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White Heat

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Posts posted by White Heat

  1. Re: The cranky thread


    :graciously accepts pick balloon.:


    ps: Kly/WH, thanks for being relatively open about this, my uncle is going through a similar experience for about a month now. :thumbup:

    You're quite welcome. Personally, I'd like to take this opportunity to thank the NGD Forum, for giving me a place to rant.


    Much appreciated, guys and gals.

  2. Re: The cranky thread


    But I can most certaintly empathise with White Heat's crankiness. Her patience in this has been nothing short of stellar, and I want to publicly acknowledge this.


    There's a reason this woman is my Sweetie :)

    Ok. I feel much more betterer now. Y'all can stop hiding and come out. Even you, Bazza. I'll quit smakin' stuff. Although, that doll was quite therapeutic. She's a little worse for the wear now, however... ::returns to Bazza something resembling a small, limp, pink balloon:: Sorry 'bout that.

  3. Re: The cranky thread


    Well in any event' date=' best wishes for navigating this.[/quote']

    Thank you, Zornwill, and you too, Bazza. We're workin' on it.


    Kly says his discussion with the parson in question was productive in that she's no longer being unwilling to listen to reason. He says she's still uncertain of how much she's going to lose (she's uncertain of how much she'll loose? Sheesh!), but she's planning to be less grabby of other people's rights (like mine, dag nabbit!), so it's all good.


    For the record, Kly has done nothing immoral, here. There is a gag order in effect that prevents me from offering any further details, but I really don't want anyone jumping all over Kly for this. All right, guys?


    Just 'cause I vent is no reason to abuse Klytus. Just so it's said.

  4. Re: The cranky thread


    Allow me to volunteer.

    *POW* OUCH! *BANG BANG BANG* Ouch Ouch Ouch!


    Hey some of us are fragile. Not so hard.



    Thanks, Bazza. And sorry, sometimes I don't know my own strength. :o


    Hermit, things are already getting better for me and Kly. I'm just seriously angry at the friend, because (1) she seems to buy into emotional blackmail -- "Do it my way or I'll kill myself"; (2) she "needs" immediate gratification of all her whims, even if getting it means that Kly's and my marriage will not survive -- "Do it now or I'll kill myself"; and (3) this particular method of emotional blackmail leaves no one with any room to call her bluff -- I/we must submit to this low attack, do it her way, do it now, because if I/we don't, she may die. She's just being so dang unreasonable that there's no talking to her, and she's the one who's making the situation we all want to go away worse.


    Ah, the urge to strangle. So tempting. So familiar. So frustrating. So freakin' impossible.

  5. Re: The cranky thread


    Ya know, this is probably another example of my nasty nature at work. However --


    Work is a bear this week. I have bronchitis. I cannot miss work at all for the rest of the week because the Powers-That-Be are at a meeting off-site, the executive secretary (who covers the phones while I go to lunch) is at the same meeting with the PsTB, one of whom is the other person (my boss, the VP of Finance and Administration) who covers the phones at lunch time. I got lunch coverage, no prob, but coverage for the rest of the day is iffy ay best. Kly and I are having difficulties -- have been having difficulties -- for a long time. His best friend is depressed and worse.


    That's the situation. So. Last night I/we got to bed later than I like because of discussing issues. His friend was online IMing him with her imminent meltdown, when his computer crashed. Fortunately, she called him -- using her husband's cell phone, from her car, after she left their home phone off the hook and snuck out. He woke me up by turning on the bathroom light in the hall at about quarter to two. I'm on the phone with the county cops in Virginia about three minutes later. About five minutes later her cell phone runs out of battery, and he comes in to take over the conversation with the cops.


    There is an exchange of phone calls with the husband after the cops arrive at his house, wake him and her daughter and their roomer all up, and the husband discovers the phone off the hook and replaces it. Then we wait. Forty-five minutes later, her husband calls to say the cops found her sitting quietly in her car about a mile from their home. She's home now. We go back to bed, but I can't sleep. Apparently neither can Kly. She calls again about 4:00 ish. I fall asleep then, Kly doesn't.


    We only have one car today -- Kly's is in the shop for recall repairs since yesterday evening, so I gotta get up to go to work, he has to get up to take me to work, he has bloodwork he has to get done, and neither one of us is at all rested.


    My head hurts, I'm tired, cranky, and in no suitable mood to be the Voice of the Company all freakin' day, I can't take the day off, and I just want to break something.

  6. Re: A Thread for Random Musings


    Man, that's frustrating!


    So many times -- so many times -- there will be an answer on the Answers and Questions thread that I'd have a beautiful question for, if it was only phrased a little differently. But you can't rephrase the answer then supply the question, you just gotta go with what's there. So all I can do is pass and come back later.



  7. Re: Warning: Another CINO gloat/rant/worry






    My words of wisdom to all?

    Please don't spend your money on this unless they edit it so it has two robots and an astronaut heckling the hell out of it


    (There, that's ONE way to bump this thread...)

    That means that Kly and I can go see it if our friend who works at Lowes will get us in free, right? I mean, we won't be spending any money on it...

  8. Re: Answers & Questions


    A. With careful cooking' date=' it will feed the entire population of New York for a week[/quote']

    Q: Man -- just got back from the mountains in Sterich. We found a humungous red dragon, and slew her in her lair! It took both the magic users working in concert to teleport her remailns here, but now I gotta wonder -- why did we bother? I mean, what are we gonna do with all that meat, now that it's not in the mountains anymore?


    A: Ah ha! Just as I suspected all along! You can't leave two cats alone in a room with a large jar half-full of marbles.

  9. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    Last night, Klytus is the DM, DocMan is playing a martial artist, and I'm playing a 13-year-old girl whose powers just manifested a couple of months ago. All I knew at the time is that she could fly. Now it turns out that she's a brick with some sort of mental powers. This comment was not to, from or about any of these characters, which is why I mention them. :)


    I had left the room for a minute, and I come back in to hear the GM saying to Foxfire (energy projector with blue flame powers, kind of like foxfire but not electrically based): Ok, so you foof him with your suit...


    I think it was a typo, because she's attacking a guy in power armor, which our group calls "suits".


    Never mind. I guess you had to be there.

  10. Re: Answers & Questions


    A) Twenty Seven.

    Q: What is the ultimate answer to Life, the Universe and Everything, divided by two?


    A: Ok, fine, have it your way -- I'm bad at math. I choose to loook at it as artistic license. Besides, it's funnier this way. :tonguewav

  11. Re: Answers & Questions


    A: It was a suggestion by Klytus.

    Q: Wait waitwaitwait wait a minnit! We're having ribs for lunch to "make ourselves all tasty", and we'll cool down afterwards by skinny dipping in the piranha tank? Whose big idea was this?


    A: Well, I thought of several reasons, but to me the best one was that the tide was out.

  12. Pure, unadulterated, pointless idle curiosity


    How long will Ben's sticky about board rep remain on top of the boards? My bet is it will stay there until nobody whines to Ben about rep for, like, say, three weeks. Every time someone whines, the counter resets and we have another three weeks to go.

  13. Re: The cranky thread


    Ow. Though watch the tylenol' date=' that can damage the liver. Especially if mixed with alchohol. Though IIRC, you don't drink. Or am I thinking someone else.[/quote']

    Kly doesn't drink. During Renn Faire season, this comes in quite handy. :)

  14. Re: Answers & Questions


    A: We're going to need alot of bandages...oh and get some cinnamon rolls while you're at it.

    Q: Ok, Officer Jones, I can't find a doctor to come help us deliver this woman's child, but there is a drugstore that carries everything we'll need. I'll go get stuff. What should I bring?


    A: Not me, boy.

  15. Re: The cranky thread


    Ok at the FLGS, I found a couple of CDs by Midnight Sydicate, billed as "chilling sound effects, haunting melodies and pulse-pounding orchestrations to set the mood for your darkest nightmare", in other words, mood music for V:tM games. I listened to the first little bit of each track last night before bed just to see whether we had wasted our money. We didn't. It is very very cool, dark and scary music. Which is just what I've been looking for lo these many moons.


    Ok, so this morning I discover just how effective the music was, as I wake up, remembering the tail-end of a dream which ended thus:


    It is a bright sunny afternoon. The tour guide says now he'll show us all those dead bodies. I decide I'll wait for the rest of the group to return from the underground, in fact under water, bunker, set under a pond in the middle of a deserted field/meadow, without venturing to view "all those dead bodies". My sister opts to go see them, even though the tourguide says he'll show her the dead kitten first, saying something about "even though he knows we killed him ourselves." That comment gives me the creeps.


    So I'm waiting above ground when the surivors emerge soggily from the tomb and climb up beside me onto the square stone building in an attempt to avoid the ghouls that emerge from the tomb directly behind the survivors -- I never did see my sister after her visit to the bunker -- and I imagine we're supposed to wait there until sunset for the vampires themselves to emerge from the tomb, but then I wake up, discover that the sky is light and it's time to get up. Kly is already out of the shower, in fact, and puttering around in the living room, so he knows nothing of my ordeal, and won't until he reads this, if he chooses to do so.


    This is no way to start a morning, much less a Monday morning, when I know there's already too much work on my desk anyway. ::grousegrouchgrumblegrumble:: What a way to ruin a perfectly good weekend. Phoo.

  16. Re: The cranky thread


    It's really annoying that I'm crying. It makes it hard to type. I also have no idea why the waterworks since no pain. Probably a side effect of one of the drugs.

    How long has it been since you woke up from the surgery? Anasthetics are frequently depressants, and ya gotta believe this, they will depress you. That will explain the crying. Drink lots of water. Don't dehydrate yourself. Ya gotta wash all the anasthetics out of your system. Trust me on this.


    And feel better soon.

  17. Re: The cranky thread


    Other than that, I got bronchitis (again) and too much to do at work to just casually take the day off. I'll do that tomorrow -- that's the earliest the doc could see me (he's been on vacation for the last ten days, so his practice is kinda hectic this week). Meanwhile, I have this horrid, barking cough, no energy, and a tendency to irritability, and I gotta go be the freakin' receptionist for a conservative, up-beat, positive, helpful (means if they don't ask I gotta offer grousegrouchgrumblegrumble), non-profit religious organization, and I just don't feel up to it. Melvin just better not start anything today. And he better be at work and in a freakin' cooperative dang mood. 'Cause I'm just not.

  18. Re: The cranky thread


    So I'm not hearing.


    I know you and White Heat have been having a tough week, both individually and collectively, but I would appreciate being consulted when plans change. I don't mind cutting you some slack when you need it, but I do mind being taken for granted.


    I should know better than to post in The Cranky Thread. It rubs off.



    Plans haven't changed. The only plan there was was for people to gather at our place. That's still on. Only thing that has changed is the game we're playing. And last I heard that wasn't set in stone.

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