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White Heat

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Posts posted by White Heat

  1. Re: The cranky thread


    Three ... more ... days.


    Work is a stressor these days. I'm not ambitious. I like my current job. They're trying to make me be someone I'm not. They're trying to make me grow up. I resent it. So I took this Friday and next Monday off. I hope it's enough.


    Home is a stressor these days. I won't go into it, because it involves more people than just Klytus and me. I don't know that taking a long weekend is going to do me any good, because I can't be sure mine one own true Sweetie will be here with me.


    I have nowhere to go to get away from it all.


    Sometimes I don't even know why I bother.

  2. Re: Answers & Questions


    A: Opening English knights

    Q: What's a claidhmhor good for? (yeah, I know it's spelled wrong, deal. :) )



    A: Lissen, buddy, I don't gotta explain it. That's just the way it is. You spend enough time on Saturn, you do a bunch of riding the rings.

  3. Re: A Thread for Random Musings


    I know why I never post here. This is so much like a blank sheet of paper that, the way things are going these days, the temptation is very great to whine on for a page or two. Bad Karma, that. Seems I'm not posting here until I have a wonderful good thing to post.


    Oh wait. Is this a whine?


    Never mind, then.

  4. Re: Answers & Questions


    Q: Docman, Why are you wearing that off the shoulder, sleeveless, ballgown?


    A: Gropeing for the answer.

    Thread Derailer Warning!


    And if you only could imagine the very furry Doc in an off-the-shoulder ball gown...


    You will now be returned to your regularly scheduled mayhem...

  5. Re: Answers & Questions


    A. :Crash:



    (Give me a break guys it is my first Q&A Thread)

    Q: /joke mode on (as insurance against repercussions)/ Mightybec, I just heard a rumor! I heard that Kara's gonna sleep with you!


    A: Penguin ice cream! As a treat for them, or made of them? It makes a big difference, dear!

  6. Re: Answers & Questions


    A: He's not so much "regular" as he is nigh unstoppable.
    Q: Ok, so for this comic, we've got Superman vs. ChickenCornMan? Can't we just get a "regular" villain, or does this character have a contract?


    A: I'm his wife. I'm allowed to correct him :angel: .

  7. Re: Answers & Questions


    A) And Kevin Spacy as Superman.
    Q: Mightybec's casting a movie to show off his greatest potential, and he's cast himself as Bizzarro?! Who else is in it?


    A: I didn't mind it much when Puck troubled Trouble, but now he's after Tonk. Tonk's just an innocent. He'll never be able to grasp all that!

  8. Re: A Thread for Random Musings


    Umm, was I the only person whose password was mangled beyond redemption and had to be reset (at a cost of much screaming, profanity and marital discord at 6:00 am this morning -- I'm sorry, Sweetie, but you know that once the profanity begins your voice of reason gets shouted down. :( It's not your fault, and I never meant to imply that it was), or are the powers that be simply out to get me and I have to watch my back now?


    Just curious. :)

  9. Originally posted by death tribble

    A. It was not honourable in the least, but it was effective

    Q: Ow! Why did you steal my placid penguin and beat me with it?


    A: All right. Fine. If you say so. But for the record, those are hives, dammit, and I'm no longer responsible.

  10. Originally posted by death tribble

    A. Rachel came as a Purple dinosaur, Rachel was in a Fat Easter Bunny outfit, Worldmaker came as the Universe, Nato came as the Warsaw Pact, Steve Long came as Moses, Ben came as the Matrix, Nightfly came as Donald Fagin, Trebauchet came as a catapult, Mentor came as Teachers whiskey, Rage came as a Werewolf character from White Wolf, Enforcer came as a cop, Supreme came as Superman, Hermit came as Captain America, Klytus came as Ming the Merciless, Realms came as Ed Greenwood, Agent X came as a guy in a suit with a hood with a big X logo, Zornwil came as Godzilla, Lord Liaden came as Agent Elrond, mightybec came as Beck, Lemming came as a Hamster, Monolith came as an Obelisk, Falcon came as an Eagle and Tim came as JohnBelushi in the Blues Brothers.

    All highly inappropriate for the event.

    Q: I heard about that costume party you gave, the one where you were to come as the person or event that most influenced your life for the betterment of all mankind! How'd it go?


    A: It was the most impressive display of arrogance I have ever had the misfortune to witness. I was disgusted, and will never think of him in the same way again. Why do you ask?

  11. Does anyone besides me see similarities between people who play games just to go up levels, and people who take note of how many posts they have? They are both taking a single facet of a hypothetical reality and basing their net worth on this. It seems kind of sad to me, as if that small fraction of the hypothetical world is bigger than the rest of it. I mean, if you leave out the story, if what you say is less important than that you said something, why bother?

  12. People are wierd. Sometimes it's a kind of appealing wierd, the kind that makes you laugh and like the person better, and that's cool. I like wierdos like that. Like my cousin Drew. Ask me sometime about the Potato Cannon incident, or the Incident Involving Snapping Turtles, Several Ducks, and a Shotgun. Ask me about his tattoos, his brands and his scarrifications, or the time I tied his sweatshirt hood closed, while he was still wearing it, and what his reaction was. I really like my cousin Drew.


    Then there's the wierdos that give the rest of us bad names. The kind of wierd where they'll do something purely for the "sick value", and laugh at you when you react normally. Mightybec's threads on "WTF is wrong with people?" for instance. Do not comprehend. Makes no sense.


    The older I get, the more the world frightens me. I'm almost hoping the end will come soon.

  13. Originally posted by Haven Walkur

    [bTW, Dr. Anomaly's cat does this]

    My black cat starts purring and prepares to be snuggled. The others, Kly's two and my other one, are less than impressed. That's what gave me the idea... :)


    Back to Answers and Questions! ::buckling her swash for all she's worth::

  14. Originally posted by DocMan

    A: I'm sorry, I can't talk to you now. My ankles are being attacked by tiny stick figures with wiffle bats.



    Q: Yo, Doc, ya got the time?


    A: Ah, ignore it. He always does that when I flip him upside down so all his feet are in the air...


    BTW, Doc, Kly says "Score!" for the Full Monte question...

  15. Originally posted by Derek Hiemforth

    A. Eleven French pastry chefs.

    Q: Elves go to France to learn to bake?!


    Sorry for the modifications -- that was how I read it the first time though. :)


    A: Three fresh limes, two cocktail glasses and a bottle of the best French wine...

  16. Originally posted by Klytus

    I have a group of mystical being known as the Elementals. There is Geo (Earth, the brick), Pyre (Fire, energy projector), Whelm (Water, energy projector/shape shifter) and Mariah (Air, invisible energy projector) all lead by Void.


    He looks like a human-sized-black-hole, he makes no sound, and communicates by telepathy. He has mental powers, some drains useable at range, draining Damage shield, and all of his powers affect the real world when he is desolid. He does have a vulnerability, only none of the players know for sure what it is yet ::evil smirk::


    He scares the spit out of my players.

    Kly read the name of this thread to me. I took a couple of seconds only to come up with Void -- I have trouble with names -- but this dude is a pain in the tuckus.


    See, I tend to play EPs, and none of the ones who have encountered him have the thing he's susceptible to. I can tell you it's not light (Photon Blue) or electricity (TerraStorm). Bricks can't touch him, he eats mentalists for breakfast. White Heat has never had the dubious pleasure, for which she is thankful, because of her own susceptibility to water (Void's teammate Whelm) -- water puts out all her flame powers and renders her a grounded normal, much in the line of Batman, but without the gadgets. This is annoying. Imagine the humiliation of the necessity of returning to PATRIOT's (Kly's PRIMUS) home base in the van with the normal PATRIOT agents, instead of your accustomed flight.


    You know who did do that to White Heat? Photon Blue. Kly, dang him anyway, took PB and altered her just the merest bit, and turned her into Black Light, who managed to drench White Heat in the spray of a conveniently opened fire hydrant. I still have not forgiven Kly for using my own character against me, and winning. He will pay for that.

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