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Posts posted by wick

  1. Re: Predator: rough draft. Any comments?




    The consquences of losing the primary focus is that all powers (both Obvious and inobvious) are lost. Most of the time all the powers on the focus should share the same accessibility. Accessibility is basically how easy it is to deprive the character of his focus. Obviousness is being able to identify that a power is connected to that Focus. In my Demon sword example, I would have to tell the heroes that thew sword the character is carrying is a HKA and it summons a demon if both powers are defined as being obvious. You are right there should be a way to detect the Inobvious power but it is not immediately apparent that the sword not only slices and dices, but also summons a demon. You walk up to a guy with a sword( pretty obvious that is a HKA) he summons a demon (not really clear that it came from the sword.) unless you have says some detect magical abiliites or the like. Now, if my hero knows a villian can summon a demon and he really does not want the villian to summon the demon he will have to try to figure out how to stop that power.


    I do get what you are saying, if a hero knows a power comes from a focus then it makes the focus a tempting target and puts the other IAFs at risk. If the hero is trying to stop the inobvious power he has to find a way to determine where it is coming from. If he is just trying to stop the Obvious power and takes the Focus, well that is the price of putting all your eggs in on focus basket.


    Predator will not likely have a negative reputation since few survive to tell the tale or only a very few individauls know something about it, but he would definitely cause a reaction if he walked into a crowded room of strangers that have no idea that he murders sentient beings and are used to seeing Alien lifeforms (with DF, even a campaign world that has seen a host of extra terrestrials, won't react favorably to his presence.) I would think that a dragon may have none, one, or both depending on how you want the world to behave towards it. Reputation seems more to an indivual..i.e...Black Barts coming into town..hide all the goats, but I suppose it can be for a race as well. The case for reputation could be made if the Predators were widely known in the campaign world, these guys are much to clandestine to be widely known. Please note: Anna's people from Predator 1 may have known a few things but that is mostly legends and not widely known.


    Mixing real world cultures with Hollywood side cultures? I am not sure what you are getting at? Billy was a Native American Shaman type and King Willy practiced African Voodoo and I am try to simulate a character from a movie by how it interacts with Hollywood equivalents of real cultures. Please note that both of the real world cultures have Native American shamans and Voodoo witch doctors that supposedly have insight into the "spirit world" . In the real world if a predator like species came to Earth I doubt that these type of people would have any more insight towards these aliens than anyone else, but in the Predaor movies they do and that is what I am trying to simulate. I am also extrapolating from 2 examples, that other shamanic type individuals would have the same reaction.

  2. Re: Predator: rough draft. Any comments?


    In my opinion, you go with what's "most damaging." If your Foci is a sword (OAF HKA) but also gives you IR vision (which is an IAF effect) you get the OAF on both, because people who see and react to the HKA can also remove your IR vision without knowing it.


    I think you are confusing Accessibility for Obviousness. So in your example of a sword Foci: if the sword is a 2D6 HKA (30 active pts) but also has has the power to summon A greater Demon (60 Active points for a 300 point Demon) just by holding the sword and the summoners will, then the sword is an IAF. That makes no sense.

    You are clearly arguing Accessibility which is the ability of the Foci to be deprived/ or attacked. All powers on the Foci should have the same accessability since if you take the example sword you deprive the character of all powers attached to it whether you know that the sword is the source of the powers or not. (an exception may be a power you could use from the sword even when not in your possession but this should not be attached to a Focus and instead be bought as a regular power instead.)



    Based on how things have been presented before, you don't need the DF to trigger the Detect. For example, a spell of "Detect Dragons" don't require dragons to have "DF: Dragon."


    Right. Detect Human Female: No DF needed. Detect Dragon: In a world where being a dragon causes a negative effect such as hatred or fear or villagers to form mobs to attack you then DF: Dragon definitely as long as there is a disadvantage either slight or extreme.


    I think you're over-analyzing the actions of characters in action films where confrontation with the Predator are scripted in.

    Definitely over-analyzing. 8) But it is suspicious that these characters both came from Animist cultures and reacted in almost the exact same fashion despite common sense showing them a better course of action. In the AVP films there were no mystics as far as we know.


  3. Re: Predator: rough draft. Any comments?


    Ok, it makes more sense now with the OAF. I was thinking the obvious/inobvious was for knowing whether a power came from the Foci? The way Susano explained the concept is that the Foci is what is obvious or inobvious. The predator is obvious wearing a helmet/mask, regardless of the powers it contains, the FOCI is obvious.


    On the other hand:

    From the book 2nd paragraph under Obvious heading in the Focus section: " If a Focus is Obvious it's clear to anyone looking at the character that the power comes from the Focus -no PER roll is necessary. This is important becuase opponents know where the power comes and can attempt to disable the Focus or take it away." It does not mention different levels of obviousness on one Foci.


    Susano I will post my write up for the Alien Queen in a different thread but it does include concentration, expendable charges, extra time. I was not sure of the rate of production so I said that every 6 hours a new egg can be produced ( if resources or surrounding prey are low it can lay a bunch of eggs and hibernate, simulate through roleplaying, but she will produce at max capacity if prey is plentiful.)


    Please advise on how detects work. Say you have a mutant detector. Would the target not have to have DF: Mutant to be detected by a mutant detector or would it work as well on a character that has "Mutant" as his character concept but not the DF: mutant? I don't think the special feature needs to be a DF, unless it is disadvantageous to be recognized by that distinctive feature, such as being a mutant in a world where they are persecuted or treated more negatively than a regular person. If mutants are generally accepted in society then your mutant detector will work but the target will not have to have DF: Mutant he can just go with character concept.


    Judging from the two, spiritual/magical characters' reaction to the Predator, I will say there is a definite negative reaction towards the predator. Both of these characters felt that they needed to fight the Predator in one on one combat despite the the danger and other viable options. For example, Billy could have tried to flee with his team and King Willy could have hid behind his drug cartel or took a vaction until the predator left, but no, both felt that they had to face the Creature with only basic weapons. My premise is that the predator's presence will have this effect on any person that has this detect: Mystical, spiritual, whatever. So far 100% of the characters that have been introduced as spiritually/mystically inclined to the story have had the same negative reaction. Maybe not every spiritualist would have this reaction but I am making the assumption that all do with no evidence to the contrary. Not logical ( 2 people that can mystically detect predators have an irrational, negative reaction to predators therefore all people that can mystically detect predators will have this same reaction is my premise but is a Logic fallacy.) but just an assumption.

  4. Re: Predator: rough draft. Any comments?


    Autofire lets you hit people all over, but you take minuses based on how many empty hexes you have between targets. AOE Line lets you hit everyone in a line with one attack roll.




    Actually, everything I've heard makes me think that AVP 1 was no better than Alien 4. And AVP 2 was just plain terrible. So I've decided to ignore those films for not being worth my time and effort.


    Oh, and I understand you've done a xenomorph character, have you seen mine?




    I can't access that site from work but if that is the Alien from LV-246 write up, I surely did. I will have to make sure to credit you in the comments since my drone lifestage has very similiar stats, most of the powers, and most of the skills are the same. i believe that I handled that acid blood in a different fashion. I also made the queen the base "character" with summon Face hugger ability bought as a Foci with charges (the eggs are the Foci/charge). The face hugger had a delayed effect summon Chest burster etc... quite an ambitious project. As I create new characters i learn new things which make me go back and revisit older projects.


    As for your Predator comments:

    I kinda get your point with using the same Focus description with the mixed OIF/IIF foci being only one item. But in some ways that does not make sense. Obvious come into play when heroes want to disarm or take away a specific ability by removing the focus...i.e. the predator obviously uses his helmet to breath so the heroes can try to damage or remove the helmet. If it were extremely important to disrupt the Predator's ability to communicate then it may not be so obvious that his helmet allows him to understand their language. (probably a poor example since Universal translator is not a big threat usually but say a wizard has a staff that obviously emits light but inobviously summons hellish demons. In this case the players could take his staff to deprive him of his light source and infact deprive him of both powers without knowing it, but they would not know that they needed to destroy/remove the staff in order to stop the horde of demons from being summoned.)


    Distinctive feature: unnatural aura: The mystical aspect is hinted at in the first movie but could be written off as some primeval/animal sense as you say, but in Predator 2 it comes off as more mystical, reference the discussion between LT harrigan and King Willy. The "Voodoo" King was definitely into Voodoo and occult practices and if I remember correctly he was blind (try to make that Perception roll.) And with both of these characters they confront the predator with just a sword, Man to Alien (i had not noticed this pattern before..interesting.) So that leans more to Native American shamanism (the bag around Billy's neck is his "medicine bag") and African Voodoo rather than instinct. The rest of the commando team were not really all that antsy except when they noticed their Fearless Indian tracker scared S***less, that freaked them out. By making it a distinctive feature on the predator you don't have to give the power to " Detect predator/Alien presence/etc.." to every random character they face. This is meant to be a villian in a long line of villians that the PCs will face, that does not seem right to put the onus on them to pic up this power for a villian they may fight a hand full of times.

  5. Re: Predator: rough draft. Any comments?


    Thanks for the advice, it is certainly making me retool the design, as well as, relook at the premises behind the powers/advantages/lims/disadvantages. I see the Real weapon is so he can't cut through bank vaults and armored cars.


    I will look at the AoE Line for the disc but i think that you can do something similiar with Autofire. The line might make more sense though since anything in the path will be attacked. With autofire, if I recall, you can do a line but it is not necessary.


    I think AVP is worth watching it is certainly better than most of the later movies in the Alien Franchise. And it does not throw too big of monkey wrenches in the mythology. my two biggest gripes are #1 Alien Predator hybrid....stupid on many levels. and #2 predators in Antartica when they were first represented as prefering to hunt in hot areas. Even suspending disbelief, no one should be running around Antartica without some sort of cold weather gear much less a creature that prefers the Hot extremes of Earth's Climate. At any rate, in one scene one of the Corporation' s Mercs gets netted and he quickly get's his assault rifle up to push back on the net as it squeezes down. The Net starts to cuts through his weapon and can cleary be seen to be winding back up with the Merc inside it, the net getting smaller. One human tried to pull the net off with his hands but suffers cuts to his hands and another tries to cut the net with a knife but ends up with half a knife. In a different scene an Alien gets netted but it's acid blood burns through the net maybe after a few segments. Pretty good overall movie I give it 80% good work.

  6. Re: Predator: rough draft. Any comments?




    Val Char Cost Roll Notes

    30 STR 20 15- Lift 1600.0kg; 6d6 [3]

    21 DEX 33 13- OCV: 7/DCV: 7

    25 CON 30 14-

    25 BODY 30 14-

    20 INT 10 13- PER Roll 13-/15-

    15 EGO 10 12- ECV: 5

    30 PRE 20 15- PRE Attack: 6d6

    0 COM -5 9-


    6 PD 0 Total: 6 PD (0 rPD)

    5 ED 0 Total: 5 ED (0 rED)

    4 SPD 9 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12

    11 REC 0

    50 END 0

    50 STUN -3 Total Characteristic Cost: 154


    Movement: Running: 10"/20"

    Leaping: 8"/16"

    Swimming: 2"/4"


    Cost Powers

    Helmet, all slots OIF (-½)

    4 1) Armored Helmet: Armor (5 PD/5 ED); Activation Roll 8- (or Locations 3-4; -2), OIF (-½)

    3 2) Heat Vision: IR Perception (Sight Group); OIF (-½)

    3 3) Nightvision; OIF (-½)

    7 4) Penetrating Thermal Vision: N-Ray Perception (Sight Group); OIF (-½)

    Notes: Blocked by insulating or dense materials.

    3 5) Ultra Vision: UV Perception (Sight Group); OIF (-½)

    3 6) Visual Light Spectrum Vision: +2 PER with Sight Group; OIF (-½)

    26 7) Helmet/Suit: LS (Immunity All terrestrial poisons and chemical warfare agents; Immunity: All terrestrial diseases and biowarfare agents; Safe in High Pressure; Safe in High Radiation; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat; Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum; Self-Contained Breathing); OIF (-½)

    10 8) Targeting Laser: +3 OCV with Plasma Cannon; OIF (-½)

    13 9) Universal Translator 13-; OIF (-½)


    Left Bracer, all slots OIF (left bracer; -½)

    20 1) Cloaking Device: Invisibility to Sight Group , Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½); OIF (left bracer; -½)

    10 2) Selt-Destruct Device: EB 10d6, MegaScale (1" = 1 km; 1" = 100 meters/50"; +¼), Explosion (+½); 1 Charge which Never Recovers (-4), Extra Time (5 Minutes, countdown; -2), Lockout (cannot use any other left bracer powers once destruct is activated; -½), OIF (left bracer; -½), Gestures (must type in self-destruct code; -¼) [1 nr]


    Right Bracer, all slots OIF (right bracer; -½)

    3 1) Armored Bracer: Armor (5 PD/5 ED); Activation Roll 8- (or Location 8; -2), Right Arm Only (-1), OIF (right bracer; -½)

    20 2) Killing Claw: HKA 1d6+1 (2 ½d6 w/STR), Armor Piercing (+½); OIF (right bracer; -½) 3


    10 Inherent Climbing Skill: Clinging (normal STR)

    2 Agile Leaper: Leaping +2" (8" forward, 4" upward) 1

    8 Fast Running: Running +4" (10" total) 1

    5 Medical Kit: Healing BODY 2d6; Extra Time (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12), Character May Take No Other Actions, -1 ½), 6 Charges (-¾), OIF (-½), Requires A Paramedics Roll (-½) [6]



    2 Fringe Benefit: Member of the Tribe

    Notes: Includes access to Predator technology and starships.

    10 Tribal Base/Vehicle: Vehicles & Bases

    Notes: Each member of the tribe contributes to a starship that serves both as a base and means of transportation.



    3 Bump Of Direction

    3 Resistance (+3 to roll)



    3 Acrobatics 13-

    3 Analyze: [unspecificed] 13-

    3 Breakfall 13-

    3 Climbing 13-

    2 CuK: Predator Society 11-

    2 KS: Alien Species 11-

    3 Mimicry 13-

    3 Navigation 13-

    3 Paramedics 13-

    3 Shadowing 13-

    3 Stealth 13-

    8 Survival (Arctic/Subarctic, Tropical, Mountain, Urban) 13-

    3 Systems Operation 13-

    3 Tracking 13-


    Total Powers & Skill Cost: 213

    Total Cost: 367


    200+ Disadvantages

    10 Distinctive Features: 8'+ tall alien humanoid (Easily Concealed (with Cloaking Device), Extreme Reaction (fear), Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses, Not Distinctive In Some Cultures

    15 Distinctive Features: Spirit World Disturbance (Not Concealable; Extreme Reaction (fear); Detectable Only By Unusual Senses)

    Notes: Those who can sense magic or spirits feel something unnatural is present if not exactly where.

    15 Hunted: US Government Division 13 Special Operations 8- (Mo Pow; Capture)

    10 Physical Limitation: Naturally More Sensative To The Orange Spectrum Of Visible Light (Infrequently; Greatly Impairing)

    Notes: If not wearing helmet suffers the following penalties on Earth-type worlds: -2 PER, -2 OCV, -1 DCV.

    25 Psychological Limitation: Code of the Hunter: Will not hunt children, pregnant women, or unarmed opponents. (Very Common; Total)

    20 Psychological Limitation: Obsessed With Trophy Collecting (Very Common; Strong)

    10 Social Limitation: Heiarchy of Hunters (Occasionally; Major)

    62 Experience Points


    Total Disadvantage Points: 367


    Optional Equipment:

    45 Shoulder Mounted Plasma Cannon: RKA 4d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½); OAF (-1) 0

    30 Spear: Multipower, 60-point reserve, all slots OAF (-1)

    3u 1) Hand-Held Spear: HKA 2d6 (3d6+1 w/STR), Armor Piercing (+½), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½); OAF (-1) 0

    1u 2) Thrown Spear: HKA 2d6 (3d6 w/STR), Range Based On STR (+¼), Armor Piercing (+½); 1 Recoverable Charge (-1 ¼), OAF (-1), Lockout (can't use HKA if thrown until spear is recovered; -½) [1 rc]

    2 Long Spear: Stretching 1", Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½); OAF (-1), Only To Cause Damage (-½), Always Direct (-¼), No Noncombat Stretching (-¼), No Velocity Damage (-¼) 0

    26 Razor Net: Entangle 3d6, 3 DEF, Hardened (+¼), Uncontrolled (+½), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½), Continuous (+1); 1 Recoverable Charge (-1 ¼), OAF (-1), Cannot Form Barriers (-¼), Range Based On STR (-¼) [1 rc]

    23 Razor Net Razors: HKA 1 ½d6 (2d6+1 w/STR), Armor Piercing (+½), Uncontrolled (+½), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½), Continuous (+1); 1 Recoverable Charge (-1 ¼), OAF (-1), Linked (Razor Net; -½) [1 rc]

    30 Razor Disc: Multipower, 60-point reserve, all slots OAF (-1)

    3u 1) Hand-Held Disc: HKA 2d6 (3d6+1 w/STR), Reduced Endurance (½ END; +¼), Armor Piercing (+½); OAF (-1) 2

    1u 2) Thrown Disc: HKA 2d6, Range Based On STR (+¼), Autofire (3 shots; +¼), Armor Piercing (+½); 1 Recoverable Charge (-1 ¼), OAF (-1), Lockout (can't use HKA if thrown until disc is recovered; -½), No STR Bonus (-½), No Knockback (-¼) [1 rc]

    16 Dart Launcher On Right Bracer: RKA 2d6, Armor Piercing (+½); OAF (-1), 3 Recoverable Charges (-¾) [3 rc]

    5 Mini-Razor Discs: RKA 1d6; OAF (-1), Range Based On STR (-¼), No Knockback (-¼), 6 Recoverable Charges (-¼) [6 rc]





    1) I corrected the cost of characteristics. You'd bought the Predator with 5 PD, but then sold back REC and STUN (to 10 and 50), which isn't allowed. I kept the PD at figured (6), the REC at figured (11) and sold back STUN to 50.


    2) You had applied "difficult to replace" to all foci. The problem is, that only applies to expendable foci. It has nothing to do with how hard it is to repair or replace if damaged. I removed it in all cases.


    3) I settled on a standardized set of foci values for equipment. For example, you had the helmet as OIF and IIF, I settled on a flat OIF.


    4) You'd applied 0 END to Enhanced Senses, which don't need them. I removed those.


    5) One could argue that the Universal Translator gets a -1/4 of "Spoken Languages Only".


    6) I removed the EC for the bracer and simply made it to in dependent powers. There's no common theme to Invisibility and Self Destruct.


    7) I'd argue that in a supers game you could drop the DF.


    8) I'd argue that you could fold the two DFs together into a single "alien presence" DF.


    9) I think the Phys Lim dealing with how they see is something akin to "sees only in Infrared," but that's just my opinion.


    10) I also think you could fold both Psych Lims into one "Obsessed with the Hunt" and include the code/rules of the hunt into that.


    11) You had the plasma cannon as an EC. I removed that.


    12) I built the spear as a multipower. It seemed simpler that way.


    13) I think the razor net needs to be rewritten. As it is, it will kill anyone caught in it. Shouldn't the razors only effect those who try to escape it?


    14) I built the Razor Disc as a multipower as well. I think you could do the hitting three targets trick as a form of AOE.


    15) You wrote 0 END as +1 in several places, so I fixed that.


    16) Any reason why so many of the weapons are KA 2d6 AP?


    1.) Oops

    2.) I will have another look at Foci. The effect that I was going for: in the movies his gear gets damaged and basically put out of commission for the rest of the movie. At the end of the day he can just snap on another plasma cannon or whip out another spear. Also as depicted in AVP, it appears that at least some of their equipment is awarded as a rite of passage. while on the Hunting expedition any equipment cannot be replaces but when the Predator returns to his ship he can replace/repair some of his equipment ( I call this the basic kit and includes the Bracer claws, cloaking device, etc. Basically what all Predators should have) so difficult to replace since he had to wait until the end of the hunt. If your life support system gets damaged early...too bad.. suck it up and continue the hunt or die trying. The items which I labled as extremly difficult to replace are things that even at the conclusion of the hunt, the Predator cannot just goto the armory and replace. He may have to return to the homeworld or perhaps undergo a quest to replace. I see now that this applies to expendables which these items are not.


    3. OIF for all is probably a good idea and it standardizes it. I just did not think that the Universal translator would be Obvious


    4. Oops. will fix


    5. Good Call. I think that I was originally going to include this but forgot.


    6. The whole commonality for the Environmental control was "Power" All of these devices require an electrical feed from the suits power supply. The self distruct system is actually the power supply being put into a controlled overload mode that results in an explosion. If an adjustment power hits the EC then all of the slots are affected...such as a drain/transfer: electricity. That seems reasonable to me but I am pretty new at this.


    7. I would think that if you see this dude walk uncloaked into your local Starbucks that it would cause an extreme reaction to say the least. If your world has many alien visits and people may be used to seeing strange looking people then the reaction might be different but then again this guy would still be pretty intimidating practically reeking of menace. You may argue that he is easily disguised after all he does have a man portable cloaking device but this guy should attract notice otherwise.


    8. The reason for the other distinctive features is to simulate the reactions of spiritually attuned indivduals to the Predators presence. The predator's Presence as detected by the attuned individual basically gives them the Heebie Jeebies and they have a feeling that something is not right or the feeling of being watched. It is not really a Perception roll to see a detail per se. And this is something that cannot be cloaked, concealed, or stealthed. The SPEC OPS tracker Billy knows that something is out there but he cannot target the invisible Predator nor even pinpoint him really. He just has a very bad feeling and it is making him very afraid. Combining both DF's does not follow becuase they are completely different.


    9. This has been changed in my latest version but good catch.


    10. I initially tried to put this as one limitation but it made the limitation pretty complex and had two somewhat related but different aspects:

    A. Obsessed with trophy collection: A limitation becuase it can be used against him as in the trap that the comando team set to take the Predator out. The Predator had to know that there was a trap but was compelled to sneak in and steal the body (Granted he could bypass the traps via the trees.) And later he felt compelled to go after the obvious Arnold Schwarzenaeger sized bait into a trap with much better results from the commando team's trap.

    B. The code vs killing innocents/ unarmed: This can be a limitation in a few ways such as not killing an innocent that can make it's presence known. Maybe that harmless bum in the card board box next to the meat packing plant has seen the strange, indistinct form leap onto the plant's roof top for the last couple of weeks and howl beastial howls, might have good intel for heroes investigating a serial murderer. A martial artist that uses no weapons or a hero with inobvious attack powers can really surprise the Predator to catch him off guard, at least initially. If the heroine that confronts him is actually pregnant he will likely choose to flee than to fight the Heroine rather than kill her (The female detective from Predator 2 was armed and was injured before the Predator could tell she was pregnant.) Since I wrote this up as a total Psych lim this may cause some issues if cornered by the Heroine, perhaps he would then only attempt to knock out or subdue.


    11. See point number 6. Also in my latest version the Plasma cannon is an upgrade and not part of the base package.


    12. The spear: I based the design off of the spear in the Hand to Hand Weapon Section: Weapon Length pg 480. A regular spear is not built as an MP and the Pred's Spear is really just a hi tech spear. Making it into an MP is certainly an option but is it necessary or even a better way to build the spear? I may look at it to see if it gives any price breaks.


    13. Are you kidding? In both Predator 2 and especially as detailed in AVP, those nets winched down tight causing constant damage designed to kill not capture alive.


    14. Certainly worth looking at. I don't remember if the discs were ever used on several targets in one throw but it may be interesting to look at. In my current version I built it with Autofire 2-3 targets.


    15. This is an earlier version but I will look through it again to make sure I have the right values on the current version


    16. 2d6 Killing Attack AP?: Armor piercing to simulate the metal that is super sharp, strong, and not found on Earth. Also because the blades seem to pass through fairly tough materials like butter. I don't have a super good rationale for 2D6, I wanted the damage to be more than an earth version i.e. Predator spear more damaging than earth steel spear. Pred spear is 2D6 while Earth Medium Spear 1 1/2 D6 HKA, so it is only 1/2 D6 more really. I built my Predator spear first and so used it as the standard. I did try to make it so that each weapon brought a different ability to the table but each is balanced with each other so there is a reason for the Predator to spear one guy, razor disc 2 more the next round, and bracer claw another guy a round later, rather than just use one attack that is more efficient than the others all of the time. Are you saying that 2D6 is too little of damage?

  7. Re: The PCs are Villians - Which Villians?


    All villian games are pretty short lived. Most players will get pretty sick of playing the badguy (even if you think they are pretty bad when they are playing the good guys.) Most would like to take a dip or two in the pool of villany for kicks but it soon looses it's excitement.


    I would especially think that to be the case in Champions where there really is not an incentive for greed since weath does not buy you the next new gadget/spell/power unlike, for example, D&D where weath can be transformed into making your character more powerful in quite a few ways. Killing a bunch of innocents would get pretty distateful for even the most blood thirsty player. Unlike the D&D scenario where the DM give you the moral dilemma of whether you should kill all the men, women, and children in the kobold (or insert your favourite evil demi-human race) or leave them be and is appalled when some players have no issue with the massacre. At least in this instance the player can justify themselves with quite a few reasons: This will prevent future generations of evil monsters......or.... They are not really human ....or.... They are inherently evil...etc. Right or wrong this is quite different than say blowing up a mall of innocent humans that are most likely not to cause any harm to you, your people, or thd society in which you live.

  8. Re: Top 10 Insupportable Premises in Comic Book Universes


    I was born in Nevada' date=' grew up in New Mexico, and currently live in New England. Really, how insensitive can you be? :P[/quote']


    It's cool, I just do a double take when anyone mentions my home state becuase you don't often hear it when you are out of state like me. Sorta like when you see a license plate from your home state and you look to see if you know the driver...which is improbable and kinda silly. No offense was really taken, Nebraska does have some very rural areas.


    Insupportable premises: how about physics? I am not talking about high level physics I am talking basic laws of physics. If super dense/heavy guy jumps off a building to catch someone who just fell he will never catch up to the falling person regardless of the relative weights.

  9. Re: Top 10 Insupportable Premises in Comic Book Universes


    High-Tech Enemies covers a lot of this - there's an outline in the back called 'The Sci-Tech War' in which a secret conflict between various factions is going on. They're all out to steal/confiscate/control super-advanced designs and discoveries; the premise being that if the police dept. in Podunk' date=' Nebraska, has access to blaster weapons, then blaster weapons are no longer cutting-edge & desirable toys. There's one group - Cy Force I think - in the book that's led by a self-appointed messiah out to save the world. He [i']knows[/i] he's the best choice to decide how super tech is doled out to the unwashed masses...

    ...Hmm. Sounds weirdly familiar...


    ....My wife and I are from Nebraska......... -_-


    I thought up the whole idea on my own becuase I want my campaign to o follow real world type repercussions. Super heroes/villians are pretty new with the precedence of a few costumed (heroic level) heroes/villians before that, say around the mid 40's to 50's. A gap of a few decades with a smattering of heros showing up and then in the mid 90's the first "Supers" make their appearence but only a few at first with more showing up over the years. That way the Age of Superheros is still pretty new to the world but the PC's don't have to be the ones leading the way in changing the world.

  10. Re: Top 10 Insupportable Premises in Comic Book Universes


    And Iron Man's origin -- getting bitten by a radioactive iron' date=' and gaining the proportional strength and agility. That's just hard to swallow.[/quote']


    Even though the organization's leader is from the future, he does not have prescience. As soon as he started to interfere the history from that time line began to diverge from his own. The catalyst that drove Tony Stark to design and build his Iron Man suit may not have happened in his own timeline. Perhaps someone else made the armor or a dozen different variations. The leader would say, " That's funny I don't recall from my 20th/21st Century American History class there being Power armored developed until 2035 and by a group of Swedish scientist and it was definitely not as advanced as this Iron Man's armor." Starks Armor was developed privately and was made public after it was fully functional. The Leader has to find out about technological break throughs the old fashioned way..i.e. spies, news, informants, or sometimes from his history etc... Also, the history that he was taught remains the same even as his actions are causing those same books to be rewritten.


    He may know some individuals and events but his active interference (schemes) as well as his passive interference ( side effects from ripping a hole in Time and traveling to an earlier Era) are changing history. I am runninng with a no Grandfather paradox..if he kills his grandfather he will be here still becuase he is now a part of the timeline and the present, but it will cause a strain on reality that can have unforseen consequences like more super beings are showing up than what he learned about in history. And if he killed his grandfather and was able to go back to the future he would discover a world where his parents and himself never existed.

  11. Re: Campaign Idea: Silly, or cool?


    i love the moral ambiguity/dilemma.


    Bob: Look Joe, I found this news camera in the ruined building!

    Joe: We don't have time for that the Angel Michael sent us here to find the "Artifact" to help fight the Demons.

    Bob: lemme just hook this up to my battery pack (fiddles with wires) and now to this TV (fiddles some more)..there.

    (on the screen an Angelic form lands on a busy street stopping all traffic)

    Joe: Heah that's Michael on TV. (The news reporter stops her report on the new Falafel vendors that have set up on Main street for the upcoming Falafel Festival and has started to describe the miracle of an Angel landing..when out of the middle of the street an amorphous, tentacled creature erupts howling in rage.)

    Bob: Michaels going to kick that Demon's @**!!

    Joe: Yeah!! Go get him Michael!!!

    (The Angelic being turns around and grabs a school bus, full of now screaming children. Easily lifting the bus the Angel slams it down on the Demon. Again and again . The bus start to tear apart, battered children falling to the ground through the jagged tears in the hull of the bus. The bloody forms of children can be seen trapped on broken glass and the twisted metal fram of the bus. Fluids from the bus sprays the area. The angel then flings the remains of the wreckage at the Demon knocking it to the ground. The Angel raises a hand and tosses a ball of fire over his shoulder as he walks aways. The Demon and bus ignite. Screams echo from the bus.. the camera angle whirls as apparently the Camera man dropped the camera and then static)

    Bob and Joe:.........O_o

  12. Re: Top 10 Insupportable Premises in Comic Book Universes


    In regard to "super-tech" one answer (which I impose(d) on my Team Norfolk campaign/universe) is described in a old issue of "The Adventurers Club" magazine for Hero System, circa 1985-ish: The Papa Schimmelhorn Effect. While I don't have my copy of the article at hand, it basically says that weird science devices, etc can be "one offs" but are virtually unreproducible by anyone except perhaps the inventor (and then again, maybe even they won't be able to reproduce the darn thing..). And they might only be operable by the inventor as well. In the Team Norfolk Universe, this is (in part..) a manifestation of "super-geniuses" having a form of uncontrolled cyberkenesis....




    For my campaign I am thinking that there is a Secret society of powerful individuals that want to keep tech on a leash. They know that they cannot and perhaps should not stop all progress they just don't want Tech to leap beyond our civilization to deal with or thatd shift the balance of power. They are not always successful or else there would not be any Mechanon type villians , note that his existence is a strong argument in favor of controlling technical revolutions. They may monitor any new tech based heroes and villians and take measures to limit the impact of the tech on the world. A TonyStark type making a powered suit is one thing, him mass procuding lesser versions for wide scale military use is quite another. This organization is wealthy enough to buy patents for tech and seal them in a vault if or when it is deemed ok to release into the world. Or buying out corporations/ bankrupting them. Influential enough to make supertech disapear from military warehouses and forgotten. They may even have some super powered agents to do missions and enforce their will. Probably the biggest hurdle would be to keep this organization on the right track meaning their has to be a powerful leader that is also benevolent and wants to use the tech only for good.


    I am thinking the leader is a time traveler from the future who is also long lived/immortal he knows that in the late 20th/early 21 century many new technologies were release upon the Earth without restraint and the Earth paid the price horribly. Despite his worry over tech destroying the world and even time itself he has made the trip to the past with the intent on changing the future, possibly creating paradoxes and certainly destroying his own alternate timeline. Perhaps his tampering with the timeline has created it's own problems such as an increase in the number of super powered people which may be as bad or worse than the technology rushed that doomed his own reality..only time will tell. He has since destroyed his own time machine to prevent the temptation to retroactively cange the timeline even further and possibly make matters worse.


    By the way, you mentioned a Team Norfolk ? Is this campaign played in Norfolk, VA perhaps?

  13. Re: BioFix - We're here to help!


    Reminds me of the engineered cure for Cancer in the Movie "I am legend". just look how that turned out. Of course the idea of a human engineered bacteria going nuts and causing a harmfull epidemic is kind of far fetched. Human domesticated plants and animals actually compete less effectively than their natural competitors in the wild. This would also likely be the case for engineered bacteria, without human care and maintenance it woulc not be able to compete against the real thing.


    On another note: What about people who have a fundamental belief against being modified artificially. What about their rights? The Amish might take offense about having modded bacteria in their bodies. Also these bacteria will difinitely have more visible effects.


    Or how about the effects on someone who is immuno suppressed. Aids patients can get illnesses from things that would be harmless in an immuno healthy person? Maybe the bacteria would go out of control and have unforseen side effects.

  14. Re: How to build: Aliens



    Alien Chestburster

    VAL CHA Cost Roll Notes

    5 STR -5 14- Lift 50 kg/ HTH Dmg 1d6 END [1]

    20 DEX 30 15- OCV: 7 / DCV: 11

    10 CON 0 11-

    8 BODY -4 11-

    8 INT -2 13- PER Roll 13-

    8 EGO -4 11- ECV: 3

    10 PRE 0 15- PRE Attack: 2d6

    0 COM -5 9-

    1 PD 0 Total: 3 PD ( 2 rPD)

    2 ED 0 Total: 4 ED ( 2 rED)

    4 SPD 0 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12

    3 REC 0

    20 END 0

    20 STUN 4

    9 RUN 0 9m/18m END [1]

    6 SWIM 0 6m/12m END [1]

    4 LEAP 0 4m 4m forward, 2m upward

    CHA Cost: 24

    Cost POWERS

    22 Alien physiology: Life-support: Aliens can hibernate reducing bodily needs: Reduced eating+3 , Aliens have tough physiologies that keep them safe in harsh environments: Safe environment All: +9, Immune Disease/Bio+10, Immune all chemicals+10; Advantages: Inherent (+1/4) 6 Frighteningly Fast: +3" Running (7" total), END 14 Swift Swimer: +4" Swimming (6" total), END 11 Leap: +1” of leaping10 Wall Crawling: Clinging 32 Alien Sense Echolocation: Spatial Awareness, Increased Arc Of Perception [360-degree arc+10 ,Detect Physical objects+10, Targeting sense+10, Sense+2, Passive)3 Sharp Senses: +3 PER with Spatial Awareness5 Tail: Extra Limb, Inherent (+1/4); Limited Manipulation (-1/4)7 Teeth Piston: HKA 1Pip (1/2 D6 with STR): 2X Stunmultiplier (+1/2)25 Molecular acid for blood: 3D6 EB: Continuous (+1), NDD: Dilution in water, removing armor, foci, or clothing with acid on them(activation roll or time to remove , PD Force Field (+1), Does body (+1), Triggered(+1/4), 0 End (+1/2), Area of effect 1 Hex: Double Radius & Nonselective (+1), Personal immunity: (+1/4),Uncontrolled: (+1/2); Gradual effect: 1 turn losing 1 DC per every 4th segment (-1/4), Range Lim: No Range (-1/2), Limited Power: Damage Class based on amount of Body, Max 3 DC (-1 ); Limited Power: Against organic beings composed mostly of water, such as humans, halve the body damage taken ( calculate stun normally) (-1)6 Exoskeleton: Armor (2 PD/2 ED)7 Molting Drone: Multiform 47 pts: 1 Charge Non-recoverable (-4), Extra time: 1 day to consume resources and grow in size to become Drone(-4)POWERS Cost: 128

    Cost SKILLS:

    20 Combat Skill Levels: 4 X 5 pts CSLs: +4 DCV for small size. proportional

    0 AK: Home Territory 8-

    0 Analyze Animal 8-

    3 Breakfall 13-

    7 Concealment Morphology & size+4; Self Only (-1/2) 15-

    6 "Secreted Resin": +7 with Concealment; Self Only (-1/2), Only In Home Environ (-1)

    5 Xenomorphic Physiology: Contortionist 14-

    0 Language: Xenomorph (native) part chemical scent, body language, and verbal

    7 Shadowing 13-

    7 Stealth: +4 from size: 19-

    3 "They're Coming Outta The Walls!": +3 with Stealth; Only In Home

    Environment (-1)

    0 Survival (varies) 8-

    SKILLS Cost: 62

    203 Total Powers & Skills Cost

    Cost: PERKS

    PERKS Cost: 0

    Cost: TALENTS

    3 Bump of Direction

    3 Lightning Reflexes: +2 to all actions

    TALENTS Cost: 6


    20 Distinct. Feature: 1' + Tall Alien creature. Always noticed +15, Ext.Com react: Fear+10. Not distinctive to other of same race/society -5, Common Sense+0

    25 Psych Lim: Flee and hide. Very common +15, total +10

    10 Physical Limitation: Near human intelligence Frequently +10, Slight +0

    15 Psychological limitation: Avoids/fears fire: Common+10, Strong+5

    25 Social Limitation: Subserviant to Queen: Very Frequently +15, Severe +10

    DISADVANTAGES Points: 95

    Characteristics: 24

    Powers: 128

    Skills: 62

    Perks: 0

    Talents: 6

    Disadvantages: -95

    Total cost: 125

    ECOLOGY: The Alien Chest Burster is the Juvenile form of the Drone and is the result of the embryo implanted by the Face Hugger stage of the Xenomorph lifecycle. The embryo develops at an astonishing speed over a 24 hour period, after which the Chestburster emerges from the host by busting through the Host’s ribcage (See Face Hugger for Chest Burst power.0

    The juvenile’s first instinct after taking stock of it’s surroundings is to find a safe place in which to feed on organic and some inorganic materials until it can develop into an adult. Over another 24 hour period. During this time the Burster goes sheds through old layers of soft carapace. Only during it’s final stage does

    Unlike the other lifestages of the Xenomorph, the Chestburster stage is weak and vulnerable but has the adaptations of the host to the environment.

    PERSONALITY/MOTIVATIONS: The Burster is completely motivated by survival, hiding, and becoming an Adult Drone

    POWERS AND TACTICS: Being small, and vulnerable the juvenile will flee and hide from most threats but may hunt small animals.

    APPEARANCE: The Chestbursters are about 1’ tall with elongated head, a tail, and covered in a tan/fleshy carapace. Their tail is somewhat prehensile and able to crudely manipulate objects.

    Contributions: Special thanks http://web.archive.org/web/200609110...vie/alien.html for “LV-246 Life form” from which I directly modeled my version

    (The LV-426 Life Form created by Dan O'Bannon, H.R. Giger, Ron Cobb, Ridley

    Scott, and James Cameron, character sheet created by Michael Surbrook. Concept

    for the film Alien apparently based off of a scene in A. E. van Vogt's novel The

    Voyage Of The Space Beagle)

  15. Re: A Cerebro on the Cheap


    What do you mean by "generic booster" ? Cerebro is a "Mutant Detector/locater" . If it is range that you want you can make it a naked power advantage of Megascale for your mind scan/detect and give it a bunch of limitations like OIF..Activationroll, etc


    What would Cebero have to do with combat defenses?

  16. Re: A Cerebro on the Cheap


    I would use .....

    Enhanced Senses: Detect Mutants- unusual sense group: Megascale, the world. OIF , bulky, Power Limitation: only usable by telepaths..... Something along these lines rather than mind scan.

  17. Re: How to build: Aliens


    Ok here is my complete rough Draft for your perusal. Feel free to comment. i will add a back ground and all that stuff later. This is just the Drone. I had to finish the drone first so that I knew how much to charge the hugger for the summon Drone power. I will likewise get to the hugger and queen later. i think that the Chest burster might be an intermediate stage that can be either built later or can just be roleplayed since all that it needs is a defined SPD, Run speed, DCV, body and , stun since it will run away and hide from attackers rather than try to fight. Kudos to Suzanno and her version: "LV-246: lifeform" it kept me on track and made me bring my Characteristics down to a more normal level.








    Alien Drone

    VAL CHA Cost Roll Notes

    25 STR 15 14- Lift 800 kg/ HTH Dmg 5d6 END [3]

    18 DEX 24 15- OCV: 5 / DCV: 5

    25 CON 30 11-

    12 BODY 4 11-

    8 INT -2 13- PER Roll 13-

    8 EGO -4 11- ECV: 3

    25 PRE 15 15- PRE Attack: 6d6

    0 COM -5 9-

    9 PD 4 Total: 14 PD ( 5 rPD)

    5 ED 0 Total: 10 ED ( 5 rED)

    4 SPD 0 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12

    10 REC 0

    50 END 0

    40 STUN 2

    7 RUN 0 7m END [1]

    6 SWIM 0 6m END [1]

    4 LEAP 0 4m 4m forward, 2m upward


    CHA Cost: 157


    Cost POWERS

    22 Alien physiology: Life-support: Aliens can hibernate reducing bodily needs: Reduced eating+3 , Aliens have tough physiologies that keep them safe in harsh environments: Safe environment All: +9, Immune Disease/Bio+10, Immune all chemicals+10; Advantages: Inherent (+1/4)


    2 Frighteningly Fast: +1" Running (7" total), END 1


    4 Swift Swimer: +4" Swimming (6" total), END 1


    2 Leap: +2” of leaping


    10 Wall Crawling: Clinging


    32 Alien Sense Echolocation: Spatial Awareness, Increased Arc Of Perception [360-degree arc+10 ,Detect Physical objects+10, Targeting sense+10, Sense+2, Passive)


    3 Sharp Senses: +3 PER with Spatial Awareness


    5 Tail: Extra Limb, Inherent (+1/4); Limited Manipulation (-1/4)


    12 Long Tail: Stretch 2”: Reduce END: 0 END (+1/2), Tail only (-1/4)


    30 Tail Barb: HKA 2D6 (4D6 with STR), END 2


    10 Claws: HKA 1/2d6 (1d6+1 with STR), END 1


    17 Teeth Piston: HKA 1d6 (2d6 with STR), END 1: 2X Stun multiplier (+1/2); Extra time as the alien opens its jaws and draw up it’s mouth parts: Delayed phase (-1/4)


    6 Frightening visage:+10 PRE for PRE attacks in conjunction with Teeth piston attack: Linked to greater power Teeth piston attack


    25 Molecular acid for blood: 3D6 EB: Continuous (+1), NDD: Dilution in water, removing armor, foci, or clothing with acid on them(activation roll or time to remove , PD Force Field (+1), Does body (+1), Triggered(+1/4), 0 End (+1/2), Area of effect 1 Hex: Double Radius & Nonselective (+1), Personal immunity: (+1/4),Uncontrolled: (+1/2); Gradual effect: 1 turn losing 1 DC per every 4th segment (-1/4), Range Lim: No Range (-1/2), Limited Power: Damage Class based on amount of Body, Max 3 DC (-1 ); Limited Power: Against organic beings composed mostly of water, such as humans, halve the body damage taken ( calculate stun normally) (-1)


    15 Exoskeleton: Armor (5 PD/5 ED)


    8 "Being Cocooned Just Like The Others": Entangle 4d6, 4 DEF; Extra Time (roughly 5 Minutes; -2), Gradual Effect (4 Minutes to fully harden, 1d6/ Minute; -1/2), No Range (-1/2), Must Follow Grab Or Target must be Willing and/or Unable To Resist (-1/2), END 4



    POWERS Cost: 247


    Cost SKILLS:

    10 Combat Skill Levels: +2 With Hand-To-Hand Combat

    4 Combat Skill Levels: +2 OCV with Teeth Piston attack


    0 AK: Home Territory 8-

    0 Analyze Animal 8-

    3 Breakfall 13-

    2 Concealment 11-; Self Only (-1/2)

    6 "Secreted Resin": +7 with Concealment; Self Only (-1/2), Only In Home Environ (-1)

    5 Xenomorphic Physiology: Contortionist 14-

    0 Language: Xenomorph (native) part chemical scent, body language, and verbal

    7 Shadowing 13-

    3 Stealth 13-

    3 "They're Coming Outta The Walls!": +3 with Stealth; Only In Home

    Environment (-1)

    0 Survival (varies) 8-


    SKILLS Cost: 44


    Cost: PERKS

    PERKS Cost: 0


    Cost: TALENTS

    3 Bump of Direction

    TALENTS Cost: 3



    25 Distinct. Feature: 7' + Tall Alien insect like creature. Always noticed +15, Ext.Com react: Fear+10. Not distinctive to other of same race/society -5, Common Sense+0

    10 Physical Limitation: Near human intelligence Frequently +10, Slight +0

    20 Psychological limitation: Must protect the Queen and eggs: Common+10, Total+10

    20 Psychological limitation: Avoids/fears fire: Common+10, Strong+5

    20 Psychological Limitation: Compelled to capture hosts for implantation rather than outright kill. Very Common +15, Strong +5

    25 Social Limitation: Subserviant to Queen: Very Frequently +15, Severe +10


    DISADVANTAGES Points: 105

    Base Pts: 233

    Disadvantages: 105

    Characteristics: 91

    Powers: 247

    Skills: 44

    Perks: 0

    Talents: 3

    Total cost: 338

  18. Re: Top 10 Insupportable Premises in Comic Book Universes


    On Religion:


    Interview with a preacher:


    Preacher: So Alien X you are the member of an Alien Race that spans over 100 star systems which is allied with over 2 dozen comparable sized allied star empires?


    Alien X: That is correct human.


    Preacher: So how many of people would you say believe in God?


    Alien X: Which God?


    Preacher: uhh... well..you know.. God.


    Alien X: As in the one that you yourself worship?


    Preacher: Uhh..Yes


    Alien X(doing some calculations in his head): A few hundred million but just on one planet.



    I think that proof of extraterestrial life will shake the very foundations of Earth's Religions. Heck, there are people who practically worship aliens and UFOs now and have origin of human mythologies the center on an extraterrestrial origin for humans and this is based on wild speculation and conspiracy theory. In comic worlds Aliens should practically have seats at the UN.


    As for Gods, mythical beasts, angels, demons etc...if you have a mixture of these that would shake the world too.

    Christian: Look at the proof of my God ..(points to an angel fighting a demon over the city)

    Skeptic: Yeah but what about them ( points to Hercules fighting Thor) or her (points to Shiva walking down the street destroying everything in her path)


    Basically if Angels and Demons are proof than so are these other entities and they at least point out that there are other dieties which would rock Monotheistic religions.


    I am not saying truly religious people would throw in the towel but many people who are not very religious would definitely find more reasons not to believe. Polytheistic religions would just expand to encompass more gods much like the Romans did, they felt you should not anger any Gods so venerated all (their main gripe with Christians is that the Christians did not pay respect or homage to the other gods and they felt this would bring doom down on all of their heads.)

  19. Re: Top 10 Insupportable Premises in Comic Book Universes


    I can think of one comic series that did take the world into account. Watchmen. of course Watchmen is more Science Fiction than Comic. Supergenius tech changed the World. Characters grew old. Dr. Manhattan was used a pawn by the government in the Cold War with Russia and more directly in Vietnam. Ozimandius capitalized on his fame as a superhero for profit (not that it was needed with his genius and business acumen.) The entire Comic series was restricted to a certain timeline so you did not have to worry about real world changes showing up in the Comic.



    Of course, this Graphic novel is an exception.


    My campaign will certainly touch on many of the issues that you have brought up.


    You also forgot to mention, that Biologically speaking, for every useful, extreme mutation, how many mutations should be extremely deleterious. There should be masses of stillborn and malformed babies for every Jean Grey or Scott Summers. And I am not talking about malformed mutants with usefull powers like the Morlocks either.


    In the DC universe i am surprised that the US government has not tried to kill/capture/ or control superman or at the very least developed means to do so (please forgive my ignorance of the DC universe if this has been explored.) It may be nice and fine that supes is patriotic and beats up criminals but there are criminal politicians or even if they are honest they may have a policy that supes does not like. Imagine Superman flying around and destroying abortion clinics, and the authorities can do nothing. I don't see even a benevolent Country willing to be powerless against one single "man"

  20. Re: I love me some xenomorphs!


    I am not a big Sigourney Weaver fan either. Alien franchise definitely did not need her and could thrive without her. Aliens arriving independently of Ripley and her ship to the prison colony would have done wonders for Alien 3. It's as if Ripley has Disadvantage: Hunted: Aliens 18-. The first 5 minutes of the movie soured the entire film. And her death sequence was way too dramatic..yeesh...die already. Apparently dying did not help remove the Hunted disadvantage either since she became a frickin clone.


    We got nukes...sharp sticks...

  21. Re: A Number Six 'follower'


    You could build it as a follower or sidekick with Desolidy always on and invisibility to both visual and hearing groups except to gem bearer. Perhaps invisibility to mental or magical sense groups as well if you want.

  22. Re: Alien v. Pooh!


    You know, Pooh might stand a chance. I mean Tigger, Eyeore, and he are all stuffed animals so should be fine. Owl, Piglett and Rabbit are a bit small for facehuggers. Christopher Robins on the other hand is screwed.

  23. Re: I love me some xenomorphs!


    I love the second movie. I think the level of detail that made the movie awesome. The colonial marine weapons, armor, and vehicles were definitely believable and made sense. The way that the aliens moved set them apart from all the horror movies that had a guy dressed in a bulky monster suit (many of those suits looked horrifying but when the actor moved around in the full body scenes it not only looked fake but felt fake.) Of course now adays you can just use really good CGI but back then CGI was not even in it's infancy. They filmed Aliens with like 4 Alien drone suits and essentially puppets.


    Aliens 3...bleh.. they should had stayed on LV and watched the nuclear sunrise... it would have saved more lives, what a waste. It also irritates me that Ripley was needed in any of the films past the first and maybe the second. I had the feeling that they made Alien 3 just to lay that charcter to rest. A new cast with a well written script and fresh characters would not have gone amiss.


    Aliens 4 more bleh. The reason they use humans as hosts for the Alien seems to support the Alien taking characteristics of the host..i.e. they wanted a somewhat smart Alien so that they could training it rather than using a lesser animal as host, maybe they should have used dogs instead to breed loyalty and protectiveness. XENODACHSHUND!!!!!! I never got why the Ripley Clone was part Alien...of course I watched this movie once so i am going off of memory.


    AVP gets 2 thumbs up


    AVP Requiem: boo hiss... many different things really bug me in this movie. Alien blood melting off the hunter's arm, the Alien Predator Hybrid,...etc.. Also some disturbing scenes such as with the maternity ward......yes...they went there and crossed the line.


    On the origin of the Xeno's: I am of the opinion that they could have evolved naturally. There does not seem to be much evidence either way really and both theories are possible. Previous post have mentioned Biomechanical aspect but i think that was in Giger's concept art not in the depiction of the creatures in the film.

  24. Re: How to build: Aliens


    Revised Acid blood:


    Molecular acid for blood ACID SPLASH: 3D6 energy Blast:


    Advantages(+5 1/2)

    Continuous (+1),

    NDD: Dilution in water, removing armor, foci, or clothing with acid on them( activation roll or time to remove , PD Force Field (+1),

    Does body (+1),


    0 End (+1/2),

    Area of effect 1 Hex: Double Radius & Nonselective (+1),

    Personal immunity: +1/4

    Uncontrolled: (+1/2)


    Limitations: (-2 3/4)

    Gradual effect: 1 turn losing 1 DC per every 4th phase (-1/4),

    Range Lim: No Range (-1/2),

    Limited Power: Damage Class based on amount of Body, Max 3 DC (-1 );

    Limited Power: Against organic beings composed mostly of water, such as humans, halve the body damage taken ( calculate stun normally) (-1)


    Whenever an Alien gets damaged it bleeds acid. In the Aliens movie the colonial Marines get acid on them but it is not quite as nasty on flesh as it is on metals and other non organic materials but it did stun them. This also fits in with Predator blood neutralizing the Alien Acid blood somewhat as well. The aliens hive also takes little to no Dmage from the acid; probably not a good idea to bleed all over the hive and cause some sort of collapse.


    Ideas for adders:


    MinorTransform : Create holes and acid damage: it may be better just to simulate with normal damage to the environment rather than a transform or change environment.



    Molecular Acid blood: Self Defense:

    Naked Power Advantage: Damage Shield: (+1/2)= 3 pts


    This is to simulate the effects of say a swordsman stabbing the Alien and coming back with a melting sword. It does make it a bit more overpowered becuase the example swordsman would have a damaged foci + possibly take damage from the triggered effect of the Alien taking body damage or consider a hand to hand attack ouch. Or should I just call it part of the triggered special effect or just add damage shield to the base power instead of as a naked advantage?

  25. Re: How to build: Aliens


    Thanks Christougher for the links. Unfortuantely at work some websites are blocked, should have checked Starhero here though or wait to I get off work.


    Yeah I was thinking 8D6 was a bit over the top. 4D6 sounds better and I may reduce the explosion radius. I really only want a 5 meter radius blast area or so and that is for when the eliens gets hit by something pretty powerful.


    Blue Cloud 2k2: Some of the movies I will not be considering Canon to the mythology. Beyond the second movie the screenwriters were out to lunch and I like to pretend that those movies do not exist. And the Second AVP movie was likewise a bad, guy in a monster suit, horror movie.


    I also do not really like the concept of the aliens taking on the host's characteristics...seems pretty far fetched. I will pay homage to the idea though by having the Aliens take on the life support features of their host. For example, a human based Alien on the surface of Mars might be in big trouble. But above that I do not intend on making them "The Brood" from Marvels X-men universe.

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