how I... wow, that's more Nightmare Fuel for me... I've talked with the other ladies, and they don't seem to be as worked up about it (at least not that they'll admit). I don't think they're thrilled, but I don't think it really bothers them. Red's player said something along the lines of "I've seen worse. At least I can snark at him and he doesn't care." Though they do have a LOT more experience about gaming than I do. I have no idea as to how Harry's (gads, why do I keep calling him that? Oh that's right, I shouldn't give out his NAME on the internet. Gah!) player is taking it. He sometimes seems to enjoy the antics, but I don't really get it... -SC
  12. Re: How to make the Loner feel not so Lonely? Tasha: He really likes being well... I guess the term is "extreme" or "overzealous." It's not enough to take out a bad guy, he likes to pick them up and throw them into a parked car from a roof. He'll drive a car through a building as a distraction. And he's casually "rough" with the NPCs. I know people shouldn't have guilt issues about beating up minions, but he likes to go into detail about how he throws them around like rag dolls, breaking bones and such. I'm not a real action movie buff, but I assume that's what Rambo is like? -SC
  13. Re: How to make the Loner feel not so Lonely? Tasha: Actually, I should talk with Harry (uh, the player who plays Harry anyway). He's a really, really level headed guy (and totally taken dammit!), who might be able to talk sense into him. The problem is that I don't want to come off all "crazy/weepy" (I have overreacted before, and it's not too pretty :shame: ) -SC
  14. Re: How to make the Loner feel not so Lonely? Tasha: Thanks for the ideas. I do worry that he is heavy handed. Sort of creeps me out personally sometimes. (though this might be carry-over after mentally reliving the "hog-tie" incident above...) -SC
  15. Re: My PCs are made of GLASS! Steve: Well, it's funny you mention the Mind Scan and Clairovoyance mix, as for a little while Dreamy was our "arm-chair" general, staying a few blocks away and coordinating things until one combat when things went south and they really needed help. Bless her heart, she went out into the battlefield and managed to gum up the works until the PCs made enough recoveries to get out of there. Since then, she's made it a point to be in the thick of things, better or worse. Hugh Neilson: Nod, he's kind of a weird character, which is why I have difficulty writing an adventure around him. He almost seems kind of random at times, and I don't know how he's going to react to things... besides eventually them of course... Thanks for the ideas about getting him involved. I'll keep trying. -SC
  16. Re: How to make the Loner feel not so Lonely? Odraude, Doug McCrae, Hugh Neilson, Supreme Serpent: Oh thank goodness someone else admits that this incident creeps them out too. Maybe I'm just being oversensitive, but well, he was looking at ME when he said it, so I'm a bit hesitant to talk to him. (partially because of this? I don't know) I have yet to boot a character from my game, but this one is sort of pushing it. Granted this is the MOST egregious of the events, but it really sticks in my mind. I guess I was just sort of rationalizing it that maybe he doesn't see it the same way I do, maybe I did something wrong? I don't know... -SC
  17. Re: How to make the Loner feel not so Lonely? Odraude: Well, in game, the party leader did have a talk of sorts with him, and he hasn't done anything uh... so blatant since (of course I did stop throwing vulnerable NPC's his way...) As for consequences, well, they did eventually save the girl, and she's still scared of him to this day (displaced guilt? Not sure if it'll work, but I tried!) so I hope it made an impact... -SC
  18. Re: My PCs are made of GLASS! Doc Democracy: Thanks for the comment! I know she actually does like the fact that her character is very squishy, and that she has to work hard to keep her from being squished. I also know she likes to coordinate the heroes and do "end runs" if everyone else has the villains occupied. -SC
  19. Re: Paths Not Taken Clonus: It's not your fault, I know she's a popular character and all, it's just that she touches all of my "ranty" buttons. Sorry you had to be on the receiving end -SC
  20. Re: My PCs are made of GLASS! Yansuf: Oh, oh yes. I had to have a "kick the dog" moment with the villain, as he was kind of silly. (I was aiming for making him sort of like Goldfinger and he came out more like The Monarch). Now that I can remember it, let me see if I can remember his rant, "And then after our masterstroke we shall... shall... (sniff) (sniff, sniff)" :checks under shoe: :turns to nearest minion: "YOU! Did you just break wind in the middle of my speech??!!" Completely white-faced Minion: "No, God, no, no I didn't no! please!" "LIAR! You dare to sap the power of my carefully planned monologue with your bodily functions?! Do you think we're in kindergarten??! This insult will NOT stand." :death beam/minion screams & explodes: -SC
  21. Re: How to make the Loner feel not so Lonely? Clonus: That's what I had written him off as. I must admit, it might be that he doesn't have detective skills, or social skills. I'm not sure... I've tried talking to him, but it's a little uncomfortable, as I don't really know the guy and all... (I'm slightly timid...) -SC
  22. Re: My PCs are made of GLASS! Hugh Neilson: I've tried splitting them up, but well, BloodClaw doesn't have a lot of impetus personally, I think mostly because he has very few skills, none of them investigational, so he mostly hangs around the party until there are things to hit. Checkmate, Doug McCrae: I guess it's alright that players like different things... I've been wanting to do a rival sort of thing, but he hasn't ironed out his backstory. Vondy: The smell... oh... it's almost a character in and of itself. When BloodClaw tries to do his "Batman" routine and sneak up on people, I usually let them roll a PER smell roll. It's always fun to let the villains try and figure out what's going on. I think I had one villain execute a minion because he thought the minion broke wind in the middle of his speech... Best, -SC
  23. Re: Paths Not Taken Clonus: Sorry for putting this in, but I just have to spout off a little bit on Red (Completely Nutters) Sonja. I mean, besides giving her the "casual sexual assault" backstory, they link it to her main story by giving her the vow to only have sex with a man who can best her??? And men think this is cool??? :ending rant now: -SC
  24. Re: Female/Male Super-Forms Hahaha! It's much better than our suggestion which was: "It puts the lotion on, or it gets the hose again." -SC
  25. Re: How to make the Loner feel not so Lonely? Cygnia: He's alright, I guess. I don't hang around him, as he's the PC who plays Harry's friend. You can see why I don't know what to do with him! -SC
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