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About BlacKlily

  • Birthday 07/02/1967

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  • Biography
    Run a group of nine in champions.
  • Occupation
    Pastry Chef

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  1. I found a dry erase hex map with a square map on the back and dry erase markers work really well for rough area battle map..oh also the clears cell maps from battle tech translate really well for modern games. quickie factorys or seedy parts of towns..etc We use figures for the battles and dice under the figures to represent flight.
  2. To the kindly rules lawyer I never mess around with house rules. In respect to another rules Lawyer (two I will call him) in my campaign who will hold his rules complaints off until after the game and brings the book with him and shows me his problems with my interpretations of the rules. I always do a type copy of the house rules for each player. I wish that my other rule lawyer (the obnoxious game halter one) was more like the other one, because rule lawyer Two will at least wait until games end, and find all the rules he disagrees with to both show me and discuss them. Sometimes he is right and sometimes I am right, and sometimes it is open to interpretation, and he can accept that...too bad he cannot train the other rules lawyer in that.
  3. Personally as a Gm I favor the ones who roleplay. So even the few hard core number crunchers I have now work to round out thier character more. The number crunchers often help the more Role oriented players with streamlining thier characters and using the rules...all expect one...who refuses help from anyone then gripes later. I have found over the years that by starting limits, and asking the number crunchers to help the roleplayers with steamlining characters I get a great mix....except for the one guy who just will not accept help and is sure he knows everything. That is the player who miss quotes rules often, and wants to be the center of attention in all things. However he coined these two phrases and started the same disscussion I started here on our groups game site...and well it got me thinking about my style as a player and GM. To be honest he has really has forced me to keep on my toes and provide a very interactive game. Just sometimes it is so exhusting.
  4. I run a large group of 9, I have both my number Crunchers, and my Role-players, for this reason I do story driven campaigns with high action. But occasionally usually after one of my number crunchers do a mighty stunt in combat, the rolplayers get peeved and start whining about character power. So over the years I have put caps on starting powers and stats and even taking the time to tell the role-players how do some of the basic number crunching tricks. From this I have learned that building the character properly in the first place to follow or grow into your hero's concept is actually far more powerful then a cool concept. Opinions?
  5. I am the Gm For Referance I am the Gm of both a scarred Lands and also a champions game. We game twice a week with me and my husband alternating weeks on who game it is. He is just running a D%D game now.
  6. Whether or not to charge a little more to allow use of the skills in the VVP as part of the cost is really your call. As the Gm you need to do what is fair and works with your game and players. Just be ready to explain why and how it works no matter what your call is and the player generally accept your ruling on things.
  7. Mind vs Body One the rulings I made with a shape changer player character is his mind is still his mind. All physical attributes were changes, but no intelligence or ego. In game terms that meant two things. For creatures with things like scent...or Sonar...he has to master using them and put these skills on his base form sheet. IE: Knowledge skill smells (knows basic scants of people he knows, food items, local flora and fauna Etc.... He had a skill roll for using both Sonar and flight. Now part two If he had a skill applicable to the form, he could use it. IE: as a monkey he could use his weapon familiarity if he could lift it..or his acrobatics. also his sign language, but a badger...has incorrect hands for weapons, sign language...and well a badger is not made to swing about... You would need a competent player, with alot of common sense and one willing to go with gm's rulings on each animal abilities of which skills they could use.
  8. Yes I will have to use my husbands D&D maps and hex ruler...sorta nice he also made templates of 5 different sizes of radius attacks and cones in hex on one side and then grid on the other. I just hate drawing the little master maps. Someone always looks over and makes comments on my so so drafting skills...I am a chef not an engineer Dammit...Jim, Oh wrong reference.
  9. Thank you D-Man I really appreciate your reply. It helped me go from pissed off and really leery of this next game where team work will be crucial to my player to some real good logical steps, some of which I can do today before the game tomorrow. My husband already asked him to leave his game and his wife still plays, but the player bombed both my husband's email and the group site for three weeks straight and we were force to remove him off our game site log. The player has a habit of really making these things personal.
  10. So been there I have a player that both upstarts me and my other players. I am very close to telling him to leave, which could cause problems with another player his wife. This player read anything he knows you have for source material and also game lawyers. Problem is when he game lawyers he read only part of the ruling or explanation mid combat. This often forces me to stop and pull out the book to check the full then have to pass it around to all players to prove I am right. Next he reads and makes notes on all villains out of any source book he thinks I have, I told the players in the beginning to not count on the villain write ups because I will be adjusting them for my campaign and the safest info for those with KS about villains and mutants should consult me with a roll not the books. He throws fits when a villain uses something not in the books and often halts the game with his arguments. I am still working around it and the player now back me instead of him on rulings but it is still irritating.
  11. Joker from Batman detective and the darker comic strings. Green goblin from early spider man when it was The rich mad genuis. The things he put his son thru and Spiderman....nastry, to use and break your own kid for the sake of revenge and power. After that I like Lex Luther and Kingpen, Master Minds are wonderful. They are able to bring so much to the table, and influnce so many areas of life for the heroes. Lex Luther and Kingpen did some bravo smear campians that made the heroes life so much more difficult on top of their ability to bring in high powered villians.
  12. Normals can be a challage in a mystery gameI had a serial killer with stats like a fo I had a serial killer with stats like a football player and was a competent normal. He had on thing that gave my mentalist woogies…Dual mind….not a power a mental disorder. It gave him some resistance to mind powers and suggestion abilities. It also gave him an accidental change problem of course it was for a personality. Even worse he was a lawyer in the DA’s office and sometimes works with this group. Because he was a common NPC in the game and often helped the heroes with some of the legal codes and such they trusted him…odd behavior was often thought as the poor guy had a bad day. The case was finally broke by one of my skilled based character through hard work, following up on clues and deduction. But it took the poor character almost 4 days of play to convince the rest of the group she was right. She almost didn’t and was trying to think of way to give the purloined info and evidence to the police without getting into hot water. Fun game. This was the side bar to a whole campaign of about 12 games of the group vs. organized crime with supers.
  13. I am looking for a good place to get game maps, like maybe an abandoned factory and warehouses on the wharf. I have tried to draw it but my mapping skills are poor at best. Any suggestions?
  14. Mentalist vs Tank I like the 5th addtions rules alot. They put in alot of stuff we put in a house rule to clarify things, like dive for cover. the funny part of it is my mentallist tends to dive for cover most often, and my armored tank guy poses and takes it..I will be taking advantage of that and wrote up a villian just for that.
  15. BlacKlily

    PSI info

    I am looking for some sites on PSI and NPC's for PSI, including agents. I have the new villians book, but getting Champions stuff in my area is limited. I have tried download books, but with three teen, someone alway mess it up or deletes it. Does anyone one here know some good sites for more then the basic information on PSI?
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