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Posts posted by Badger

  1. Re: What Would Your Character Do? #66


    My namesake is not easily mind controlled. Though he is very uncomfortable and awkward around the opposite sex, so he might run in fear as flirting is a situation he probably wouldnt be able to handle.


    Though a member of one of my old groups would probably do some flirting back. Though he would be pretty sure he saw this on a porno.

  2. Re: What character concepts make you cringe?


    I'm in the category of never understood fascination with lesbians either. But anyway the thing that does get a little tired to me is the every super looks like a model thing. One time I just went with "He looks a lot like me, damnit" approach. As you can guess I am a bit unattractive (ok, a lot). Needless to say I saved points on the COM category to spend elsewhere. :D


    I also cringe a bit with most cases of regeneration. Not an unacceptable power but it isnt going to be case of healing from the brink of death in 8.5 seconds or whatever. :rolleyes:

  3. Re: Too many stats in Hero


    Being good at math during my school days, the large number of characteristics dont bother me much. I could see combining the defenses into a single stat (with some disadvantages and such to show how a person might be affected less or more by one or the other) and I dont see much use in PRE and COM except for extreme circumstances (they arent really needed much if roleplayed properly). I wouldnt mind seeing an IQ stat so we could have an easier time figuring out the geniuses and dummies. But I do admit some things can be intimidating. If it wasnt for HERO Designer I'd have a time figuring out how much some of my powers would cost sometimes. But then again some math in real life is mysterious to me (I still have a time figuring out interest rates) :eek:


    Basically I like this system more than others I've tried. And all games will have flaws mo matter how hard they are worked at.

  4. Re: Your Character's Greatest Fear?


    Not sure. if my namesake has fears he keeps it hidden. Thinking off the top of my head, probably 3 things could qualify, although genetic he would be afraid to lose his powers. He had to see most of his family die as a youngster as he was powerless to do anything (this was before his powers manifested as a young adult). Also being fiercely independent he would probably be a little afraid of your-cliche-evil mentalist controlling his mind. Also now that he has turned to fighting crime probably lack of crime. This event would mean the loss of purpose he has in life.

  5. Re: Statting up NPCs on the fly.


    Didnt somebody on here create a random character generator that could help maybe. You could just print out a few "spares" for emergency. I cant remember the website for this random character generator so maybe someone else can help you out there. In any case I like to have a few spares on hand in case somebody goes unexpected on me.

  6. I see. I was just misunderstanding a couple of points. Thanks.


    By the way, I'm trying to create a power armor player. I was curious would it be easier as some form of multiform. My argument for that is he would be just an average guy (relatively) without the armor. But would have a definite higher power level after putting on the armor. With enhanced STR, DEX, an energy blasts, etc.

  7. Well one time when I was a teenager, I felt some feeling of a kind of sadness out of the blue my mind kept straying to a great-uncle of mine. An hour later my mother called to say she had just found out he had died. The time of death was within 2 minutes of when I had that feeling.

  8. Undead are supposed to be dead, so in most cases this would be ok. Also a religious type character should get the ok on killing the demon.



    But I do have to agree that it depends on what the character believes of these opponents on what he will do.


    It's so much easier not to have that annoying Code vs Killing thing.:D

  9. Dear Abby,


    This is Phil again. It appears I have another problem. After moving away from my hometown of Punxsutawney, I moved to Metropolis to start a new life. I wanted one more shot at a normal life. I got into an anger management program. Unfortunately, my celebrity had followed me. Some annoying reporter at a local newspaper we'll call "Lois" thought she had story in my troubles. She hounded me day and night, calling me at all hours wanting a statement from me. Finally, I had had enough I went down to where she works and confronted her. I just wanted to be left alone. So she got her muscle, some guy in pajamas with an "S" on the front. This guy was obviously one of the other reporters that works their "Clark" with his glasses off (apparently I was the only one who noticed this fact.). Well he proved a good fight. It was a stalemate until a bratty photographer that worked there "Jimmy" decided to take a picture of the fight. With my understandable hatred of cameras this again was too much. I summarily dispatched "Jimmy" with a 30d6 energy blast. This apparently mad "Clark" (excuseme, the S guy) very mad. Though i overpowered him (just barely) I was too weak to finish him off. This brings me too my question, later that night I got a call from "Lex", he wanted me to join his group "Legion of Doom". Apparently they were having problems with a member named Riddler who was basically mooching off the other 12 of them. Doing nothing but eating pork rinds and watching Oprah. They wanted to cut him loose and make me the 13th member. So should I join or respectfully decline and remain free-lance?

  10. You are still grieving apparently, as you hold out hope for resurrection (apparently a cry of denial). I would suggest you wait till you feel it is right to date again. As for resurrection this is rare even in a superheroes life so there isnt much hope I am afraid.

  11. Your dependent NPCs who always get catured every single session. Look like they would be traumatized from being catured every week. I mean being kidnapped is supposed to be traumatic. That many times and you'll end up in the looney bin. Once or twice is fine but all the time?


    Another that bothers me a bit of the comic genre (never had to deal with this much in a game mind you) but what I call the Joker Syndrome. You know how the Joker escapes from Arkham every other Tuesday, kills a couple dozen people during lunch hour, gets captured by Batman and put back in. After the 9th or 10th time, if I were Batman, I'd just kill him and be done with it.:rolleyes:

  12. I cant remember exactly but I think an episode of the anime Cowboy Bebop, one character named Spike did this with a poker chip (actually a specially disguised computer chip that was important to the bad guys) and he later coughed it back up after the battle. Just an example of where it occurred before.;)


    Though this "talent" will probably gross out certain PC and NPCs you might encounter.

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