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Everything posted by Parabola

  1. This is from, I think, the first edition Champions cover. Does anybody know who the guy in the middle is? Or any of them? I remember this book from way back. Also, anybody have the character sheet for the guy? Thanks. Edit: Sorry about the spelling error in the title.
  2. Valuable lesson yesterday, or reminder, of why players don't get allotted the kinds of points we see from NPC arch-villains. We were talking about a 700 point Champions game that is running (500 base + 200 disadvantages). I knew there's a 693 points version of Dr. Destroyer in BotD so I thought I would consider just changing the disadvantages and a few skills and abilities to make it fit my concept. Then the guy started describing his character and another character in the game and I realized that, on the same points, any one of these PCs would absolutely curbstomp Destroyer because almost every single point is dedicated to being as invincible as possible. In my ideal world, if you have 250 points, you probably optimize. On 700, you start thinking much more about the nuances of the character, how long he's lived, how many skills he's accumulated and you divide the points with consideration for much more role-playing. Of course, far too often, that's NOT what happens. You just get people who have an extra 450 points for getting more powerful. So I realized that the 700 points version of DD would be the weakest character on the team when the players have 700 points too.
  3. Well, someone mentioned the possibility of running it in the future.
  4. Yes I thought about that. I haven't looked over the SD character sheet in minute detail yet but I noted the "science and sorcery" angle where he's a powered armor wearing sorcerer and the armor is a product of both science and the arcane. There's even one Doom series where he sold his soul for greater sorcery powers which matches up nicely with Shadow Destroyer. I suspect SD probably outclasses Doom in some ways but Doom has the timestop, the time travel, the power-jacking, etc. But SD may well be the closest equivalent to Doom in Champions.
  5. That does seem to be a misconception that people commonly have. I was talking to a guy I game with and he was telling me how DD started as kind of a Doom equivalent but has become more a Darkseid/ Thanos character. Clearly, he was working from the idea that Shadow Destroyer is another advancement of Dr. Destroyer which I realized was wrong as soon as I started reading the SD section. Right now, I'm involved in a Mega Traveler game and a Pathfinder game but I'm hoping in the future that someone is going to be willing to run Champions.
  6. Mostly Vanguard as he was presented as being about equal to Destroyer. In reading BotD, I had the feeling that most of the characters DD killed were just "toss-off" names since those characters were just there to quickly die. I also found it interesting/ amusing that James Harmon IV, who is a basic starting level character in the main Champions world, is the ultimate evil in the dark world and nobody in the Champions world so far knows he is the doppelganger of Defender.
  7. Thanks. There are also references on BotD to other characters such as Vanguard. Are there actual writeups of these characters? Edit: Incidentally, I was also looking to see if there were any good writeups of Dr. Doom in Hero as he is similar to but also quite different in many ways from Dr. Destroyer. I suspect there would be some things that would be tricky to do such as his timestop device.
  8. I haven't posted here for a looooong time but this is a fantastic writeup. I don't have 6th edition so I don't even know what this new stat, MD, even is. I bought "The Book of the Destroyer" and it has revamped my interest in Champions. I find Dr. Destroyer to be way, way, way too powerful to work in any game I've been in but the background is interesting.
  9. Thanks to everyone who replied. I started playing Hero system back in the days of the first edition in 1984-85. I'm rusty now as I haven't played for years. However, I still occasionally love making something up for fun. The idea of making up a holo-deck was just an idea I had after watching the "It's Only A Paper Moon" episode of DS9, arguably my favorite DS9 episode. I'm also working from 5th edition so some stuff people mentioned like "Barrier" are unknown factors to me. I agree that probably the easiest way is Interdimensional Travel. It is usually stated in Star Trek that the holo-rooms (decks on a ship as presumably a whole deck is dedicated to holo-rooms; suites on a space station) give the illusion of being bigger than they really are. But, realistically, people would be running into walls. There was the episode where two teams of real people played a baseball game. So, everyone from the Catcher at one end to the center fielder at the other were standing at a distance from each other of a regulation baseball field and that is waaaaay bigger than the holo-rooms are shown to be when they are powered off. So probably better to say it's a bit of a Doctor Who/ TARDIS equivalent where the inside is bigger than the outside and that's a pocket dimension aka Interdimensional Travel. Just assume they have near total control of the dimension (until something goes wrong, of course), which didn't exist until they created it. It may not be the most challenging way to do a Star Trek holo-deck but it is probably the easiest.
  10. I wasn't quite sure which board to post this on. I just wondered if anyone has ever tried making up the Star Trek holo-decks in Hero Games or has ideas about how to do it?
  11. I decided to take a shot at making up Q from Star Trek for Hero 5th edition. It's been a long time since I've played so bear with me. Any constructive criticism or corrections would be fine. Keep in mind, I realize that, in many ways, it is silly to make up a character who has powers on such a cosmic scale but I just did it for fun. Q STR 13 (3 pts.), DEX14 (12 pts.), CON 30 (40 pts.), BODY 30 (40 pts.), INT 30 (20 pts.), EGO 33 (46 pts.), PRE 25 (15 pts.), COMM 10 (00 pts.), PD 8 (5 pts.), ED 8(2 pts.), SPD 4 (16 pts.), REC 9 (00 pts.), END 120 (30 pts.), STUN 60 (8 pts.) TOTAL: 237 PTS. SKILLS Bribery 8- (1 pt.), Computer Programming 15- (3 pts.), Area Knowledge: Milky Way Galaxy 15- (3 pts.), Navigation: Space 15- (2 pts.), Navigation: Temporal 15- (1 pt.), Persuasion 14- (3 pts.), Power 15- (3 pts.), Science: Astronomy 15- (3 pts.), Science: Physics 15- (3 pts.), Systems Operation 15- (3 pts.), Transport Familiarity: Space Planes (Space Shuttles) 8- (1pt.), Knowledge Skill: Literature 15- (3 pts.), Knowledge Skill: History 15- (3 pts.) TOTAL: 32 PTS. PERQUISITES Reputation as an extremely powerful entity over a galacticregion (this works to his advantage as people tend to stay out of his way whilehe does as he pleases) 11- (2 pts.) TOTAL: 2 PTS. TALENTS Universal Translator 17- (24 pts.) TOTAL: 24 PTS. POWERS Damage Reduction 75% Resistant vs. Physical, Energy andMental (180 pts.), Flash Defense 5 each versus sight, hearing and smell (15pts.), Healing: One Body per turn (Heal Limbs; Resurrection: Can bekilled permanently if slain by mental attacks but in the Star Trek Universe,only other Q or other ‘omnipotent’ entities would have that level in mentalpowers; No Endurance Cost. +1/2; Persistent. +1/4; Extra Time: One Turn. -1;Self Only. -1/2) (24 pts.), Life Support: Self-Contained Breathing; Diminished Eating:None; Diminished Sleep: None; Safe Environments: Low Pressure/ Vacuum, HighPressure, High Radiation, Intense Heat, Intense Cold; Longevity: Doesn’t Age;Immunity: All diseases and poisons in the universe (Megascale. +3) (70 pts.), Mental Defense 28 (21 pts.), Power Defense 20 (20 pts.) Multi-Power: Teleportation 800 pts. (800 pts.) Teleportation 20” (Increased Mass x32; Position Shift; NoRelative Velocity; Safe Blind Teleport) (100 pts.) = u 10 pts. Teleportation 10” (362 pts.) = u 36 pts. (Increased Mass x30 million or 25 doublings; Safe BlindTeleport; Megascale. +1 1/4: Planetary distances per game inch) Teleportation 10” (399 pts.) = u 40 pts. (Increased Mass x30 million or 25 doublings; Safe BlindTeleport; Megascale. +1 1/2: Planet to moon distances per game inch) Teleportation 10” (471 pts.) = u 47 pts. (Increased Mass x30 million or 25 doublings; Safe BlindTeleport; Megascale. +2: Earth to sun distances per game inch) Teleportation 10” (580 pts.) = u 58 pts. (Increased Mass x30 million or 25 doublings; Safe BlindTeleport; Megascale. +2 3/4: Solar system distances per game inch) Teleportation 10” (761 pts.) = u 76 pts. (Increased Mass x30 million or 25 doublings; Safe BlindTeleport; Megascale. +4: One hundred light years per game inch) Teleportation 10” (797 pts.) = u 80 pts. (Increased Mass x30 million or 25 doublings; Safe BlindTeleport; Megascale. +4 1/4: 100,000 light years per game inch) TOTAL: 1477 PTS. POWER FRAMEWORKS Variable Power Pool: 400 usable pts. (Cosmic: Instant withno skill roll. +2 to control cost) (1000 pts.) Variable Skills Pool: 4 usable pts. (Cosmic: Instant with noskill roll. +2 to control cost; only for skills. -1/2) (8 pts.) TOTAL: 1008 PTS. GRAND TOTAL: 2780 PTS. DISADVANTAGES Hunted: Kaldamarane (or however you spell it; Less Powerful)8- (+5 pts.), Psych Lim: Being sarcastic and annoying (Very Common butmoderate) (+15 pts.), Reputation: He was mad, he was bad, he was an extremelypowerful and dangerous entity that it wasn’t safe to know (Extreme) 8- (+10pts.) TOTAL: +30 PTS. BASE: 100 PTS. DISADVANTAGES: +30 PTS. ALL-POWERFUL NPC BONUS: +2650 PTS. TOTAL: 2780 PTS. I decided to separate his teleportation from his VPP as he's teleporting all the time. I gave his Immunity to Disease the megascale. I know that't not really how megascale works but I wanted to imply it works against everything in the universe. I honestly don't know if a 400 pt. VPP really covers everything Q has done though I did work out a bunch of things. In one episode, the Q war against each other was translating into the physical universe as super novas. I don't know if it is feasible to even guess what sort of power that would take. At any rate, I'm sure this can be picked apart. Just for fun, I really would like to arrive at something that matches the feats he performed in the shows.
  12. Re: Norse Gods in Fantasy Hero Now that would definitely sell. "Mythical Hero", a Deities&Demigod style of book for Hero featuring character sheets for gods and mythical heroes.
  13. Re: Norse Gods in Fantasy Hero Got your 5th edition book in front of me right now. Well, a bit to the side actually. The keyboard is in front of me. Would you ever consider doing (just for us adoring on-line fans) just Thor himself as you might perceive him to be in Norse myth? Or just the main deities? I'd love to see a Norse Myth book. But at the same time, just seeing a few of the gods would be great. Unlike Greek myth, the Norse myths don't give us enough to really make up most of the gods. I'd guess probably Thor, Odin and Loki and maybe (a big maybe) Freyja. Heck, just do a few of the main deities on-line and charge to download it. I'd buy it.
  14. Re: Norse Gods in Fantasy Hero So, what is your favorite Norse Mythology book? I'd say mine was a collection translated by a man named Kevin Crossley-Holland. Its too bad such a book might not sell very well. Did "Mythic Greece" do well back in the day? I realize a Greek Myth book might be a bit of a better seller. I understand the Egypt book did pretty well too?
  15. Hi. I remember the Mythic Greece book from years ago and how it did the best job I have ever seen in a game of quantifying the Greek gods or any gods. To my knowledge, Hero Games never did that for any other pantheon but I wondered if there have been any unofficial attempts to do write-ups for the Norse gods or other panetheons of gods in Hero? I mean the versions from the myths, of course, not the comic book versions. Thanks.
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