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Super Squirrel

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Posts posted by Super Squirrel

  1. I'm trying to do a write up for a team base, just incase our lovely GM decides to have someone attack our home in the future. So far we are doing good because we haven't earned enough of a reputation to attract hunteds to our home, but it could come soon. Each game I declare some new changes to the base for my time behind the scene. Here is what we have so far:


    We bought a warehouse in a Industry Zone. It had one floor (no catwalk) and a single office in the corner. We used the remainder of the funds to buy supplies. We repaired all of the walls. We turned the office into a single bedroom for Beacon. I built myself a lab and reinforced all of the walls. We just gained some new people so I created a second bedroom for one of them (who turned down the room) so we triple reinforced it for the Inventor to use as his room incase their is an explosion.


    Other details that have come out of Role Playing. The main (and only door) was a card key system, the Inventor said he could upgrade to an Optical Lock system so that is going to be in effect next game.


    Now I'm hitting some problems trying to build this base. First, I can't find any floor maps or details on the size of your typical industry warehouse. I'm assuming that we are using 32 mm thick Metal for a BODY of 7. I'd assume that the warehouse walls are metal plating so that would give it a DEF of 7.


    Nulls lab is a Cybernetic Lab that she uses to upgrade her systems (spend XP). I would see this is a 4d6 Major Transform, Extra Time (8 hours), Only to Upgrade Cybernetic Systems (-2), Cannot Add Points to Null or Change Existing Powers (-0).


    The Inventors lab is just how he uses his VPP so wouldn't cost anything except for the fact we triple plated it for explosion protection (DEF 10 for light armor maybe? and 9 BODY for 64 mm) His lab takes up only a small portion of the building so I was thinking: +3 DEF & +2 BODY (-1 1/2 only to Represent Lab Defense) or 4n.


    Beacon has a DNA storage trunk for DNA she collects and hasn't had a chance to turn over to her Watched. I'm not sure how to build this properly as it would be some form of LS.


    We have a radio system for monitoring police bands. This is a simple Detect with OAF.


    And finally, any ideas for what I can announce we have added to our base this week?

  2. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


    I will' date=' but in the meantime doesn't hurt to post here! Deafness was always - well, given your scenario, could be changed.[/quote']

    I prefer always actually. I think suddenly having your character becoming deaf would be complicated to roleplay. Mute as well or just Deaf?

  3. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


    Cool, how many points? dark, moderately dark, or light in tone?





    i just remembered something that made me laugh in a Very dark way. In Supermegatopia (.com will take you there) there was a character named Ferret Man. He was kind of a cross between Batman and the Shadow. It turns out he has a book. "Big book of things I shoot people for" that is on the BESTSELLER LIST. All criminals feared him, because if they didn't they ended up... Dead.


    I am not certain why that sprung into my head, but...

    150 + 100


    Batman Gothem City Dark at first but there is a bit of an anime feel. You can't really die, you just go comatose. Villains don't go around killing people, they just go around intimedating them and stealing their things. So it really isn't that dark.

  4. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


    How about a deaf brick? I haven't gotten to play that character much at all and would like to. He's basically modelled loosely after Justice from that aborted Marvel "New Universe"' date=' except for being a brick and not so disoriented. I guess what I'm saying is he's merely taciturn and serious and just looks like Justice![/quote']

    Deaf before or after the emergence of super powers?


    Feel free to take it to email as well if you want.

  5. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


    Um, the alternative world has Comic Book Physics and superpower humans can be "born".


    My FtF campaign is going to be a bunch of players pulled through a portal to an alternate reality and in the process develop superpowers. The world is mostly run by bad guys with superpowers. I'd like to have a city in this world that is safe because of a long standing team of good guy supers. That would be you guys.

  6. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


    Okay... I'm like majorly addicted to this game I'm making right now and with 52 hour work weeks... yeah. Busy.


    The game, I would like 3 players if possible so if you have a third you can think of that would be nice.


    You are all natives to the city, I have decided. I'm going Low-powered supers. It was an event that gave you superpowers, though I still need the details it was an explosion or exposure to a gateway. Or maybe you just don't know. I'll base it on what you have for characters.


    All mental powers are ! in this setting but are not restricted.

    I will allow Multiform but it will make me happier if you avoid it.


    The setting is alternative earth Japan. But that doesn't mean you have to have a Japanese name. It is an alternate reality after all.

  7. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


    This URL is subject to change but right now I'm in the process of setting up an open source game on my webpage. The initial game is a Fantasy RPG where you run around with rakes and axes and slay monsters and eventually a dragon.


    I'm rewriting the game were you run around the office killing annoying coworkers and customers with staples, thumbtacks, and tropheys. I've got some other ideas, that I think the Hero crowd would like added in, but I've got my work cut out for me until it at least gets the feel I like.


    Check out the game, get addicted and it will be worth it:


  8. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


    this last contract did SCO

    You are infected! Ahhh!


    I would be interested in your game. I need to get more gaming going. Need to kick start my game as well.

    I'll post some character creation guidelines later today in that case. It will be in the Player Finder thread but I'll be sure to note it here.

  9. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


    That's cool. We don't get overtime nor can we get anything from work beyond our hourly rate. Well' date=' from Intel. I did get a keychain & coffee mug (Intel approved) from my contracting company.[/quote']

    What do you do Lemming?


    Also are you interested in the game idea I threw in Zornwil's direction a couple of days ago? I have three of the five members of "Team 5" built and could get the thing running soon if there was interest.

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